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Our Salem Oregon point of contact you may know better as, Dawn the Barber.

BRUNSON, Dawn – Bigfoot Eruption

December 2024

On a personal level am faced with much lately. I claim to have faith, but do I? I mean really really do I?

At the end of the day my answer to that is yes.

But there’s that human part of me that just seems to flail at times with a lot of human attribute feelings and what not…

I don’t know why 80 – 90 years of life seems so long to me awful long.

The word cringe comes to mind when I think about another 50 years.

It does not excite me I’m not hopeful of it

Life is so tedious

For me mostly disappointing not trying to bring you down I guess just giving voice and venting I hope you understand this isn’t a woe is me ….not a cry for help but just merely is how I feel in general it seems most of my life oh who my kidding all of my life really. I’m positive God does not get upset at my feelings but for whatever reason life seems to keep me in that boat some would say that’s a choice I say it’s merely a reflection of situation of constant one for whatever reason I’m still trying to figure that out not in the cards for me too truly be happy if ever and yet those around me would tell you I’m quite happy I must be good at faking that.

Thank God for sleep sleep is a wonderful Escape

I am able to take responsibility for much God the universe the Divine spirit falls on us or gives us awareness and consciousness continually in life whether or not we listen as a whole another ball game

October 2024

Dawn is back. Less one cell phone. Only means of contact is on Messenger.

July 2024

We have lost track of Dawn the Barber and cannot reach her. Yes, we are worried.

July 2023

Gave the hypothesis on evil that led to the new page:

Look At It Differently – Fallen Eruption (

Future takes will be:

Is Bigfoot Real

The Nephilim Agenda

Infrequency of Sex in Marriage

Transhumanism Agenda

Jesus and Mary Magdalene Hypothesis


Recipe for homemade easy – quick elephant ears.

Large flour tortillas.

1 stick or two parts butter per tortilla.1

1 cup oil heated medium high.

1/2 cup white granulated sugar on large plate. Add as little or as much cinnamon needed and mix together well.

Use tongs to mix tortillas in hot oil pan on both sides to golden brown. Will brown fast so don’t look away.

Once tortilla is cooked and crisp, drain excess oil from tortilla and place on plate of melted butter. Flip it over to butter both sides.

Next transfer butter tortilla to the plate of sugar & cinnamon mixture. Shake off excess.

Add whip cream and enjoy. SOOOOO YUM YUM.