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Mysterious Request

This took place at 1:30 Am October 22, 1985. On a Tuesday. Robert had a break-down in December of 1985. Merri was born January 25, 1984.; Robert was wringing his hands-over if he could afford the expenses, if he should lose his job in Albany, Oregon. We, Lois, had called me back at work. Robert called back to say, that he was told by a friend, that it was a spiritual attack and would last until you got your list made. You were to make a list of ten things that would bring you joy in this lifetime.

Note: Rosemary worked at Rainbow West, Christian Bookstore, Albany, Oregon

One: To lose excess fat and water and weight immediately.

Two: Stay at 140 or less pounds, whatever is healthy for me.

Three: To see each of the family become what God meant us to become.

Four: I like our house but would like, but would like a better suzan one for life and minister. Maybe I had the wrong concept all along, becasue my need had had never been developed, but on a small scale. Maybe that’s all that it was meant o be. “A gracious home for family – space and ministry would include visual beauty and space, developing a guest area.” Iv’e aleways seen our hous as a safety zone or oasis. I am proud of each of my family memebers. They have doen well and will continue to grow.

Five: Money enough to be solvent, and free to come and go where Lord indicates, because of my music.

Six: Continue in growing/developing, companionable. Like, relationship with Jesus of Nazarath.

Seven: A good organ.

Eight: Robert and I to have health-wisdom, sense of humor, and wealth to raise Merri and whatever Children the Lord had in mind.

Nine: To see Robert wright his books. He is making note cards with info on the first world war.

Ten: FOr Fran and Mom to marry a soul-mate, and religion, and otherwise, and Lois to have this in her marriage.

Question: Who si the friend.

We moved to a Victorian house in Albany, Oregon in 1986. Robert found a fixer-upper.

More Stories:

Brother Visits After Death

Rosemary’s brother had passed away and visited her in a sleepy vision that felt more than just a dream. The Lord (Jesus) was with him. He walked in the house and through the living room, and then out the back door.

In passing he said a message of apology for being an absent brother during this life.

Husband Visits After Death

My sister Fran did not like my husband, Robert. While the rest of us were at the memorial, Fran stayed behind. The reasoning was to occupy the house so home invaders would not ransack the food that was meant for the post-memorial dining.

Robert, deceased, showed up with an Angel and said, “Fran, Rosemary has forgiven me, so can you forgive me?”

Fort Rock UFO

My siter Lois had a visitor in her trailer-home in the Fort Rock desert of Oregon. The guest saw a UFO fly close and then went over the nearby cliffs of the hillside. The Guest mentioned it and Lois said, “You just saw the moon.” The guest responded, “Then the moon just flew over the hillside.”

Lebanon Home Invasion

Rosemary sold that Albany home and left Albany for Lebanon, Oregon, about twenty miles away. A fresh start?

She started waking up with needle marks in her arms. Bruises too. Her sister Fran, said the same thing had been happening to her…

Secretive Weather Balloon

A weather balloon fell onto my mom’s property in Fort Rock, Oregon. A phone number on it gave the contact info. After calling, a government worker had to go all the way out there to get it. He said he thought it may have been just for weather patterns, but still, to tell no one.

Message from Granville Roland Boatwright

It was a Friday, the month of October 25, or 1985, at 3:50 PM.

My father loved baby animals. He would carry baby ducks in his shirt pocket.

He is especially pleased with me, and about the new baby girl. I was pregnant with Katera. And about all the children and how they are seeking the lord. Heaven is really more than waht he expected. He had laughed at the idea of how he looked, liked he was 27 years old. He said we will recognize him when we see him. He s=is delighted at how all the girls are doing. That would be Francis, Lois, and Rosemary. Probably Mom (Genny) too. He met Robert’s dad. He was happy to have gotten away from the aches and pains of an earthily body. He was happy that the Lord had been lifting me up. Robert did not want another child and prayed about it. That the baby would not make it. My pregnancy was not going well. He was afraid financially to have another child. We don’t know how long this had been going on (the Lord had been uplifting me.

It was supposed happen, something special, in October. Good is good. Dad wants everyone to stop grieving for him. He is better off than everybody and having a good time. It will be easier to explain more about heaven when we get there.

To Robert,

You have such a long way to go yet. Robert had health problems from 1983 to 1987, he died February 28, 1997. Dad thanked mom for the box of Havanna cigars. We had gone on a honeymoon to Victoria Canada, for a honeymoon/anniversary. Mom and Dad kept the kids while we were gone. Mom was given an English teapot.

Dad was born in Stillwater, Oklahoma, September 7, 1902. He was 74.