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June 29, 2023
Sex Infrequency in Marriage
You’ve heard me say many times about how so many of these sexual issues in our lives are just too complex…
First of all, I primarily make this assertion based on my own life experiences. However, I’m in no way qualified to give you or anyone else sound advice about these matters. You know what’s ironic? It seems that certified counselors and therapists aren’t qualified either.
For the past two hours or so, I’ve been listening to YouTube videos from so-called “Christian Sex Therapists.” This is new for me. Sure, I’ve listened to pastors talk about the subject. However, I’ve never really listened to anyone who has the job of addressing these issues and gets paid for doing so, especially from a Christian perspective. So, what might a $100/hr. session get you? Well, it’s going to get you two possible things.
1. A need for several $100/hr. follow-up appointments.
2. The realization that a Christian Sex Therapist is no wiser than anyone else.
In the videos I’ve watched so far, there is one common denominator among these Christian Sex Therapists. Before I reveal what that is, there’s a couple of other commonalities they all seem to have. First, they all seem to have this idea about “God’s grand design” about human sexuality and what God intended it to be, especially in a marriage. Mind you, they have no proof for making the assertions they make. You, me, or a thousand Christian Sex Therapists could read our Bible’s 500 times, and we will never learn what God’s intended purpose for sex is/was. It’s just not in there. At a very basic level, the only assumption that can be made, from a biblical perspective, is that sex was intended for reproduction. Everything else that Christians think they know about God’s intentions for sex is 100% conjecture. As far as I know, neither God nor Jesus ever talked about sexual intimacy in the Bible. Ok, yes, Mary had sex with a ghost, AKA the Holy Spirit. I mean, I guess this wasn’t technically sex, since her hymen was not breached/torn. She didn’t really have any choice in the matter either, or so it seems. We really don’t ever think about the immaculate conception, do we? When Jesus was born, and He exited Mary’s body through her birth canal and out through her vagina, it would seem to reason that Mary’s hymen was torn at that point. So, was she still a virgin at that point since her hymen had to of been torn when Jesus was born? It certainly is a strange thing to think about. Sorry, I’m getting sidetracked.
Secondly, every Christian Sex Therapist that I’ve listened to so far has acknowledged that there are freaking huge problems when it comes to sex in Christian marriages. They all seem to acknowledge too that in 100% of Christian marriages, no man or wife is 100% sexually compatible. In fact, so many men and women in Christian marriages are miles apart in their sexual desires/sex drive. Furthermore, from what I’ve heard so far, the majority of Christian marriages end up being in the same place as the Infrequency Bondage that we know very well. So, you want to know what they say about these problems? Well, not one of them has yet asserted that a wife is “biblically obligated” to have sex with her husband. No sir…they say no such thing. Instead, you know what they say?
They say nothing!!!!! They offer no solutions. They have said no more than what I’ve said, which is to essentially get to the root of the problem. This means talking to your wife about these things. I mean, I’m sure youre friend has talked to his wife, or at least tried talking to her. The problem is, even when men with good intentions try to talk to wives about these things, they get nowhere. I think part of the problem is that when we make ourselves vulnerable and address these things with our wives, we have this assumption that things will suddenly get better. However, we know that doesn’t happen. Instead, we are often left more frustrated, saddened, and rejected. The thing is, you won’t find the answers in the Bible either. They are not there, and I don’t know why Christians make assertions that the Bible has the answers to these very complicated problems. So, you know what I’ve found to be the MOST COMMON DENOMINATOR among Christian Sex Therapists addressing these issues?
So far, I’ve heard all of these Christian Sex Therapists blame biology and physiology as being the main culprit in sexual problems in Christian marriages. Of course, there are always other problems too…health problems, infidelity, past sexual trauma (abuse or rape that a spouse experienced before the marriage). However, biology and physiology seem to be a focal point for so many of these therapists trying to help couples in their marriages. Mind you, they offer no real solutions. I mean, how do you combat a woman’s desire not to have sex? How do you deal with the crazy hormonal things that are going on in a woman’s body? You certainly aren’t going to find the answers in the Bible, that’ for sure. Does praying about these things work? I have no idea. I’ve never prayed about these things. You would know that answer better than me.
I just find it so interesting that Christian Sex Therapists have no real answers to these problems. At the end of day, they end up aligning themselves with the “scientific viewpoint.” It’s really interesting to hear them talk about the differences in sex drives between a man and a woman. Add in things like menopause and it becomes a matter of biology/physiology. However, there are so many reasons why marriages end up being in a state of “sexlessness.” One guy made a comment about how, in his 18 years of marriage, he could count on two hands how many times he and his wife had sex…that means this man had sex with his wife 10 times or less in his 18-year marriage. That, my friend, is how complicated this crap is.
March 3, 2023
Bigfoot – Photogenic
In my own mind, I go to a slightly different place about this particular issue, this issue of how Bigfoot are not very photogenic. Yes, it could solely be a case THEIR intelligence. However, sometimes I think it might be a case of HOW they exist that doesn’t allow a man to take their picture very often.
Universal Unexplained Phenomenon
For example, at Wyman’s property, you and Wyman have collected “physical evidence” of Bigfoot activity. I’ve seen the photos associated with that physical evidence on your website. This same type of evidence has been collected and presented by many people (foot prints, broken trees, “Bigfoot gifts”). So, when you or Wyman, or anyone else photographs a Sasquatch footprint in the mud, is that an indication that Bigfoot physically exists on the same physical ground that we do? The photographic evidence of that footprint would seem to suggest that it does. However, we can’t ever find Bigfoot, can we? We’re not ever going to find Bigfoot hiding out in an old shed somewhere on Wyman’s property, right? Even though we have “physical evidence” of Bigfoot, it’s not likely that we’ll ever discover the physical place where Bigfoot hangs his hat after he leaves footprints in the mud or snow. I mean, footprints can be tracked, in some cases, for long distances. Then they’ll suddenly stop somewhere in an open field with no explanation as to where the Bigfoot went. When this happens, is this a case of Bigfoot’s intelligence? Or is it a case of something else?
In my mind, all these things associated with Bigfoot and/or other unexplained phenomenon (UFO’s, ghosts, etc), might be a case of “universal intelligence” rather than the single intelligence of a creature such as Bigfoot…and intelligence might actually be the wrong word to describe these things because what’s happening out there seems to exceed the human definition of “intelligence.” Maybe what’s going on is something that has to do with “universal physics”, far beyond what humans currently know.
What would Rod Serling say about these things if he could? It would certainly be a good Twighlight Zone episode, wouldn’t it? When Bigfoot has been reported by witnesses to have killed and eaten a deer, a physical description of this account is given. Physical evidence is left behind, such as blood, entrails, or a carcass. A witness might have actually seen a Bigfoot kill a deer and/or witnessed the Bigfoot eating it. However, what can’t be explained is when that same Bigfoot passes through physical objects as if it has no physical form…or when it vanishes into thin air. Is that the intelligence of Bigfoot at hand? Or is it a glimpse of something else that we cannot humanly understand? Is God/Jesus behind this? Maybe Satan? Or do these things happen because of some other reasoning beyond anything man has imagined? Could it be something that has nothing to do with our Biblical perspective? Or any other religious perspective, for that matter?
When I think about these things, I often go back to Moses and the story of the “Burning Bush.” This is how God presented Himself to Moses? Really? God couldn’t have spoken to Moses in any other way? I also think about Paul and how God/Jesus was revealed to him on the road to Damascus. I think about John in the Book of Revelation and what was revealed to him. I think about the Prophet Muhammad and what the Archangel Gabriel revealed to him in the cave. I also think about Joseph Smith and what was revealed to him by God/Jesus and the Angel Moroni via visions and seer stones. I also think about Jonathan Kleck, the self-proclaimed Angel of the Church of Philadelphia, who had a direct encounter with the Archangel Michael in a dark alleyway in downtown San Antonio, TX. I think about Nostradamus. I think about Harold Camping and Hal Lindsey and their failed prophecies. I think about YouTubers like “Sasquatch Ontario” and his perspective of what Bigfoot is. I think about Robin McCray, and her out-of-this-world perspective about Bigfoot and UFO’s. I think about Sybilla Irwin and her 5-year experience at a real-life Bigfoot habituation site. I think about loved one, and wonder if it was her who gently pressed her fingers into my back nearly two weeks after the horrible thing happened to her.
What is the connection?
I think about all of these things all of the time, but the only thing that really matters to me anymore is that little girl I saw yesterday and the condition she was in. For whatever reason, I cannot make a connection between severe retardation of a child and God/Jesus.
January 11, 2023
Still inventing the best format for this worthy contributor. We think we will list his basic points and questions, below. Next subpages of the basic questions and concerns, given their own page, and then subpages to those that allow others to comment, and hopefully we all come together someday on some of these tough questions.
January 3, 2023
Irritable towards God:
In your last email, you expressed how you were dealing with feelings of being irritable towards God and how you would be dealing with those feelings sometime in the near future. Sorry, I may be paraphrasing a little, but for all intents and purposes, just know that I completely understand what you’re saying. You also questioned the Romans allowing a church state as a means of controlling the masses. Furthermore, you wondered how God could allow this. Now, just multiply these couple of “lines of thought” by another thousand completely different but related lines of thought, and you might get a glimpse of where I am at personally. I’m sure you’ve questioned many other things too…things far beyond anything we’ve discussed. It would be nearly impossible for either one of us to express, in writing, all of the things we’ve questioned in our lifetimes. Nonetheless, we’ve all had questions, haven’t we?
Why do we have questions:
Why? Why do we have questions? In 1 Corinthians 14:33 (KJV), we read, “For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.” The Apostle Paul is telling us in this verse that God is not the author of confusion, but that He is the author of peace…the peace that is found in all churches. Uhhhm, I think we can safely say that this one single scripture alone is so far from being true that it’s almost laughable (no blasphemy intended). I don’t think it’s necessary to spell out all the details here, but one doesn’t have to look very far to see that first of all, there’s certainly no peace in the church. There hasn’t been peace in the church since the church was founded, hence the 30,000+ different denominations we see today. You mentioned how you were looking for an opportunity to teach/lead within your church and bring to light what you feel needs to be taught. Well, in order to do such a thing, you might just have to form a church of your own. That’s just how splintered the so-called followers of Christ are. Why?
Why are the followers of Christ so splintered in their belief:
Why are the followers of Christ so splintered in their beliefs? From this new perspective that I have been considering, not much good has come from the church. Under the umbrella of Christendom, Catholics have killed Protestants and vice versa. Six million Jews were killed under the guise of Christian beliefs during the Holocaust. Yes, according to historical accounts, most in the Nazi party had a belief in some form of Christian religion, albeit mostly Catholic…you know, the religion and faith that ultimately has its roots from Peter. Peter, one of Jesus’s greatest disciples, is considered by Catholics to be the first Pope. Today, there are about 1.3 billion Catholics in the world today. They are the largest religion of Christ followers in the world. An ironic part of Catholicism, I’ve found, is that they knowingly and willingly go against one of the most important commandments of God each and every day in their faith. They put the Pope on a pedestal and idolize him. In fact, the Pope is considered the earthly representation of Christ (aka the Vicor of Christ). This is in direct violation of the first commandment!
Protestant faiths also violate this commandment:
In a way, Protestant faiths also violate this commandment too by way of worshiping Jesus. No, I absolutely mean no blasphemy here. In the Old Testament, God commanded that no one shall worship any other gods. Yet, when we get to the New Testament, Jesus appears on the scene and is worshiped as God. Why? Because He claimed that He was the son of God. Wait, why would God send us another deity to worship when He clearly commanded that we shall not worship any other god? Put yourself in the shoes of the Jews of that day. Imagine yourself as a pharisee or Sadducee. You would be witnessing a man who claimed He was God. As a Jew in those days, being faithful to God and the scriptures, how in the hell were they supposed to understand what was going on? No wonder why they ultimately allowed Pontious Pilate to crucify Jesus.
As Christians, we believe in a triune God:
As Christians, we believe in a triune God… God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit. In essence, we believe in three separate deities. Yet we believe they are one, but at the same time, they are three. This concept was of much controversy in the early days of Christianity. In fact, it was the cause of many problems of the faith for the first few hundred years after Christ. It wasn’t until 325 AD, during the Counsel of Nicea, that this doctrine was accepted. So, for 300+ years, many followers of Christ did not agree that God and Christ were one. From my research, it appears there were many different beliefs about Jesus up to that point. It would take far too long to go into all the different beliefs, but ultimately, it appears that a political agreement was the cause for the doctrine we have today.
A political agreement is cause for what is imbedded in our Christian beliefs today:
Imagine that… a political agreement is cause for what is imbedded in our Christian beliefs today. The thought of this gives me great concern and actually makes me a little sick to my stomach. I’m thinking of Trump right now and how he declared that “Maybe I’m the chosen one” or when he said, “I don’t need to repent, because I like to do things in a way so I don’t need to repent,”…or when he was holding a Bible like a used car salesman standing in front of the church that is across the street from the White House.
Things not as they seem:
So, our former president, a man who claims to be a Christian, a man who bought a $130K porn-star-prostitute and claimed to be “The chosen one”… well, he ultimately brought to the world stage all of the Covid19 vaccines. Not just regular vaccines either. He brought to the stage DNA changing vaccines…in record time and in less than one year. Why am I saying all of these things? I’m not sure. I think what I’m ultimately trying to say is that things are quite possibly not as they seem. That could very well apply to the Bible too. I know that’s a harsh thing to say, and I only mean to say it from an “observational standpoint.”
Looking at what the fruits of Christianity:
As a Christian, I am looking at what the fruits of Christianity have brought to our world, from the ancient of days, to the very present day we are in. Christians have killed, they have cheated, they have stolen, and they have abused innocent children. The evidence of all these things can be found all throughout history. How many Holy-Spirit-filled Christians have committed all of these things I speak of? I think it’s far more than we can possibly imagine. We can actually throw ourselves into a certain category. For 20 years of our lives, we supported and defended an institution who killed in the name of Christian beliefs. No, we didn’t kill first-hand, but we were in the rear with the gear as bombs were being dropped on villages in Iraq and Afghanistan as thousands of innocent women and children were killed all in the name of defending western thinking and Christian doctrine. The radical Muslims killed our Christian Americans on 9/11/2001, and we responded with 20 years of Christian-western military-style killing in return. Do you think Jesus approved of that? Weren’t we supposed to have turned the other cheek? Or was the Old Testament doctrine of “An eye for an eye” the doctrine that allowed us to kill in the name of our religious beliefs? Do you see the contradiction here? What’s so fascinating about the Muslims killing Christians and the Christians killing Muslims is that both religions have their foundations in the Old Testament…the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
All throughout the Old Testament, we see the wrath of God:
All throughout the Old Testament, we see the wrath of God. We see His ordering the murders of many. We see so many unfathomable degrees of wrath and punishment. READ YOUR BIBLE, and you will see that God had a part in infanticide, murder, rape, slavery, and even ideas/curses dealing with cannibalism. I had started high-lighting all of the scriptures in my Bible that depict these things. After about a week or so, I had to stop. I couldn’t take it anymore. It’s very strange that I was completely unaware of these things until after age 50. Why? Because the church doesn’t teach about these things. In fact, you rarely hear teachings about the Old Testament. They might present to you an alleged “feel good” story about unwavering faith, like that of Job. Just like I pointed out though… is the story of Job such a good story? God offered Job to Satan and as a result, Job’s 10 children were killed. Did Jesus approve of that? If so, that would seemingly contradict EVERYTHING JESUS STANDS FOR. Yet, we believe that God and Jesus are one. Why? Because of political turmoil from the religious leaders of the 4th century AD.
Everything I’ve mentioned here is only observational:
Anyway, let me stop here. Everything I’ve mentioned here is only observational. I’ve studied hours and hours over these issues. From a Biblical sense, I find myself more confused and frustrated than I ever have before in my life. If God is not the author of confusion, then why am I so confused?
I’ve researched other belief systems too:
I’ve researched other belief systems too…I mean, just a little bit. What seems to be true about so many other beliefs in the world, as well as Christianity, is that they all fail to address the most important questions of all: How and why are we born into this world? I cannot find this answer anywhere. All wisdom seems to be very two-dimensional when it comes to this concept.
Why harm to a child:
Why would it be God’s will for a child to be born with an incurable disease, and to die by age two? Why would it be God’s will for a child to starve to death before they are one month old? Why would it be God’s will for a child to be sexually abused as toddler? Why would it be God’s will for a child to be tortured and to experience unfathomable pain before they could even speak? Why is pain and suffering a part of God’s virtue? Add a million exclamation points to that question when that virtue involves a defenseless child!!!!!
Why? Why? Why?!!!!!
January 4, 2023
How MAN chose which books went into the Bible:
Your statement about how you’d like to know how MAN chose which books went into the Bible is a question I’ve always had too. I was also slightly surprised that you mentioned the Apocrypha because you don’t hear too many Protestant-denomination Christians ever mention those books. I’ve read some of the content in the Apocrypha over the past few years, but I’ve never read the books cover to cover. I have this vague memory from sometime in my childhood of seeing these books in a Bible. I don’t know if this was at a church or at home or at a relative’s house, but the fact that the Apocrypha was once in the Bible but no longer is… well, it’s troubling. Well, it’s not in the Bible that we have sitting on our nightstands anyway, but I think the Apocrypha is present in Catholic versions of the Bible as well as certain other denominations who ascribe to that version before it was removed. Why were the books of the Apocrypha removed from the Bible you and I read today? Because a group of men decided so. You might be familiar with all the details of why they were removed, but the core issue is that MEN made the decision for their removal. I’m at a place now where I question anything and everything MAN has ever done over the years to influence or shape what we believe today as Christians.
King James
Take King James for example. He is responsible for giving us, what is considered today, the purest form of the English translated Bible (circa 1611). Personally, I do not own a KJV Bible, but I do have several copies of the New King James versions of the Bible, which is what I usually read. Sometimes though, I do seek out the 1611 KJV and will do so online. I use other online tools as well especially when I feel it necessary to go back to original Hebrew or Greek texts and to get English translations of those texts. So, what’s my point? My point is that King James is credited with giving us the purest form of the English translated Bible. However, what if I told you that King James also had other interests besides the Bible? What if I told you that King James also had a profound interest in black magic and the occult? What if I told you that King James was also known to engage in homosexual acts? Would either of these things affect how you view the KJV of the Bible? Within the past couple of years, I’ve heard these things about King James. Are they true? I don’t know. However, when you hear this stuff coming from supposed Biblical scholars, it makes you wonder. In any case and even though I cannot speak intelligently about the creation of the King James Bible, it does seem to have been rooted by political motivations and not necessarily by the strong Christian faith of King James. If true, this is crazy stuff to consider. Don’t take my word for it though. This is just stuff that I’ve come across.
I’ve come across so many crazy things:
I’ve come across so many crazy things!!!! In my studies, I’ve discovered that the very early days of Christianity are the MOST FASCINATING. The time period between when Jesus was crucified and about 200 AD has had my focus for quite a long time now. From the historical accounts I’ve read, there was so much going on during that time and I do believe it’s possible that much was lost due to the political/religious problems of those days. There were allegedly LARGE groups/sects/denominations who had completely different viewpoints about Jesus and of the Old Testament, for that matter. Some of those viewpoints/beliefs might be shocking to you. They were to me, that’s for sure. They weren’t negative beliefs either, but they do paint a different picture…a different picture of what we see today. What if any of these early beliefs about Jesus and the Old Testament are true? Since they were largely held within the first 150 years after Jesus was crucified, might their beliefs have any merit? Why were some early Christian beliefs hammered as heresy, but others weren’t? Why aren’t there any written scriptures from the days after the Pentecost? Why did it take nearly 30 years after Jesus died before anyone decided to write anything about Him? Furthermore, why were these first written words about Jesus accomplished by a person who was a murderer of Christians?
Christian beliefs were squashed was primarily due to the politics of the day:
It seems the reason why some early Christian beliefs were squashed was primarily due to the politics of the day. I can’t say that for sure but have come to that conclusion based on reading what I’ve read. It also appears that Christianity wasn’t even a thing until Paul came along and had his “supernatural experience” on his way to Damascus. Who knows exactly what was going from the time that Jesus died until Paul entered the scene.
Paul’s experience on that road to Damascus absolutely fascinating:
On a side note, I find Paul’s experience on that road to Damascus absolutely fascinating. The majority of the New Testament comes from Paul who first was a murderer of Christians. Yet, we believe his story. That happened almost 2000 years ago, and yet we still believe it today. Why do we believe it? We believe it because it is a part of what we were taught to believe. Our parents taught us to believe it, their parents taught them, and their parents taught them…and on and on and on.
The Muslim Perspective:
The same can be said for all those who believe in the supernatural experience that was had by the Prophet Muhammad about 600 years after Jesus was crucified. Today there are about 1.8 billion Muslims who believe that he encountered the archangel Gabriel in a mountain cave, who then revealed to him all the revelations he received about God. Was that the same Gabriel that Christians and Jews believe in? Apparently, it was. Why do Christians believe Paul’s story but not Muhammad’s story? Why do Muslims believe Muhammad’s story but not Paul’s story? I have no idea, but both sides would tell you that it’s definitely worth killing each other over. The question is: Are both accounts somehow true? What if they are? Today, how can either side prove, beyond reasonable doubt, that their side is true?
Can you prove the existence of Jesus:
Let’s take it a step further and make it personal. Aside from using a Bible, can you prove the existence of Jesus? In all of your 50+ years, have you ever personally seen Jesus? Have you ever heard Him audibly speak to you? My guess is that your answer in “No” to both of these questions. If there happens to be a “yes”, please share your experience with me immediately. My answer to both questions is “No.” The only time I ever thought I had heard from God or Jesus was through thought/feeling. Some might describe that as the Holy Spirit at work. Have you ever had that experience? I’m guessing you probably have. If so, what does that feel like? If we to compare experiences, would they be similar? How do you even describe an experience of the Holy Spirit? Furthermore, what does it look like when one is saved and has the Holy Spirit in them?
The Mormon Perspective:
So, about 2.5 billion Christians today believe Paul and about 1.8 billion Muslims today believe Muhammad. Then, we have another guy who had his own very personal supernatural experience not too long ago and about 15 million people today believe him. I’m talking about Joseph Smith, the Mormon Church founder. He’s a prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Why don’t either of us believe in his story? Why do we believe in Paul’s story from 2,000 years ago but not Muhammed or Smith’s story. They both claimed to have had supernatural experiences from the same God/Jesus/Archangel that we believe in, so why don’t believe either of them?
Micah vs Joseph Smith:
What about Micah, you know this guy who is claiming to be able to see into the spirit realm? He’s essentially a seer. Joseph Smith was also a seer. Why do you believe in the things that are happening to Micah, but not Joseph Smith? I don’t know much about Micah, only that podcast you sent me, but at first glance, I believe him too.
Do you see any similarities in any of these supernatural experiences, by Paul, Muhammad, Joseph Smith, or even Micah? Now, try letting down the guard of your Christian beliefs, and I’ll ask you the same question. Do you see any similarities? These experiences by these men are too similar to ignore. My question is, where did they come from? It seems to me that they came from the same place. However, our Christian beliefs would dictate that Paul encountered Jesus on his way to Damascus, but that it was Satan who mimicked the archangel Gabriel when he appeared to Muhammed. Never mind Joseph Smith, both Christians and Muslims would probably get together and agree that he was a quack job that needed to be tied up in a straight-jacket.
Whether a Jew, Christian, Muslim, or Mormon…MEN HAVE HAD THEIR HANDS IN ALL OF IT!!!! They wrote the Old Testament, New Testament, the Quran, and the Book of Mormon. Within each religion, they’ve all had their disagreements, their clashes, their meetings and their councils…and they all have doctrines based on men who claimed to have had supernatural experiences with figureheads of the Bible.
Who’s responsible for these men having these experiences:
Those two YouTube guys I was telling you about, you know, the one that was claiming that he was the Angel of the Church of Philadelpha. His supernatural experience was very much like Paul’s and/or Muhammad’s. The same goes for the other guy too. Who’s responsible for these men having these experiences?
Oh my gosh…I had no idea how long this had gotten. Sorry.
January 4, 2023:
The Disclaimer:
Well, I forgot to tell you at the end what my disclaimer was. So, here it is:
I cannot speak definitive truths about the observations I’ve made while researching biblical antiquity. Most of it is so confusing to me and I’m getting to the point where I can hardly stand to research it anymore. It’s so tiring!!!!! If I were to form an opinion right now, I’d say we have not been given the entire story… and I believe that man has had his hand in the Bible the entire time. Whether or not all scripture is actually inspired by God is a question I cannot answer. That’s it for now.
January 7, 2023
I stumbled upon this video yesterday and have watched it 3 times now. This video is a perfect example of how and why I consider the things I consider. In all the things I’ve expressed to you in past emails, I desire very much for you to understand that they come from an academic standpoint. However, I realize they may not sound that way sometimes. In fact, I realize that some of the stuff I’ve expressed to you may be some of the craziest things you’ve ever heard someone say. This video I’ve attached may give you some insight into my “academic thinking.” It’s only been a few years or so that I’ve felt it necessary to go back and question what is written in our Bible. Early on, I considered that what we read in our Bible, what we have been taught all of our lives, might be based on inaccurate interpretations of what was originally conveyed. The video I’ve attached is a perfect example of this. I highly recommend you watch this video and LISTEN VERY CAREFULLY to what is being said. The first part of the video is from a scholar who is allegedly the best ancient Hebrew translator in the world. Pay very close to his explanation/translation of the Hebrew word “kavod”, and what it meant in the earliest forms of Hebrew. Then see how it translates today in the English language Bible as “Glory.”
Like I said, I’ve watched this video 3 times now. It’s a little hard to understand at first because there is an English translator who is speaking over the voice of Mauro Biglino (Hebrew language expert). The third time I watched it, I had my Bible opened and paused and read every scripture as they presented them. If what these guys are saying is true, then there are HUGE implications as to what we’ve always been taught. This is the first time I’ve ever heard anyone interpret these specific scriptures, but it’s not the first time I’ve ever heard or read something from this level of academic thinking. I’ve been immersed in Biblical academia for about 3 years now. Anyway, you can form your own opinion. You don’t even have to watch it if you don’t want to. I just wanted to give you a little insight as to where some of the “crazy” things I’ve talked about have come from…
I want to know the truth!!! I want to know what the Bible really says!!! I no longer desire to hear the interpretations of the Bible from men like Kenneth Copeland, Joel Osteen, TD Jakes, or even Billy Graham for that matter. I used to hold Billy Graham in the highest of regard until I heard the secret phone recordings between him and Richard Nixon. The antisemitic conversation between those two was very eye-opening. Bottom line, I’m of the opinion that everything is not as it seems, and that includes how we’ve been taught to interpret the Bible. You can form your own opinion though. I’m not here to change your viewpoints about any of it and please forgive me if it might seem that way at times. I’m just trying to put all the pieces together.
The different creation accounts of Genesis 1 & 2 make no sense to me. God drowning everyone in Genesis 6 because He regretted what He created makes no sense to me. God having Abraham nearly sacrifice Isaac makes no sense to me. The story of Job makes no sense to me. The wrathful God in the Old Testament Vs the loving Jesus in the New Testament makes no sense to me. I’ll spare you the other thousand things that don’t make sense to me but could the reason why they don’t make sense to me is because we have been taught to understand an incorrect interpretation of the Bible?
January 10, 2023
Discretion with Biblical matters:
I feel I should have used more discretion in openly writing some of the things I’ve wrote. I get the feeling I have offended you with some of my considerations. To what extent I’ve offended you, I cannot say. Your defensive posture is enough for me to proceed with caution with any further discussion on these “biblical matters.” It was never my intention to offend you or to put you in a place of where you needed to defend your Christian beliefs. I too have the same Christian beliefs and have defended them all my life. Today, however, I’m not such a hard-liner in my defense of those beliefs. That’s because I’m realizing everything I was taught to believe may not exactly be the true. As Christians, the only truth we have is the Holy Bible. Without the Bible, Christianity wouldn’t exist. I say that with caution because that might not be entirely true. What if today none of us could read or write and all of our beliefs were dependent on oral tradition? What would Christianity look like without a Bible? We know what it looks like with a Bible, right? With a printed Bible in place, there are about 30,000 different Christian denominations/churches in our world today. That’s just a statistic from the internet and I only bring it up to show what has resulted in the 2,000 years since Jesus walked the earth.
Different belief systems under the umbrella of Christianity:
Today, we have all these different belief systems under the umbrella of Christianity. Why? Why are there so many variations? Are they all ministering the truth? Is Joel Osteen preaching the same truth as the pastor at your church? For the record, the only reason why I brought up the “mega church” example was to illustrate a point. Today, I do not listen to any mega church pastor, and I haven’t for quite some time. Actually, I really never have. The only mega church pastor I’ve ever really cared to listen to was Billy Graham. I used to love watching all of the people that got saved at all of those packed stadiums. I loved watching the masses make their way down to the stage during the alter call. Today, however, I have a different opinion of Billy Graham because of the antisemitic conversation he once had with Richard Nixon. I’m not judging Billy Graham, but because of that conversation, I view him differently. The fruits of his spirit were on full display there. I suppose it wouldn’t really matter to me if he wasn’t considered to be the greatest evangelical leader of all time…but even today, he still holds that title.
I listen to no preacher:
Today, I listen to no preacher. I do not attend church either. That’s because I fell victim to many bad fruits of the church over the years, especially when I was a youngster. I choose not be part of the hypocrisy that is present in those churches. Perhaps there is a church for me somewhere in the sea of the 30,000 churches, but at age 51, I’ve come to the conclusion that I cannot learn from them that I can learn for myself. I was raised with fundamental Christian beliefs, and I can read the Bible myself.
So many things came into question when I started actually reading the Bible:
For me, so many things came into question when I started actually reading the Bible and not taking for granted what I had been taught all my life. Take for an example that video about the word “kavod.” Prior to watching what those guys were saying, I had no earthly idea who they were. I don’t really care who they are either. What interests me in what they were saying is the “possible truths” of their academic research. It interests me because the English Bible we read today has been translated over about 7,000 times over the years. That’s just another internet statistic, but the fact of the matter is: The Bible was first written in Hebrew and not English…at least the Old Testament anyway. When it comes to the New Testament, it was first written in Greek and not English. However, it is also known that Greek was not the language spoken during the times Jesus walked on the earth. Rather, it was believed to have been some form of Aramaic. Is it possible that what we read in the Bible today is a result of what may have been lost in the many forms of translation over the last several thousand years? You’re smarter than me so you can answer that question for yourself. I’m just a lowly Community College of the Air Force graduate and it only took me 20 years to achieve that level of education, LOL. Bottom line, are we reading the true translation of the Bible? Are we reading the original intended message from thousands of years ago? Clearly, there might be reason to believe that we might not be reading the original intended message. Those two guys pointing out the alleged true meaning of the Hebrew word “kavod” did so from an academic viewpoint. Just because it conflicts with our own personal beliefs, does it make it any less true? Since I’m not a scholar of the ancient Hebrew language, I take it for what it is. I’m in no place to question the academics of anyone… Just like I wouldn’t question all the work you did to obtain your academic status.
I had never read the Bible in a way that I would ever question it:
All my life, I had never read the Bible in a way that I would ever question it. Then, I started learning that an original Hebrew or Greek word might have a completely different meaning than what was carried over to the English translation. Case in point, the word “kavod.” If the original Hebrew meaning of that word means something completely different than how it is translated in English, where does the truth of that word lie? Does the truth lie closer to the point in time where it was originally used? Or is the truth found in a translation, hundreds or even thousands of years later? We largely believe what we believe in our Bible because that’s what we do. The example I presented about the word “kavod” is not my study, but that of two scholars. They’re probably not the only ones to have studied this either. There are tons of translation issues in the Bible not just this little example of the word “kavod.” Try looking up the uses of the word Yahweh or Elohim in the original texts and see what conclusions you might come up with. Go to the Hebrew texts and analyze the different creation accounts in Genesis 1 and Genesis 2. On second thought, don’t do that. It’s probably just best that we don’t talk about these things any further…
As Christians, we believe the Bible without question:
As Christians, we believe the Bible without question. If we don’t believe it, then we have nothing to stand on as far as our Christian beliefs go. My whole thing in all of this is to get as close as I can to the original translation of the Bible because that’s probably where the truth is most likely to be found. We should not be dealing with so many contradicting translation problems in our Bible anyway. What is more true? An original Hebrew Translation? Greek? Latin? Italian? English? Perhaps none of it matters anyway. I could point out all of the translation issues to you until I’m blue in the face. What would that solve though? You’ll most likely consider it all rubbish or BS if anything is found to contradict your beliefs. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. It was never my intention to make you question your beliefs…
This all started with our shared interest in the Bigfoot phenomenon:
This all started with our shared interest in the Bigfoot phenomenon. The things that are going on in the world of Bigfoot are absolutely mind boggling. We can offer up conjectures all day long about what’s going on with these beings/creatures, but at the end of the day, none of us can definitively speak exact truths about them. Just like we cannot speak exact truths about UFOs either. It doesn’t matter that I personally had a very close encounter with a UFO, at least not within the confines of my Christian beliefs. Yet, we just had two scholars, who offered up the possibility that UFO’s might have been what Moses actually saw. They didn’t just offer up that notion out of thin air either. They went deep into the root meanings of words in the Bible. Do I think it’s crazy that maybe what people were seeing in the days of the Bible were UFOs? Absolutely yes, I think that!!!! It does not fit my religious beliefs whatsoever!!!!! However, I saw one myself, with my own eyes. How could I possibly explain what I saw so that you would believe me? There are hardly any words for me to explain my experience. Yet, it still happened.
To show that the ORIGINAL HEBREW WORD:
The whole reason I presented the “kavod” video to you was not to present an idea of the existence of UFOs or that men of the Bible were possibly seeing them. That was unfortunately an unintended consequence and had nothing to do with what I was trying to convey. The whole reason for sending you that video was to show that the ORIGINAL HEBREW WORD OF KAVOD may have meant something completely different in the days of the Old Testament than how it is translated into the English version of our Bible today.
“Dogmas” our religious beliefs can limit us:
What I’ve come to realize is that the “dogmas” our religious beliefs can limit us very much in our understanding of things. Yes, let’s believe in our Bibles, but let’s believe them in their original context and the original intended meaning of the writer. By doing this, perhaps we might get closer to the truths of the Bigfoot phenomenon or UFOs…or why I had fingers pressing into my back days after my sister committed suicide. Why are these things even an issue anyway? As Christians, we shouldn’t be considering these things because they would largely be labeled as demonic. Seriously, the majority of bigfoot stories being told are not good stories. People are being scared half to death! The same goes with UFO’s. All of the abduction stories are absolutely horrific! What about my sister? Was that her pressing her fingers into my back? Upon her death, she would have spiritually gone to one of two places…either heaven or hell. Since she killed herself, our Christian beliefs dictate that she will burn in hell forever!!!!
It contradicts much of what I believe as a Christian:
I’m not yet at a place to explain the story of the person who ended their life, the person that was close to me; her life and what ultimately led to her suicide. However, I promise you that it contradicts much of what I believe as a Christian and about God. It’s not so much her death that’s the problem as it is the sequence of events that led to her decision to take her life. One day, all of us are going to die. Death can come when we’re 99 years old, or it might come before our 1st birthday. A year ago, or so, you were near death yourself, right? You claim God had His hand in sparing you from death, right? I’m not disagreeing with you there. However, try explaining to a family that lost their child, or mother, or father due to the same illness you were battling. You might have been spared your life, but others were not spared. When I was working at Lackland, we had a very devout Christian woman who died from Covid. My point is, God did not spare her, but somehow, God spared you. Just yesterday, here in San Antonio, three siblings drove to a Walgreens to get medicine for their mother who was very sick. All 3 of them, ages 20, 17, and 10 (I think), were killed when a SUV struck their vehicle. Try explaining to their mother where God was during that accident.
We tend to be pretty selfish when considering matters of life and death:
We tend to be pretty selfish when considering matters of life and death and that God somehow plays a miraculous role in preventing our deaths. Maybe there is merit in believing this way. However, for all those who claim that God somehow had His hand in preventing their deaths, I can show you an equal amount and probably more cases where God did not prevent or spare death. This is nothing new. These matters have been considered since the beginning of time. My question is: Why was it better that God kept you alive Vs allowing you to die? If you had died, you’d have gone to heaven, right? So why give thanks to God for keeping you on this painful earth? As a Christian, are you telling me that you care that much about the things of this world? If so, I recommend you read your Bible because for all the reasons you might have given thanks for being spared death, you defy the Bible with this type of thinking. This is not me telling you this Rob, this is what is conveyed to us in our Bibles. You’ve probably never thought this way though. I don’t typically think this way either. However, all of these things work with God, thank goodness you didn’t die. Your wife and kids were spared that torment in that moment. Others are/were not so fortunate though. Another question to ask is why did God allow you to get sick in the first place? Did you somehow deserve the sickness that befell upon you?
It’s just like this argument about the flood:
It’s just like this argument about the flood. I know the argument, but I no longer explain it away with Christian dogma. Eight people survived the flood. Are you telling me that everyone else on earth at that time was in so much of a state of sinfulness that they needed to be drowned by God? God, in His omniscience, didn’t know that the world was going to be in that state before it got to the point where He regretted what he created? What about Noah himself? He was a drunkard, and the Bible tells us that no drunkard shall enter the kingdom of heaven. Never mind the fact that the earth was to be repopulated after the flood from the 8 people who were spared. So, incest was OK back then?
It’s likely that incest was not OK back then:
It’s likely that incest was not OK back then, but we are presented with a story that leads us to no other conclusion that it was OK. The Bible is very clear about sexual immorality, isn’t it? However, what’s moral and what’s immoral when it comes to sex? Here we both are today, both being deprived of sex from our wives, and we are both displeased with this part of our lives. Why? Why is this so important? Why aren’t either of us following the scriptures in the Bible when it comes to having sex? The Apostle Paul explains this very clearly in 1 Corinthians 7:1. He clearly states that it is good for a man NOT to touch a woman…end of story. Oh, but he goes onto explain that if you just can’t control your sexual desires, then at least get married so that you’ll be legal about it. Talk about contradiction!!!!
Dark side to the sexual desires of men:
Rob, I have no idea about your private experiences in regard to “sex.” I’m here to tell you that there is a very dark side to the sexual desires of men. I’ve been on the wrong side of this darkness and have been a victim of it. Unless you’ve experienced these things, you cannot possibly understand my perspective on life or anyone else’s perspective who may have had similar experiences. In hearing your perspective about so many things, I’m guessing you did not experience sexual abuse or any other type of abuse as a child. From my perspective, I can argue that God was NOT present as these abuses were happening to me. As a result, I may view and consider things very differently than a person who did not experience sexual abuse as a child…or any other abuse for that matter.
I hope to ask God/Jesus directly about these abuses:
If I ever get to heaven, I hope to ask God/Jesus directly about these abuses because on earth, there is no answer. God can stop these things at any point He wants to, but time and again, He does not. If it was God’s will that I be sexually abused, then I have to question God’s will. As a Christain though, I shouldn’t question these things, right? I’m just supposed to have faith and drink the evangelical koolaid, right? What happened to me as a child must have somehow been my fault which is why God allowed it…
Try living with that:
Yeah, try living with that all your life. No need to reply back to any of this. You no more have the answers than I do. I’ve searched far and wide, probably far beyond any place you’ve ever searched. The answers to these things cannot be found anywhere. The dogmas of Christianity offer probably the worst explanation as to why God allows innocent children to suffer. It doesn’t mean I don’t believe in Jesus Christ though.
No religion or faith can answer the question of why we are here:
With all of it, no religion or faith can answer the question of why we are here. Christianity certainly does not address why we are born into this world. There has to be a reason why we are here. When we find that answer, then maybe so many things can be understood in a new light.
January 10, 2023
Everything I was taught to believe may not exactly be the true:
I too have the same Christian beliefs and have defended them all my life. Today, however, I’m not such a hard-liner in my defense of those beliefs. That’s because I’m realizing everything I was taught to believe may not exactly be the true. As Christians, the only truth we have is the Holy Bible. Without the Bible, Christianity wouldn’t exist. I say that with caution because that might not be entirely true. What if today none of us could read or write and all of our beliefs were dependent on oral tradition? What would Christianity look like without a Bible? We know what it looks like with a Bible, right? With a printed Bible in place, there are about 30,000 different Christian denominations/churches in our world today. That’s just a statistic from the internet and I only bring it up to show what has resulted in the 2,000 years since Jesus walked the earth.
Different belief systems under the umbrella of Christianity:
Today, we have all these different belief systems under the umbrella of Christianity. Why? Why are there so many variations? Are they all ministering the truth? Is Joel Osteen preaching the same truth as the pastor at your church? For the record, the only reason why I brought up the “mega church” example was to illustrate a point. Today, I do not listen to any mega church pastor, and I haven’t for quite some time. Actually, I really never have. The only mega church pastor I’ve ever really cared to listen to was Billy Graham. I used to love watching all of the people that got saved at all of those packed stadiums. I loved watching the masses make their way down to the stage during the alter call. Today, however, I have a different opinion of Billy Graham because of the anti-semitic conversation he once had with Richard Nixon. I’m not judging Billy Graham, but because of that conversation, I view him differently. The fruits of his spirit were on full display there. I suppose it wouldn’t really matter to me if he wasn’t considered to be the greatest evangelical leader of all time…but even today, he still holds that title.
Today, I listen to no preacher. I do not attend church either. That’s because I fell victim to many bad fruits of the church over the years, especially when I was a youngster. I choose not be part of the hypocrisy that is present in those churches. Perhaps there is a church for me somewhere in the sea of the 30,000 churches, but at age 51, I’ve come to the conclusion that I cannot learn from them that I can learn for myself. I was raised with fundamental Christian beliefs, and I can read the Bible myself.
Saying is the “possible truths” of their academic research:
For me, so many things came into question when I started actually reading the Bible and not taking for granted what I had been taught all my life. Take for an example that video about the word “kavod.” Prior to watching what those guys were saying, I had no earthly idea who they were. I don’t really care who they are either. What interests me in what they were saying is the “possible truths” of their academic research. It interests me because the English Bible we read today has been translated over about 7,000 times over the years. That’s just another internet statistic, but the fact of the matter is: The Bible was first written in Hebrew and not English…at least the Old Testament anyway. When it comes to the New Testament, it was first written in Greek and not English. However, it is also known that Greek was not the language spoken during the times Jesus walked on the earth. Rather, it was believed to have been some form of Aramaic. Is it possible that what we read in the Bible today is a result of what may have been lost in the many forms of translation over the last several thousand years? You’re smarter than me so you can answer that question for yourself. I’m just a lowly Community College of the Air Force graduate and it only took me 20 years to achieve that level of education, LOL. Bottom line, are we reading the true translation of the Bible? Are we reading the original intended message from thousands of years ago? Clearly, there might be reason to believe that we might not be reading the original intended message. Those two guys pointing out the alleged true meaning of the Hebrew word “kavod” did so from an academic viewpoint. Just because it conflicts with our own personal beliefs, does it make it any less true? Since I’m not a scholar of the ancient Hebrew language, I take it for what it is. I’m in no place to question the academics of anyone… Just like I wouldn’t question all the work you did to obtain your academic status.
A contributor states, the Bible points us to God and shows how much we need God, and then point us to God for Redemption, and relationship to him.
Bigfoot Eruption states, it seems clear that God did not intend for us to understand “everything”) we have all eternity for that) but did expect that we could understand everything in the Bible since it is presumed to be His Guide for us. It can be hard to understand because it was written to certain people groups a long time ago. So, we need translation, and this does not need to be a negative, but yes we need to know the original translation, from the original languages.
Hebrew or Greek – completely different meaning than what was carried over to the English translation:
All my life, I had never read the Bible in a way that I would ever question it. Then, I started learning that an original Hebrew or Greek word might have a completely different meaning than what was carried over to the English translation. Case in point, the word “kavod.” If the original Hebrew meaning of that word means something completely different than how it is translated in English, where does the truth of that word lie? Does the truth lie closer to the point in time where it was originally used? Or is the truth found in a translation, hundreds or even thousands of years later? We largely believe what we believe in our Bible because that’s what we do. The example I presented about the word “kavod” is not my study, but that of two scholars. They’re probably not the only ones to have studied this either. There are tons of translation issues in the Bible not just this little example of the word “kavod.” Try looking up the uses of the word Yahweh or Elohim in the original texts and see what conclusions you might come up with. Go to the Hebrew texts and analyze the different creation accounts in Genesis 1 and Genesis 2. On second thought, don’t do that. It’s probably just best that we don’t talk about these things any further…
Original Translation – Where the truth is most likely to be found:
As Christians, we believe the Bible without question. If we don’t believe it, then we have nothing to stand on as far as our Christian beliefs go. My whole thing in all of this is to get as close as I can to the original translation of the Bible because that’s probably where the truth is most likely to be found. We should not be dealing with so many contradicting translation problems in our Bible anyway. What is more true? An original Hebrew Translation? Greek? Latin? Italian? English? Perhaps none of it matters anyway. I could point out all of the translation issues to you until I’m blue in the face. What would that solve though? You’ll most likely consider it all rubbish or BS if anything is found to contradict your beliefs. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. It was never my intention to make you question your beliefs…
This all started with our shared interest in the Bigfoot phenomenon:
This all started with our shared interest in the Bigfoot phenomenon. The things that are going on in the world of Bigfoot are absolutely mind boggling. We can offer up conjectures all day long about what’s going on with these beings/creatures, but at the end of the day, none of us can definitively speak exact truths about them. Just like we cannot speak exact truths about UFOs either. It doesn’t matter that I personally had a very close encounter with a UFO, at least not within the confines of my Christian beliefs. Yet, we just had two scholars, who offered up the possibility that UFO’s might have been what Moses actually saw. They didn’t just offer up that notion out of thin air either. They went deep into the root meanings of words in the Bible. Do I think it’s crazy that maybe what people were seeing in the days of the Bible were UFOs? Absolutely yes, I think that!!!! It does not fit my religious beliefs whatsoever!!!!! However, I saw one myself, with my own eyes. How could I possibly explain what I saw so that you would believe me? There are hardly any words for me to explain my experience. Yet, it still happened.
Importance of Translation:
The whole reason I presented the “kavod” video to you was not to present an idea of the existence of UFOs or that men of the Bible were possibly seeing them. That was unfortunately an unintended consequence and had nothing to do with what I was trying to convey. The whole reason for sending you that video was to show that the ORIGINAL HEBREW WORD OF KAVOD may have meant something completely different in the days of the Old Testament than how it is translated into the English version of our Bible today.
“Dogmas” our religious beliefs can limit us very much in our understanding:
What I’ve come to realize is that the “dogmas” our religious beliefs can limit us very much in our understanding of things. Yes, let’s believe in our Bibles, but let’s believe them in their original context and the original intended meaning of the writer. By doing this, perhaps we might get closer to the truths of the Bigfoot phenomenon or UFOs…or why I had fingers pressing into my back days after my sister committed suicide. Why are these things even an issue anyway? As Christians, we shouldn’t be considering these things because they would largely be labeled as demonic. Seriously, the majority of bigfoot stories being told are not good stories. People are being scared half to death! The same goes with UFO’s. All of the abduction stories are absolutely horrific! What about my sister? Was that her pressing her fingers into my back? Upon her death, she would have spiritually gone to one of two places…either heaven or hell. Since she killed herself, our Christian beliefs dictate that she will burn in hell forever!!!!
Spared or not spared:
Somone close to me committed suicide. I can say this much about it, however, without sharing details, I promise you that it contradicts much of what I believe as a Christian and about God. It’s not so much her death that’s the problem as it is the sequence of events that led to her decision to take her life. One day, all of us are going to die. Death can come when we’re 99 years old, or it might come before our 1st birthday. A year ago, or so, you were near death yourself, right? You claim God had His hand in sparing you from death, right? I’m not disagreeing with you there. However, try explaining to a family that lost their child, or mother, or father due to the same illness you were battling. You might have been spared your life, but others were not spared. When I was working at Lackland, we had a very devout Christian woman who died from Covid. My point is, God did not spare her, but somehow, God spared you. Just yesterday, here in San Antonio, three siblings drove to a Walgreens to get medicine for their mother who was very sick. All 3 of them, ages 20, 17, and 10 (I think), were killed when a SUV struck their vehicle. Try explaining to their mother where God was during that accident.
Matters of Life and Death:
We tend to be pretty selfish when considering matters of life and death and that God somehow plays a miraculous role in preventing our deaths. Maybe there is merit in believing this way. However, for all those who claim that God somehow had His hand in preventing their deaths, I can show you an equal amount and probably more cases where God did not prevent or spare death. This is nothing new. These matters have been considered since the beginning of time. My question is: Why was it better that God kept you alive Vs allowing you to die? If you had died, you’d have gone to heaven, right? So why give thanks to God for keeping you on this painful earth? As a Christian, are you telling me that you care that much about the things of this world? If so, I recommend you read your Bible because for all the reasons you might have given thanks for being spared death, you defy the Bible with this type of thinking. This is not me telling you this Rob, this is what is conveyed to us in our Bibles. You’ve probably never thought this way though. I don’t typically think this way either. However all of these things work with God, thank goodness you didn’t die. Your wife and kids were spared that torment in that moment. Others are/were not so fortunate though. Another question to ask is why did God allow you to get sick in the first place? Did you somehow deserve the sickness that befell upon you?
Like the argument about the flood:
It’s just like this argument about the flood. I know the argument, but I no longer explain it away with Christian dogma. Eight people survived the flood. Are you telling me that everyone else on earth at that time was in so much of a state of sinfulness that they needed to be drowned by God? God, in His omniscience, didn’t know that the world was going to be in that state before it got to the point where He regretted what he created? What about Noah himself? He was a drunkard, and the Bible tells us that no drunkard shall enter the kingdom of heaven. Never mind the fact that the earth was to be repopulated after the flood from the 8 people who were spared. So, incest was OK back then?
It’s likely that incest was not OK back then:
It’s likely that incest was not OK back then, but we are presented with a story that leads us to no other conclusion that it was OK. The Bible is very clear about sexual immorality, isn’t it? However, what’s moral and what’s immoral when it comes to sex? Here we both are today, both being deprived of sex from our wives, and we are both displeased with this part of our lives. Why? Why is this so important? Why aren’t either of us following the scriptures in the Bible when it comes to having sex? The Apostle Paul explains this very clearly in 1 Corinthians 7:1. He clearly states that it is good for a man NOT to touch a woman…end of story. Oh, but he goes onto explain that if you just can’t control your sexual desires, then at least get married so that you’ll be legal about it. Talk about contradiction!!!!
I have no idea about your private experiences in regard to “sex.” I’m here to tell you that there is a very dark side to the sexual desires of men. I’ve been on the wrong side of this darkness and have been a victim of it. I was sexually abused as a child. Unless you’ve experienced these things, you cannot possibly understand my perspective on life or anyone else’s perspective who may have had similar experiences. In hearing your perspective about so many things, I’m guessing you did not experience sexual abuse or any other type of abuse as a child. From my perspective, I can argue that God was NOT present as these abuses were happening to me. As a result, I may view and consider things very differently than a person who did not experience sexual abuse as a child…or any other abuse for that matter.
I hope to ask God:
If I ever get to heaven, I hope to ask God/Jesus directly about these abuses because on earth, there is no answer. God can stop these things at any point He wants to, but time and again, He does not. If it was God’s will that I be sexually abused, then I have to question God’s will. As a Christain though, I shouldn’t question these things, right? I’m just supposed to have faith and drink the evangelical koolaid, right? What happened to me as a child must have somehow been my fault which is why God allowed it…
Try living with that:
Yeah, try living with that all your life. No need to reply back to any of this. You no more have the answers than I do. I’ve searched far and wide, probably far beyond any place you’ve ever searched. The answers to these things cannot be found anywhere. The dogmas of Christianity offer probably the worst explanation as to why God allows innocent children to suffer. It doesn’t mean I don’t believe in Jesus Christ though.
With all of it, no religion or faith can answer the question of why we are here:
With all of it, no religion or faith can answer the question of why we are here. Christianity certainly does not address why we are born into this world. There has to be a reason why we are here. When we find that answer, then maybe so many things can be understood in a new light.
January 10, 2023:
The Evils of this World:
Many months ago, I was on YouTube watching some video about something I don’t quite remember. However, I do remember very clearly a certain comment that a lady had left. The pain and sorrow coming through her words were as if she was speaking to me face to face. I could easily visualize the tears rolling down her cheeks as I read her words.
An evil act:
She told a story about seeing some videos on some newer conservative platform. I want to say it’s called FLICKR, but I can’t remember for sure. Other than YouTube, I know very little about all the other platforms out there. She went onto tell two videos she had seen. First, somewhere in a place like Indonesia, she witnessed a man eating a baby. It was boiled up and the man was eating it like fried chicken.
A second evil example:
Second, she saw two young teenage girls of Asian or Pacific Islander decent, who had both of their arms and legs amputated from their bodies. Their limbs were intentionally removed so that they could serve as real-life sex dolls in the sex trade industry. Having both limbs removed, they could not resist at all.
I cried after reading her comments because I was so deeply affected by these accounts.
Where was God when these things happened:
Where was God when these things happened? Where was Jesus? These questions are at the core of my being. They’ve been there for most of my life too. I can apply these questions to my own personal experiences but mostly I apply them to everyone else. I feel so much pain for everyone who is suffering right now at the hands of evil men. I especially think about the bigger events in history like the Holocaust and even the days of slavery in America.
Where is God in these examples:
Where is God/Jesus during these times? If he can stop Covid 19 from taking your life, why wouldn’t he help two young girls from being amputated limb by limb so they could serve as sex dolls?
I‘ve had enough of those ANSWERS:
The standard Christian answers of “Gods ways are not our ways,” or “we just don’t know why God allows these things to happen”, or “But don’t worry, she’s in heaven now”….well, I’m going to be completely honest with you:
I‘ve had enough of those BS ANSWERS!!! I’ve heard that BS for as long as I can remember. Maybe from age 8 or 9, when one can start to understand that type of reasoning. Who is in control here? God or Satan? Because if Satan has complete control over this world, and I was put here to endure his evil ways, then I respectfully ask God to remove me from this world right now. If I somehow chose this world, then I’d like to reverse my decision immediately. If God somehow put me into to this world to suffer the things I’ve suffered, then, I guess we’re all in trouble.
No child asks to be devoured:
No child comes into this world and asks for the evils of this world to devour them. Yet, children are born into this world everyday and all they ever experience is evil, abuse, starvation, thirst, and poverty. Who lets these children be born into this world to only suffer these things? Is it God or Satan? Either way, God is ultimately responsible. That’s the way I see it. The “apologetic reasoning ” by Christians to explain this concept doesn’t work for me anymore. Oh, I put on the happy face of “Gods ways are not our ways” for decades, beginning at a very young age, from when I could understand it.
Because everything no longer makes sense to me:
Sorry Rob, this is just how I view things right now because everything no longer makes sense to me. If I’m destined for eternity in hell because I am thinking this way, then so be it. I’m not afraid any longer because this life has made no sense anyway…
How I really feel:
There, now maybe you know how I really feel. If it’s too much for you, then that’s Ok. If we need to stop emailing, I understand completely. Regardless, you’ll always hold a special place with me.
January 11, 2023
The rules of free will:
In the most recent email you sent me, you made a statement of “God obeys the rules of free will.” You made this statement in reference to satanic ritual abuse of children. Let me ask you this, where in the Bible does it say that God obeys the rules of free will? I ask this question only so I can understand how you came to understand this concept and its relationship to free will. Make no mistake, I’m well aware of this concept. I’ve especially heard this spoken by pastors or priests when they are explaining why God allows evil things to happen. Is it a biblical concept though? Can we find it in the Bible? Or is it just “man’s” way of justifying why God allows evil things to happen? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not putting you on the spot or anything. If you have a biblical reference, please share it with me. I’ve actually looked for it before but came up empty. This issue of free will always be layered in complexities we may never understand, but what has become so much clearer to me is that there is a price for choosing the wrong side of free will. The entire Old Testament is proof of this. Over and over and over again, we see God punishing those who chose the wrong side of free will in very violent, bloody, and murderous ways. We see God punishing people in ways that are downright despicable and beyond atrocious. There’s no other way to put it. Don’t take my word for it, just go read your Bible if you have any doubts.
The complexities of free will:
In considering all of the complexities of free will, there is one thing I cannot ignore. Free will basically gave God justification to murder people, the very people He created. The question is: Did God know, as a result of free will, that He would be murdering the very people He created when they chose the wrong side of free will? If your answer is “no”, then you have put into question the omniscience of God. If you say “yes”, then you are indicating something far more sinister about God. Either way, murder, plagues, pestilence, and genocide were outcomes of not choosing the right side of free will. Even still, unimaginable suffering is had by those who, in fact, choose the right side of free will. How can we make sense out of all this?
Assign an understanding:
First of all, if we are going to assign an understanding that God somehow allows evil things to happen because He is obeying the rules of free will, then we need to assign an understanding of what that means to each one of us individually. Here’s where it gets even more complex…
Not free will:
On June 12, 1971, I was born into this world about 30 days before I was supposed to be born. I was born premature. I almost died during my first few days of existence. Praise God, right? From ages 3-7, I had health issues for which I spent a lot of time in/out of the hospital. I made it through all of it though. Hallelujah, praise Jesus, right? From ages 11-13, I experienced the darkness I mentioned earlier. Sorry, no praising His Holy name for this one. While all of this was happening, there were far more troubling things occurring in the background. I cannot go into that stuff right now. Oh, it wasn’t all that bad, right? It’s not like I was starving to death or anything, you know, like the millions of children born in impoverished countries of Africa. Nope, I was always fed well and never missed a meal. My stomach wasn’t bloated from malnourishment, and I always had clean water to drink. So what? I had to endure great levels of fear all those times I spent in the hospital. Never mind the fact that I’m deathly afraid of hospitals, even today. I would rather die than to walk into any medical facility. As far as the sexual abuse, well there are some kids out there who got it far worse than I did. Praise His name, right? Because I was molested at a level far less than others have been molested, right? The good Lord spared me at birth, brought me through childhood health problems, and then allowed me to be mistreated…but not as bad as others have been mistreated. Let me pause and raise my Bible in the air right now!!!!
Not meaning to be blasphemous:
Sorry for the dramatics. I’m being facetious, but at the same time, I’m being truthful. I’m not trying to be blasphemous either. If it comes off that way, then so be it. God does have a sense of humor, doesn’t He? Isn’t that what they always say? Truth is, there isn’t anything funny about any of it. I could have died at birth, but instead, God kept me alive to endure the things I have endured. Oh, there’s much more to my story, but I can’t go into all of that right now. So, as an individual, I’ve given you just a little glimpse of my early days of life.
Free will and birth problems:
So, with God obeying the rules of free will, how does free will come into play when a child is born with ailments? Maybe it’s a defective heart or a blood disorder. Maybe it’s being born without an arm or leg. Maybe it’s being born blind or deaf. Maybe it’s being born with an underdeveloped mind that leads to a life of mental retardation. Maybe it’s being born with a pre-disposition of cancer that leads to death by age 5. Where does free will come into play with these things? These things don’t fall into the category of free will, do they? Yet, EVERY DAMN THING FROM A CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVE dictates that it’s all about free will. Repent! Repent! Repent! Repent and be baptized in the name of the Lord!!!! What would any child need to repent from if they were born with a defective heart or died from cancer at 4 years old?
Bigfoot Eruption states, birth defects are not free will, but other things. However, the free will of a druggie to create an unsafe womb to be formed, yes free will of the parent involved. Being harmed by others is life, but also, we should look to protect each other. If we turn to God/Jesus, then we have hope during hard times. Are we jerks for giving this answer? Consider it part of the brainstorming of ideas.
Bigfoot Eruption states, remember generational curses.
Factors of birth problems:
Nope, the concept of free will does not play into why children are born with ailments or deformities. Just walk into any children’s hospital today to get a glimpse of what I’m talking about. In fact, there almost seems to be an element of evil involved when considering how some children are born into this world. Add in other factors, like the endurance of sexual abuse after dealing with childhood illness and hospitalizations, and you might just get to the place where you’ve nearly lost your mind…you know, like me. But wait, my Christian beliefs have an explanation for all these things, right? Somehow, I need to repent for the sins of why I was born premature and had an ailment that only 1 in 300 are born with. I need to repent for being allowed to be sexually molested. I need to understand that it’s all about free will and choose the right path. The more I speak these things out loud, the more I want to call BS on all of it.
This idea that God is somehow bound to obeying the rules of freewill:
This idea that God is somehow bound to obeying the rules of freewill doesn’t fit well into the overall Christian narrative of freewill. Unless, unless, unless, unless we are completely misunderstanding who God actually is. You see, at the beginning of all of this, before I ever began researching all of the contradictions and anomalies in the Bible, I had questions come into my mind that seemed to come out of nowhere. When I started getting into all of it, things began to fall into place. I really don’t want to get into all of that with you. We can go down that road if, and only if, God leads me/us that way.
In the meantime, what’s for dinner? By chance, is bread on the menu? No? Well let’s consider this nice story then:
When I have cut off your supply of bread, ten women shall bake your bread in one oven, and they shall bring back your bread by weight, and you shall eat and not be satisfied. And after all this, if you do not obey Me, but walk contrary t Me, then I also will walk contrary to you in fury; and I, even I, will chastise you seven times for your sins. You shall eat the flesh of your sons and you shall eat the flesh of your daughters. Leviticus 26:26-29
No bread? How about we cook up our kids then? I don’t give a rat’s ass (excuse my language) what context these verses are in, but I’m getting to a point where so much of the Bible makes no sense to me. I thought of these verses yesterday after I told you the story about the guy eating a boiled baby like he was eating some KFC… Praise God for cannibalism! Uhhm, this time, maybe I am being blasphemous. I cannot stand behind the notion that God would do such a thing. I call BS that our God, the Father of Jesus, is the figurehead behind these scriptures… that’s just me though.
January 12, 2023
New Dimension to free will:
I think you and I would largely agree about our definition of freewill. We get this definition from Christian doctrine. Regardless of which one of the 30,000 denominations we ascribe to, the definition doesn’t vary too much. Just like how your wife describes the subtle differences of the many denominations within Christianity, freewill may also have subtle differences, but nothing that deviates too far from the main message. However, what has become my issue with freewill could be considered a huge deviation from the norm. At face value, the standard definition of freewill is so two-dimensional. It’s very one-sided. It leaves out a very important part. Let me explain.
I know about this idea that Blurry Creatures speaks about:
Interestingly, I know about this idea that Blurry Creatures speaks about. I’ve heard others say the same thing. This idea that God has to adhere to the rules he made makes perfect sense. It sounds good to me…except for one thing. This concept, this idea, is presented in a vacuum. In theory, it sounds good. However, since there are rules then that means there has to be adherents to the rules. In the case of freewill, we essentially have 2 parties involved. We have God and we have us. For all intents and purposes, let’s consider freewill a “game.” First of all, God created the game. It did not exist until He created it. Stay with me here. From here on, I’m going to consider this game, and the God-created rules of this game, in the first person. I’ll imply myself instead of referring to “us” or humans in general.
The freewill act to conceive:
In November of 1970, give or take a few weeks, my parents engaged in sexual intercourse somewhere near the area of Chanute AFB, IL. My father was in tech school at the time and he and my mom were essentially newlyweds. They probably engaged in sexual intercourse many times during that time period. During one of those sexual events, I was conceived in my mother’s womb. Are you with me?
We don’t control our own conception:
To my knowledge, I had absolutely nothing to do with my parent’s decision to engage in the sexual act that led to my conception, and subsequently, my birth into this world 8 months later. When I was born on June 12, 1971, at 1916 hrs (PST), what began was my obligation to play God’s game of freewill. Wait! Let’s stop right here because this is where the Christian concept of freewill doesn’t fit into the vacuum.
Born premature:
Born premature, with a collapsed lung, and other health problems, I was forced into a life of playing God’s game of freewill. Do you see where I’m going with this? I never agreed to play the game in the first place. Yet, I was forced to play the game. God essentially put me into a place where I had no choice but to play His game of freewill.
God created the game of freewill and He created the rules of that game:
God created the game of freewill and He created the rules of that game. The TRIPPING POINT is that He also creates all of the players of the game. Add in the abstracts of Him being the alpha and the omega, and Him knowing the beginning and the end, and it complicates it even further.
That doesn’t sound like freewill to me at all:
So, how does freewill work when you are being forced into freewill? That doesn’t sound like freewill to me at all. I think this is where Christianity fails in their definition. This is just how I see it. At the end of the day, I’m no wiser than anyone else. I’m just in a place where I’m trying to figure it all out because so many things don’t make any sense to me anymore.
January 12, 2023
UFO’s in the Bible:
Anyway, my overall advice to you in all these things is to research matters for yourself. DO NOT TAKE MY WORD FOR ANYTHING!!!! None of this has anything to do with me proving this, that, or the other. For me personally, it’s about finding the truth. I’ve come across so many contradictions in the Bible and I’ve found them downright troubling. Take for example the four different accounts of the resurrection of Jesus found in the Gospels. Logically speaking, all four accounts cannot be true, right? When you look at this topic alone, the explanations given by Christian scholars, pastors, or priests are about as mentally deranged as anything I’ve ever seen. Somehow, they’ll all make excuses about whatever they can to ensure that all four accounts are true. How can they all be true though? Christians will find a way to make sure they are ALL true because if they don’t then that means their Bibles are fallible. A fallible Bible? That cannot exist within the Christian faith, can it? This is the easiest example to throw out there. It’s nothing new, but it’s a perfect example of a contradiction in the Bible. It’s nothing to worry about though, right? It’s only the story of the resurrection of Jesus. It’s no big deal if the Holy Bible can’t get right the MOST IMPORTANT STORY OF OUR FAITH.
Only one of the stories can be the EXACT TRUTH:
Essentially, only one of the stories can be the EXACT TRUTH. The other three are essentially lies. I’m not going to sugar coat it. It’s right there in black and white. There are misrepresentations of the truth all throughout our Bible. Like I said, don’t ever take my word for anything. If you feel the need, then research a matter yourself. At the end of the day, I seriously think we need to just get away from all of this Bible talk because it can turn unhealthy. I am not responsible for the black and white contradictions in our English written Bible. I’m not responsible for the translational issues in our Bible either. It gets even more controversial when you start considering moral things, like God casting curses of cannibalism upon a people, or the genocide of people, or the miscarriages of women. I question all of these things Rob. I’ve been in this deep research of the Bible for quite a long time now. My advice to you…just don’t go there. I’m considering putting an end to all of my research myself. In fact, I think I just made my decision, right here at this very moment…no more. No more of this Rob. I think we just need to end the Biblical discussions all together.
Perhaps the entirety of the truth can be found within the Bible:
Perhaps the entirety of the truth can be found within the Bible, but we each need to find it for ourselves. It is recorded in Matthew 27:46 & Luke 15:34 that Jesus’s last words on the cross were, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” In Luke 23:46, Jesus’s last words on the cross are recorded as, “Father, into Your hands I commit My spirit.” In John 19:30 the last words of Jesus on the cross are, “IT IS FINISHED.” John’s version of the truth about what Jesus’s last words on the cross is my favorite. That may not be the truth though. Despite the fact it is written in the Bible, there are two other conflicting versions of what Jesus’s last words on the cross were. Did Jesus actually say, “It is finished?” I don’t know…
But I’m finished though…
Free Will
Bigfoot Eruption pulled this next piece, but we don’t know where it goes, but it is pretty good for consideration.
I’m well aware of this concept. I’ve especially heard this spoken by pastors or priests when they are explaining why God allows evil things to happen. Is it a biblical concept though? Can we find it in the Bible? Or is it just “man’s” way of justifying why God allows evil things to happen? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not putting you on the spot or anything. If you have a biblical reference, please share it with me. I’ve actually looked for it before but came up empty. This issue of free will always be layered in complexities we may never understand, but what has become so much clearer to me is that there is a price for choosing the wrong side of free will. The entire Old Testament is proof of this. Over and over and over again, we see God punishing those who chose the wrong side of free will in very violent, bloody, and murderous ways. We see God punishing people in ways that are downright despicable and beyond atrocious. There’s no other way to put it. Don’t take my word for it, just go read your Bible if you have any doubts.
April 17, 2023
If Satan Were Not Real:
I’m just trying to make it “light-hearted.” Since I no longer believe in Satan, as Christianity would have me believe, I’m not sure how to reply to some of the things you’ve shared.
If I believe in Satan in the same traditional way that I always have, then I am forced to question God and Jesus too. In my mind, Satan doesn’t get to make Mike gay or transgender. If Satan has that power, then that would mean that God and Jesus either allow it, or they are powerless over Satan.
What about your niece, Heidi’s daughter? You said she was gay, right? Again, if Satan is responsible for that, then I question the role of God and Jesus in it too.
Questioning God and Jesus about these things no longer makes sense to me. It would be interesting to know the details of your niece’s homosexuality”, like if she was always gay or if it came out of left field. Bottom line, if she’s gay because of Satan, then God & Jesus are complicit in the matter. How could God & Jesus allow her to be gay and by doing so, put Heidi in that situation? You said Heidi was a Christian, right? Yet, Jesus didn’t shield her daughter from homosexuality.
I just can’t buy into it anymore.
I was in a recent conversation with my mom. I asked her to tell me one thing that Jesus had ever done for her. Here’s what she said:
When I was born, I was born with a collapsed lung. That same day, another baby was born with a collapsed lung. Both of us were in the intensive care unit right next to each other.
My mom told me that the biggest evidence she has of Jesus was the fact that I made it through that first critical 48 hours of life…and that I lived!!!!!
Yay Jesus! Praise Jesus! Hallelujah!!!
According to my mom, the greatest evidence for Jesus was that He saved my life. That seems logical enough, right?
The only problem is, the other baby lying in the incubator right next to me…the baby that was also born on the same day as me and had a collapsed lung,
I survived, but the other baby didn’t. Where was God? Where was Jesus? If they saved me? Why didn’t they save the other baby? If God and Jesus were right there to save me, couldn’t they have easily saved the other baby too? They chose not to save the other baby though. Instead, they allowed two parents to suffer. How beautiful of Jesus to do such a thing, right? That was so loving, wasn’t it?
It might sound like I’m mocking Jesus, right? Believe me though, I’m not. All I’m saying is that He probably wasn’t there to begin with. The proof and evidence that He wasn’t there is that one baby lived (me), and the other died. We were both born on the same day, with the exact same health problem. To think that Jesus saved my life and not the other baby is beyond my comprehension.
If God and Jesus did save my life, and not the other baby’s life….then I have a problem with that.
If I thought it would do any good, I would offer up my own life just to know why God and Jesus could do such a thing. I wish right now that I could visit with the parents who lost their child that day and express my sentiments to them about the matter. Why? Because I’m on their side…I am on their side! I am on their side! I want to tell them that I wished their child had lived and that I had died instead!!!
This all sounds preposterous, doesn’t it? I’m pretty sure Jesus didn’t save my life that day because if He did, He could have saved the other baby too. To consider the idea that He saved my life and not the other baby‘s life doesn’t make any sense to me. If that’s what happened, I want nothing to do with Jesus anymore.
You may never be able to see these things the way I do, and that’s Ok. Pain and sorrow are HUGE contributing factors with these things. When you can truly empathize with others and their pain, or when you have experienced “God Not Being There”, then, and only then, can you question God and Jesus the way I have and am currently doing.
As far as Satan goes, just show me one ounce of proof for his existence….you can’t do it. Just like you’ve never seen God or Jesus either…the same goes for me.
Anyway, so you’re getting the new Legacy when your mom’s license expires? Well, that’s strange how that worked out. Either way, I’m guessing you would have been in a situation where you would have been buying another vehicle anyway, with your son or your daughter. Might as well get it now before the price goes up another $15K.
Last thing…in regards to Mike and your niece. If Jesus really exists, what do you think He would do to them on judgement day? Do you think they’re really going to burn in hell? If not, then why is all this stuff such a problem within Christianity? Do you think them being gay is any different of a problem than when couples use birth control? My wife has been on the pill for 30 years. What do you think Jesus would say about that?
My point is…before stones are thrown, I think everyone needs to look in the mirror. All of these “sexual issues” fall into the same spectrum. Couldn’t Christian’s use of birth control be considered just as immoral as abortion? Both are stopping the reproduction of a baby….first time I’ve ever thought of that. The other day too, that was the first time that I heard that the other baby died…the one with the same collapsed lung, born on the same day as me, lying in the incubator right next to me. The pain of those parents that lost their baby that day is what truly matters to me…God & Jesus or the other half of Christianity, Satan, probably weren’t there.
Bigfoot Eruption responds…
Honorable to want to believe Satan does not exist, if you are trying to preserve the God and Christ that you can still believe in.
However, God is so big, we feel He can easily maneuver His will around a defector like Satan. The problem is some don’t like how that looks. We understand this can be hard. We will share on this as we find more data, or sudden inspirations of thought.
We have learned that no matter what we produce to help the unbeliever, they won’t believe if they do not want to. God working on their heart is really the only way? Now if someone has walked away from God, we believe at some point God stops walking with them, and lets you fall into what you think you are wanting. Then when you get so deep into it, then you might find your way back. We have been taught that God likes this plan better, than just being a luke-warm Christian. A dud of a Christian is especially lost.
July 14, 2023
Circular Discussion: Is It God’s Fault?
Put on your brightest thinking cap. Put on that cap that got you your Master’s degree. What is the central theme in everything you said in this email?
Answer: SATAN
Who created Satan? Would any of this stuff be possible if Satan had not been created? Before God created Satan, did evil even exist? If God, Jesus, and Satan do exist, then it was GOD WHO MADE ALL OF THE EVILS OF THE WORD POSSIBLE.
About two years ago, I was heavily into studying much of the stuff you mentioned here. You know what my conclusion was? It’s all man-made. Michael Heiser’s stuff? Man made. L.A. Marzulli? Man made. So much of what so many people say is nothing but man-made conjecture.
I mean, I’m not saying that there aren’t strange and evil things happening in this world. I saw a UFO once myself. There actually could be a “Satan” that’s behind all of this stuff. However, who’s behind Satan? Who created Satan in the first place? This should be the greatest clue to any and all Christians…and to Jews and Muslims for that matter.
In early Christianity, there were plenty of Christians who flat out rejected that the God of the Old Testament was the Father of Jesus. Those people were labeled as heretics, and many were killed for saying such things. I’ll go right back to the story of Job. God made a deal with Satan…the same Satan that He created. God let Satan kill Job’s ten children. Let me repeat that:
What does this story alone tell you about God (Yahweh)? Who’s really controlling the strings, Rob? Satan? How can Satan have more power than God when it was God who created Satan? Are we just playing some stupid game with God just like Job had to play? If so, it’s evil. What happened between God, Satan and Job was nothing but pure evil…that is, if it actually happened. My guess is: It probably never happened. If it did happen, then Christians need to TRULY WAKE UP. Why? Because their God is clearly capable of doing evil things…their God will even strike up deals with the Devil. It doesn’t surprise me. I mean, God created Satan, right? It seems logical that He would entertain the creature He created, right?
I feel stupid for saying these things. Am I stupid, Rob? I feel like I’m telling you things that are painfully obvious. Do I need to go see a psychotherapist or something?
Are we truly born into sin because of Adam and Eve? Who tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden? Satan tempted Eve, right? For the umpteenth time today, who created Satan again? Who was it that gave Satan his propensity for evil? God created this game man…He created all of it!!!!! If He didn’t, then HE IS NOT GOD.
Bigfoot Eruption responds…
Right, I am understanding your viewpoint. We probably need to talk on the phone to discuss if I need to stop asking/sharing certain content, because of your basic statement, or that you are just warning me of how you will respond.
Your stance doesn’t change that I am still asking certain questions, and still makes you a source of a certain viewpoint.
We all have the right to our beliefs, and our own journey.
So, you have made yourself clear. To get some feedback on this hypothesis, I offer this…
So, in my hypothesis, Satanists creating Nephilim humanoids, that legally don’t exist, would keep the law off their back for sacrifices. However, humans also are abducted, unless they are abducting people that are not fully human that are bread for this purpose. Put into society until needed. The blood would be more super-human and probably worth more on the market.
Note: This would be a reason for all the DNA ancestry craze.
Back to some of your questions about “is this sounding stupid.”
I asked Heidi about some of it, and she said, “Let’s put that one on the shelf until we know more.” This was in reference to why was Satan/Fallen Angel/or a lizard inspired by Satan, in the Garden in the first place.
Some questions can go on the list, but maybe they are further down on the list. All questions should go on the list, but which question is first…
So that meant no more discussion on the snake question, which was not rewarding, but it did make sense.
Did God have a plan B that would lead to scriptures that offer a plan of Salvation? Yes, many would presume.
Why didn’t He think ahead better?
Just examples of maybe we put questions in a certain order. That gives me an idea for a new page. That helps me, if questions were to be in a certain order, what would that look like…
So not stupid, but the circular futility…chasing our tails…like trying to figure out the Bigfoot phenomenon, is also true in some of these God/Biblical questions. I am not sure who is behind that. A God that is offering Salvation?
I remember that Jesus used parables for certain reasons…like He wanted only certain people to figure it out, because of timing. Like code, during a war.
I think there are more questions to be asked, but we don’t know what those are. Not yet.
July 14, 2023
Don’t beat yourself up over any of this stuff man. I’ve been DEEP in the weeds with this stuff for a VERY long time. Millions and millions of people have also been deep into this stuff too. Some people are eventually forced into looking deep into these things. Look, I was…something extremely bad happened to me when I was young. Someone close to me, also when they were young. God and Jesus did not protect either one of us…we’re part of a club of hundreds of millions of children that weren’t protected by God and Jesus.
But Jesus came to die on the cross to save my soul, right? Jesus and God gave me my soul to begin with, but in turn, they have to somehow save me from the very soul that they gave me? This is complete insanity.
Hey, like I said…don’t beat yourself up over this stuff. I once believed all the same things you believed. What I’ve just said here, however, should make most people think twice. Make no mistake though, I’m not trying to change your mind. I’m just trying to offer up a different way of looking at things. You’ve been at odds with God ever since your honeymoon, right? So, that’s 22ish years, right? Why is God doing this to you?
Don’t make me bring up Jacob either. Seriously, any miscarriage is enough for me to burn my Bibles outside in my fire pit. However, what you witnessed with Kristen and Jacob that day…God and Jesus simply cannot be a part of that, in my opinion.
Don’t worry about replying to anything I’ve wrote today. If something comes to you in a few days, or in a week, then feel free to chime in.
Bigfoot Eruption Responds…
I don’t want to believe this, but I sometimes think of a scenario where, like in the Clash of the Titans, gods are looking down on us, like they are a club. And what if our God won out, and is in control, and thus is not a perfect God/god.
Insanity to have to send your son to die because You didn’t plan things out better. Yes, that could seem like insanity. Maybe insanity is not being able to understand things that we can’t understand.
I am finally reading, “When God Doesn’t Make Sense” by Dr. James Dobson. Should be interesting. So far, he is listing a lot of good people that died unfairly. He is saying, that he is getting to the reasons why we would still trust a Gid that would allow that.
He points out the verses that say that we can’t understand God. So, I think the first of all the questions is do we believe the Bible is the inspired word of God. Second, question, can God still get His Good revealed through it, even if man may have tinkered with some of it, or at least our lame efforts to translate. My page about what questions would be first, has been an interesting page for me.
Back for Jesus coming to die because someone screwed up. That would still be an act of love, most likely.
In writing down why Satan is bad, something I am working on, because you have made me wonder “Do we really know these reasons”, I am seeing that, if God is Satan, or making Satan be the henchman for Him, that He is working against His Own Self, in the redemption plan offered by the Bible. Which would be insanity. Interesting stuff.
Concerning Gid creating with a soul, only to need a Salvation plan for our soul later. We are thinking how this part could get int he weeds and would likely be about the curse of Adam and Eve. Why couldn’t it just be a teaching moment for Adam and Eve, like how we experience grace, now?
There is something going on about rules God is not allowing himself to change, and so is playing the long game. He made the rules? He made the rules.
Obviously, we need to learn more about this; however, we are learning that the Bible says to not go on these rabbit trails, but to focus on Christ. He knew we would not find all the answers, and is likely letting us know that, we won’t find them, not until we die, but He is saying that we can be on the journey with Him in a real way, right now. Considering we are seeing no better plan out there; this is a pretty sweet deal.
More about bad things happening to good people. There are such things as generational curses, that affect this.
Question: Why did the lead of Bigfoot Eruption not die from his covid double pneumonia coma, while other good people did die? His wife would argue that she had a whole army of prayer warriors, praying. Hundreds.
There is a formula, and these things matter. It may be this simple. Things such as these, that is.
This also may not help many people, for us to say this, but there are a lot of people in Heaven that will outrank the Bigfoot Eruption co-owner/creator. Babies that die an unfair death, are very likely the highest ranking. Right up there with martyrs. An easy life here on Earth, you won’t rank very high in Heaven, but hey, at least you are there.
Bigfoot Eruption asks, “Are there janitors in Heaven?” Or maybe we will be in charge of a Bigfoot rec center?” Meaning, many will be ranked higher than us, primarily because of their presumed unfair demise and treatment. Also, a hotter palce in Hell for those that hurt them.
Many that come out of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) claim victory in Jesus and are happy to help others in Jesus’ name. The do not blame God but are grateful that they are ready to help those coming out of SAR.
July 30, 2023
“In response to a pastor telling us “No” in our request to help teach others about the hard questions in the Bible.”
Well Rob, I’m not surprised by your pastor’s response…
I think 99.9999999% of pastors out there would have provided a similar response. At least he gave some explanation for his “NO” answer to you. It sounds like maybe he was kind and gentle about it too. I think you received an answer that most pastors would give. There might be some who would be much firmer in their response in saying “NO”, and I think there would even be some pastors who wouldn’t have responded to you at all, especially in a very large church where you were just another face in the crowd. You know what, I want to change it to 100%…I don’t think any pastor would ever give permission allowing discussions to take place about the “hard questions.” Why? Well, because it’s about much more than just “chasing our tails.” The REAL problem with the “hard questions” is that the problem, itself, has always existed.
How do you think Christianity has been able to survive all these years? Well, it has survived through a business model of assembling people in churches every week and giving them only the good stuff…preaching the Gospel, singing songs of praise, Baby Jesus at Christmas via His virgin mother…and the promise of an eternity in heaven if you’d only believe in Jesus. It’s actually a very good business model. Why? Because it gives people hope. It gives them strength. It gives them courage. It calms their fears. It’s a business model that, through COGNITIVE DISSONANCE, keeps the masses at bay. It’s a business model that keeps the masses in a very primitive state with their beliefs. It’s a business model that doesn’t allow people like you or me to even dare to ask the hard questions…and when we do, we are silenced.
For you, it’s a little different. That’s because you’ve been a part of a church all of your life. You’ve always maintained your membership in some “Christian Country Club.” I’m not knockin’ that. Churches are very powerful places. They make us feel good. Every week, churches give us the opportunity to wipe the slate clean. Worshiping en masse helps us to feel less guilty about the sins we committed during the week. Between Sundays, we all sin…sometimes our sins are small, sometimes they are big.
Within the past week or so, there was a story I read on Fox News. It was about an 80+ year old retired pastor who had recently confessed to killing an 8-year-old little girl. I think he confessed to the crime because DNA evidence finally caught up to him, but there are other factors too that ultimately led to his confession. He murdered the little girl in 1975, I think. It happened during the summer. His church and a neighboring church teamed up together and offered Vacation Bible School for the children of their community. Long story short, he abducted the girl and tried to have his way with her. He had the little girl in his car and asked her to take off her clothes. However, she refused. So, the pastor punched her in her little head, causing grave injuries to her. He then discarded her body.
Man, lots of Sunday services happened after that. As the pastor of a church, I wonder how many Sundays passed before he felt absolved of his guilt. I’m not sure how long the guy was a pastor, but I’m guessing he served as a paster for at least 30 years after he murdered that little girl. Can you imagine that? That’s the power of the church man. That’s the power of Christianity. We can kill people. We can be sexual deviates. We can steal. We can rape. We can cheat. We can fornicate. We can masturbate. We can covet. We can lust. We can ignore the sufferings of others. Instead of giving our money to the needy, we can go to Vegas or the Mall of America. We can order 5 Big Mac value meals in the drive thru and drive right past the beggar holding up a sign asking for food. There is power in the church because every week we are given the ability to wipe the slate clean. In all reality, Christianity is about as delusional as any other religion.
Sorry, I got off on a tangent there. The moral conundrums I just mentioned have existed in Christianity since Christianity began. We can commit the same sins as everyone else, but as long as we believe in Jesus, we are forgiven. We can kill and rape little children and we can do it repeatedly. As long as we ask for forgiveness on Sunday, we are given assurance that we will spend an eternity in heaven. Think about it…seriously think about it. Christianity is essentially a religion that relieves us of our guilt. We spend our lives in a continual cycle of committing sins and then think Jesus forgives us of those sins when we ask Him to. Then, after committing a sin and being forgiven of it, we have the nerve to ask God and Jesus for more. We ask them for more money, a better job, a nicer house, a nicer car, and a hornier wife. We also have the nerve to ask God and Jesus to keep us healthy, to keep our children healthy, and to keep us from dying in car accidents while in transit to get snow cone machines from hot-ex-girlfriends while our wives are thousands of miles away. Christians are no different than anyone else man. However, we somehow think we are special and that we are forgiven no matter how many sins we commit. It’s a very special religion and this is why you will never be able to address the hard questions in any church.
Imagine if everyone reached out to your pastor the way that you did. What do you think would happen? The church would eventually fall apart. In my studies, I’ve learned that there were MANY Christians in the early church who asked the hard questions. As a result, they were labeled heretics. Many were killed. Essentially, you could be labeled a heretic because of your search in the answers for the hard questions. Don’t believe me? Then try addressing your pastor again. Don’t just give up because he told you “NO”. Don’t just accept his weak-ass answer about how it would only end up with everyone just chasing their tails. Try being persistent about it and see what happens. With enough persistence on your end, your church will have no other choice but to ban you from their church.
Again, sorry for going off on this tangent. I don’t even know why I’m approaching things from this angle on this day. There are thousands of angles to approach it from. You and I have talked about so many different angles. You tend to favor the “Blurry Creatures” angle and I get it. I was there myself. From the angle of Blurry Creatures, you believe that the Nephilim somehow survived the great flood…yet there’s absolutely no proof of this whatsoever. Where are the surviving Nephilim? Why aren’t they being showcased on the evening news every day? I’ve never heard David Muir mention Nephilim not even once. I can turn it on the Trinity Broadcast Network too, and I would find no live footage to prove to me that the Nephilim survived the great flood. However, you make your declaration about the survival of the Nephilim with confidence and great certainty. I’m not knockin’ it. Believe me, I get it. I’ve been there myself.
If the Nephilim survived, where do they live? How do they exist? Are they physical creatures? Are they spiritual creatures? Can they be both physical and spiritual? Does Satan control the Nephilim? Or does God?
Hey, what about UFO’s? Have you been watching the news lately? They had a hearing last week on CSPAN discussing the existence of UFO’s. I watched some of the footage that some YouTube channel put out after the fact. It was fascinating!!!
UFO’s are all supposedly demonic, right? I’m sure you’ve heard this theory. I came to believe this too back in 2015 or 2016. John Schneider (Dukes of Hazzard) put out a great documentary in 2016ish called “Alien Intrusion”. It was shown in select theaters all across America on one or two nights. I saw it here in San Antonio.
Here’s the deal, if UFO’s are somehow the result of demonic activity, then how in the hell are they able to physically create at “tic tac” UFO that can visibly been seen by pilots and can be visibly seen on radar? Are you familiar with the famous Travis Walton case (Fire in the Sky)? Well, I have a separate side story that relates to that incident that happened just this past week. Maybe I’ll get into that at another time. However, this recent “incident” with me that started on Friday, July 21st, ultimately made me ask the questions: How are UFO’s physically constructed by spiritual demons? How are the physical structures of the crafts created by spiritual demons? How are the physical insides of the crafts constructed by spiritual demons? Where do all these things take place? I then came up with a much bigger question, one that relates to the vastness of the universe.
If the universe is a big as scientists say it is, with a minimum of ONE BILLION galaxies, and upwards of a TRILLION galaxies, what are the chances that God and Jesus created this vast universe just for the sake of little, teeny-weeny planet Earth? In my mind, the chances are ZERO because it would logically make no sense whatsoever. If God and Jesus did such a thing, then we should be able to report them for Fraud, Waste, and Abuse, LOL!!!!!!!! Just another angle to consider things from.
In the meantime, Rob, just drink the kool-aid man. Stop bothering the pastors at your country club church…a very beautiful church, by the way. Just let it go man. Because if you get black-balled at Calvary Corvallis, there’s a good chance you won’t be able to find another church anywhere in the Albany-Corvaallis area. That community is too small man…the word would spread fast about you “asking too many questions.” I’m only kidding, but at the same time, I’m being a little serious about it.
NOBODY KNOWS THE ANSWERS TO ANY OF THE HARD QUESTIONS…but maybe there will come a day when all will be revealed.
Just remember, everything you’re seeing right now and everything that has ever happened since the beginning of time…THE CHRISTIAN GOD IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL OF IT, that is, if you truly believe HE exists. That’s because He is the Alpha and the Omega and it’s because he knows every hair on our heads. It’s also because he is omniscient and omnipresent. To deny these things about Christianity would be to blaspheme God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
Sorry for rambling.
Take care brother,
Bigfoot Eruption Responds…
That is a lot to unpack, and we likely will not get to all of it, as new emails keep coming. On one hand keeping us distracted from other things? “Lord help us to focus on the right things.”
Agreed, that murderous priest should not have gotten away with murder so long ago, and how many tainted sermons in-between.
August 1, 2023
Because I would never kill a homosexual just because they were a homosexual. In Leviticus 20:13, it clearly states that if a man lies with a man, then both men have committed a CAPITAL OFFENSE, and both men should be put to death.
Bigfoot Eruption Responds…
Again, there is a lot we don’t know. Were these men even human? We know God had his people wipe out people groups because they were not human, they were Fallen Angel hybrids that were polluting the pure human DNA. Angels and gone rogue, and to God this was not ok. Especially since you need pure human DNA for a Savior to be born.
Or God feels this strongly about the behavior. This could mean that our actions can change our DNA. Research, sex magic and Nimrod.
To conclude that God is simply a jerk, is to wipe away all of His Good, and to say goodby to hope. But, hey that is your choice.
But this question may be answered in our new page Revelation 2020 – Fallen Eruption (, where it is said that if we can’t glean understanding from scripture, then move on and come back to it later in life, and you might be ready for God to let you understand better. And it says more and is really interesting.
Now this, and all of what we just said, won’t change the mind of a Deconstructionist, but in this manner of thought, for us, we feel we are getting closer to understanding. August 1, 2023
We might be repeating ourselves, but after some input from another Bigfoot Eruption family member, these people were in the desert wandering around and things were probably like running a tight ship. These people (God’s people) brought all of their satanic stuff out of Egypt with them, mentally speaking as well as actual physical items. God, the same God that told Job to “chill” determined that this way of living was representative of so much more. Maybe this should be a clue to the rest of us.
Next the new covenant came, in the New Testament with Jesus. Now people were not killed by the law but held accountable but as they lived their lives; meaning, God is patient with the judgement. The consequences are still there, but God is patient. In this case, likely, because Jesus came and the salvation plan began, the redemption plan. God not killing people, but letting it play out may be part of the redemption plan, and God wants all to be saved.
Interesting though how God was patient with the Nephilim re-hybridizing everything, for hundreds of years, before sending the flood. Many suffered during that time. So, He loves us but a plan is in place, a plan that saves more people in the end. It seems that this means some do suffer, and many do die.
Make a page about dying just being the entry point to what is next.
When we get to Heaven, it will be instantly worth it, and those, will have a much higher place in heaven then we will.
A deconstructionist would say that is Christian PTSD, making up stuff to bail God out of looking so bad. We say, PTSD goes both ways, and the way that has the salvation plan, is a plan indeed. Both deconstructionist and Christian use their own conclusions to fill in the Biblical blanks. Both can be wrong. August 14, 2023
August 7, 2023
Rob, what are you looking for brother? The reason I ask this question is because you shouldn’t be looking for anything. You made your decision a long time ago. As a Christian, every answer to every question was already answered the moment you accepted Jesus Christ as your savior. What? How can I say such a thing when it’s very clear that we don’t have all the answers? A better way to put it is that: The answers don’t matter. Your faith and trust in Jesus Christ are all that matters. In all reality, the life you’re living right now doesn’t really matter…because it is nothing but a vapor (James 4:14). Think about it. This life is nothing. You and I as average American males can expect to be dead sometime within the next 20 years. That’s how short our lives are. Again, what are you looking for? Because, by now, you should have already found everything…in Jesus Christ. If you haven’t found what you’re looking for in 50+ years walking with Christ, what makes you think you’ll find them in your 20 remaining years? You talk about how you want to learn more. What more do you need to learn? Are you looking for something to change in this life? If so, what is it?
If you truly believe in Jesus, and if you have been born again, then you should be walking in the Holy Spirit. Why aren’t you though? Why are you seeking answers in places that you shouldn’t be seeking them? The Bible is all you need, isn’t it? I always get a kick out of Christian guys who use extra-biblical texts for source material. If God and Jesus wanted Alberino and Hieser to find truths in the book of Enoch, then don’t you think that the book of Enoch would be in the approved canonized Bible? I don’t even want to get into all of that right now, but in case you didn’t know, there are TONS of extra-biblical texts. Some of the most fascinating texts are the ones they found in 1945 in a cave near the Egyptian town of Nag Hammadi. These became known as the Gnostic Gospels. These were writings allegedly written in the very early days of Christianity. I’ve actually read bits and pieces of them. There are things written in those texts that will blow your mind. I’ll attach a link just so you can verify that I’m not BS’ing you. However, I’m in no way telling you to actually read any of those extra-biblical texts. Do you want to know how I came upon them? Because I began asking questions that I technically should not have been asking as a true believer in Christ. Again, what are you looking for Rob? You already believe in Christ, and you know that in about 20 years from now, give or take, you’ll be on the other side. You’ll be in heaven for eternity.
If you’re really looking for the truth, then start reading your Bible. That’s what I did. It’s a very complicated book actually. It’s not a chronological book either. Essentially, it’s a collection of independently written books, most of which have unknown authors. It’s really hard to keep track of things too. I always get confused about time periods when I read the Bible, especially the Old Testament. Much of the Bible is told in the same way that any storyteller would have written similar texts in ancient days. If you really look closely, you can see how Homer’s epics, The Iliad and The Odyssey, seem to have been “borrowed” and used in Bible. I say “borrowed” because Homer’s epics allegedly came before the Bible. Rob, this stuff is a slippery slope man. The epic of Gilgamesh is another interesting place to see where maybe much earlier ideas and writings were taken from and placed into the Bible…and then turned into a Hebrew story. The ancient Sumerian tablets are another source that are very interesting to consider. The thing is, there were other cultures living side by side with the ancient Jews. Each culture seems to have their own version of antiquity. There were far more ancient cultures too. Even Greek mythology is something to consider being that the New Testament was written in Greek. There’s really a lot to consider, if you’re seriously looking for answers. I can’t show you what I’ve seen and the connections I’ve made. You’re going to have to do that on your own. I can’t be responsible for you going down the same road as me. You asked me for sources? Well, I don’t have one particular source that I’ve drawn from. I don’t have specific links. I’ve drawn my information from hundreds of sources. There are a couple of YouTube channels right now that have excellent information on this stuff…both channels are from fundamental Christians who have walked away. I only discovered these channels a few months ago. I can’t give you that information because it actually could change your mind. If I’m wrong, I can’t be responsible for you going to hell. However, those are guys just like you and me. In fact, I would say they were, at one time, far stronger Christians than you and I have ever been. Rob, we’re not the only ones looking for answers.
In your 45-year walk with Christ, don’t you think it’s really a case of just waiting for death now? I say 45 years because probably not before age 7 or 8 did you even have a clue about what it meant to walk in Christ. You’ve been walking with Christ for 45ish years. What you see is what you get, right? Is something crazy supposed to happen between now and the time you die? You are saved Rob. Everything else doesn’t matter. I’ll touch on the sex thing for just a second. If you’re expecting more sex in this lifetime, I think you should seriously stop expecting that. Why? Because God and Jesus are showing you that it isn’t going to happen. They’ve been showing you for years that they don’t want you to have the sex that you want to have. It’s probably best just to listen to your pastor. Focus on the Gospel of Jesus Christ and stop chasing your tail. I would depart from all of the Bigfoot stuff too. From a Christian viewpoint, that stuff could very well be demonic. The same goes for UFO’s and the like. If Alberino is right, fallen angels are piloting UFO’s. Just stay away from all of it.
The more you dabble with the unknown, the more you open yourself up to spiritual attacks from Satan. Next time, you could very well die on your way to get that snow cone machine. Next time you get Covid-19, maybe God won’t warn you with dreams of hell. Next time, maybe He’ll just let you die and send you straight to hell for living in sin. What sin? Carnal sexual sin. Like thinking about sex all of the time. Like telling your wife that you’re getting blue balls and other women are starting to look good to you. Like going to Evelyn’s apartment. Like even thinking about divorcing your wife because you think she should be giving you all of the fleshly sex you want. God hates fleshly desires. Jesus hates them too. The Apostle Paul’s message throughout all of his writings has one central message: Depart from the flesh and walk in the Holy Spirit. Paul said this over and over. God drowned everyone on earth for their fleshly desires, for crying out loud!!!! Why do you need more proof? Why do you need more answers? Every time you want sex with your wife, and she doesn’t give it to you, that’s God and Jesus telling you what they want…but you don’t really believe that do you? Despite the path God has put you on, you keep denying His will for you. If Christianity is true, if Yahweh is the Father of Jesus, all the answers you’ve ever needed have been put right in front of you your entire life. Stop fighting God Rob. Start choosing a more righteous path. Start fasting. Start praying and fasting. Don’t be one of the MANY who will not enter heaven, despite the fact that you think you are going to heaven. Don’t be one of the MANY that Jesus spews out of Mouth, and says “Depart from me, I never knew you.” The Bible proves that most Christians will not go to heaven. The “once saved, always saved” doctrine is complete BS and Jesus proved it in His own words.
Are you feeling guilty now? Good. You need to be feeling extremely guilty. Because everything I just said applies to you and every other Christian. If you think Heidi’s daughter is going to hell, you’re probably right. Guess what? You’ll probably be right there with her. Why? Because you have essentially sinned at the same level as she has. Don’t believe me? Just read your Bible. We can’t keep living in sin and think we are forgiven. If we are continually living in sin, then that means we have not been born again of the Holy Spirit. Jesus was very clear about this: You will know them by their fruits (Matt 7:20).
Have you had enough yet? Is my preaching too much for you? Welcome to the club brother. The guilt trip I just placed on you is another reason why I really started reading the Bible. So many principals in the Bible directly contradict themselves. On one hand, Jesus says that all one needs to do is to believe in Him to gain eternal salvation, but on the other hand, He tells everyone that VERY FEW will enter heaven. Paul does the same damn thing. He says that husbands and wives should succumb to each other’s sexual desires but spends most of his time speaking out against all fleshly desires. One of the biggest contradictions in the Bible can be found in 1 John 2:2: And He Himself is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the whole world.
Read that verse again. Read it a 100 times, dammit!!!! That verse is telling us that Jesus died for everyone, not just Christians. That verse is telling us that he died for Muslims, Hindus, and even the Jews who had Him killed. That verse is telling us that Jesus died for homosexuals and sex-magic waitresses too. HE DIED FOR THE WHOLE WORLD regardless of our sins. Why? Because we can’t stop sinning. No matter how guilty I make you feel, you’re still going to have lustful sexual thoughts. I am too. Ever since you exposed me to Evelyn the waitress, I lust for her day and night (I’m just kidding, I don’t lust for her…I’ve only masturbated to her twice, LOL).
The Bible is full of contradictions!!!!! What should we do with 1 John 2:2? Should we just throw it out? Do we throw that one out and keep the verse about our God who kills faggots? In principal, both scriptures directly contradict themselves. In this case, God and Jesus are directly contradicting themselves.
Just read the Bible yourself and then decide…it’s as simple as that. Don’t just take Calvary Corvallis’s word for it. Don’t take Blurry Creatures word for it. Don’t take Tim Alberino’s word for it. Just read the Bible and see what you find. You might see it like I see it, or you might even see it the way I used to see it before I actually read it…and that would be to depart from ALL FLESHLY DESIRES.
Sorry, I went way overboard here in what I intended to write. If you truly believe in Jesus, then read your Bible. Don’t leave any question as to what’s written in it. That’s my 2-cents.
Take care man…it’s all good Rob. We’re just two guys looking for answers and looking for truth.
Nag Hammadi library – Wikipedia
August 8, 2023
Does the existence of Aliens change the Jesus aspect of our search for truth? A new angle?
August 24, 2023
Bigfoot Eruption responds…
We just lost days of content. Why did we not hit the save/update button? This is something that we normally do. Is God trying to get us to not focus so much on this contact’s input? Is this considered chasing our tails?
We are starting to underdtans this contact’s point, but is it still woth losing your chance at Salvation?
Note: This contact says that he still considers himelf a CHristian, but that too much is going unnoticed by Christians. For example, all the mistakes God has presumably made.
We say, “that still makes Him God.” And a God you can understand is a puney god.
August 15, 2023
Look man, so much of where I’ve gone in my thinking has more to do with other issues than just the Bible. Right now, there are two Christian countries who at war with each other: Russia and Ukraine. How can this be?
I’ve always wondered why Jews don’t believe that Jesus is the Messiah. Back in the times of Jesus they didn’t believe in him and today, that still holds true. Of course, I’m not talking about Messianic Jews, which are very few in number anyway. Jews don’t recognize Messianic Jews as actual Jews. I’ve actually studied a little about why Jews don’t believe that Jesus is the Messiah. What I found was that they believe there can only be one God. So, Jesus presents a problem for them. Essentially, Jesus would be a second God to them…THOU SHALL HAVE NO OTHER GOD’S BEFORE ME!!!!!
God gave Moses the 10 Commandments. One of those commandments was that they should not worship any other gods. Why would God confuse His own people and confuse His own words by sending Jesus? Jesus represented Himself to Jews as God…”I and the Father are one (John 10:30).”
Then the Prophet Muhammed comes onto the scene 600 years after Jesus and claims to be visited by the Archangel Gabriel. If Gabriel really did give revelation to the prophet Muhammed, then we’ve got problems because Gabriel is an angel of God in Christian beliefs and Jewish beliefs.
Which one is right? I do see the Jews argument against Jesus. I mean, after all, God commanded them to only have one God. Why would they even consider Jesus? I’m not too intelligent about Muslims, but their belief system comes from the same roots as Christianity and Islam.
Then we have the Holocaust. If God is willing to let 6,000,000 of His “chosen people” suffer horrific deaths by way of starvation, slave labor, and gas chambers…then I think maybe people just need to stop trying to figure it all out. At the very least, we can use the Holocaust as proof that maybe our petty problems don’t matter to God. Did God let 6,000,000 Jews suffer a torturous death because they rejected Jesus? How could that be? He’s the ONE who told them NOT to believe in anyone else…
Billions of people will spend an eternity in hell simply for not believing in Jesus. This includes hundreds of millions of people that might actually be more righteous than us, meaning they may have committed far fewer sins than us, and they may have actually done far greater good for the betterment of humankind. What have I done for God? To be honest with you…not much.
Anyway, just throwing all of this out there in an effort to give you a better understanding of where my thinking comes from. It’s definitely not all about the “Bible problems” for me.
I think we seriously need to steer away from situations where either one of us is disputing the other’s beliefs. In my humble opinion, I think a lot of that comes from “Evangelical Christianity” itself. This is why we have so many different churches just in the USA alone. Nobody can agree on anything…and everybody wants to be right.
Right now, at this very moment, if God were to command me to start killing homosexuals, I wouldn’t do it. My house would become a safe haven for the LGBTQ’s running from God’s wrath. If God were to order me to start killing Muslims because they another god, then I would also harbor them in my house. It’s become much more of a moral issue for me than the problems with the Bible.
I cannot reconcile the incest problems with Adam and Eve and Noah and his family either. Sorry, I just can’t do it anymore. I made excuses all my life for that crap. It’s morally a bunch of crap to me now. The story of Lott handing over his virgin daughters so that he could protect God’s angels is another problem for me. Morally speaking, it’s unfathomable. If that actually happened, I cannot morally support it. I can’t support what God did to Job either with handing him over to Satan…
Sorry man. I believed what you believed all my life, but there’s so much of it that I don’t support anymore. If I go to hell, then I go to hell. Morally, I know who I am. I will not take advantage of my Christian privilege and commit the same sins as everyone else and watch all the non-Christians burn in hell while I’m in heaven. I’m Ok being in hell with good Hindus and good Muslims. I’ll hang out with the best of the best though…I promise. I’m actually a big fan of Hindu-Indians, especially those who became doctors and saved countless Christian lives right here in America. This is who I am morally.
Later my friend,
Bigfoot Eruption responds…
August 17, 2023
Something has occurred to me over the past 24 hours or so…
Before I get into that, let me just address Brad’s apologetic answer to the “murder issue.” He says, “It’s not murder if they are breaking the covenant and sinning…it’s judgement.” Ok, Ok, I can get on board with that. Wait, what covenant are we talking about exactly? Was God somehow different in the days of Moses? Was God different in the days of Abraham or Noah? Whether or not it was 2K, 3K, or 4K years ago, why are we not under the same moral convictions as our forefathers? Why haven’t you killed Heidi’s daughter yet? You’re secretly shunning her anyway. Why not just kill her? Wouldn’t this please God? I mean, we already know what God wants. If you killed Heidi’s daughter, it wouldn’t be murder…IT WOULD BE JUDGEMENT. Hallelujah!!!! Praise God!!!
When I hear Brad’s answer, it’s nothing new to me. It’s a classic apologetic answer in an effort to protect God and the Bible, and even Jesus. Believe me man, I know Christian apologetics. I’ve been fully aware of Christian apologetics for most of my life…and even more so over the past couple of years. God approved of slavery and so did Jesus. It’s a little harder directly pinpoint Jesus’s approval of slavery, but for sure He never condemned. The Apostle Paul, the greatest spokesperson for all of Christianity, told the Ephesians to obey their slave owners (Eph 6:5). If God approved of slavery, and so did Paul, please tell me something: Why in the hell did Christians free the niggers?
Sorry, I only use the “N” for emphasis. Our own Christian nation fought each other over slavery. Brothers killed brothers over the right to enslave another human being. This shouldn’t have happened because God clearly ordained slavery in the Old Testament. Are we under God’s laws? Or do we follow the laws of men who counter-acted God’s laws? Murdering fagots should be OK. Murdering adulterers should be OK. Murdering those who worship other gods should be OK. There shouldn’t be one Muslim Mosque on US soil. The USA has countered many of God’s laws…and we’re supposed to be a Christian nation? Why do we have laws in the United States? Why aren’t the murders of homosexuals allowed? Because it is morally reprehensible, that’s why. So much of what God did in the Bible wouldn’t stand today. God would have been executed for the crimes he committed in the Old Testament. How did we ever stray from God’s laws?
Look Rob, I know I sound like I’m being argumentative. However, I promise you that I’m not. I defended the Bible all my life. I did that without ever knowing what was in it. God already showed all of us how he feels about homosexuals. He commanded Moses to kill them. Why would that be different in 2023? God doesn’t change!!!! He is the same today, as He was yesterday, and He’ll be the same forever!!!! If you truly believe in the word of God, then you need to kill Heidi’s daughter. Don’t involve Kristen in the matter though. We don’t need both of you going to jail. Someone needs to take care of Kyler. What about Brad? He’s all about God’s judgement. Is there any way we can get him to kill Heidi’s daughter? He might as well kill Mike while he’s at it. What kind of Christians are you people? You defend God’s will and His actions whenever it’s convenient…but when the rubber meets the road, you’ll just let faggots and transgenders rule the day, even in your family.
Rob, you can clearly see that I’m being stupidly facetious. This is exactly what I’m talking about though. You, Brad, and all of the Christians of the world will defend God no matter how many heinous acts He was responsible for in the Bible.
I’m going to send you that link for the website that shows most of the crazy-ass scriptures in the Bible. I found that website about a year ago or less. The reason I’ve been hesitant to send it is because I don’t want to be responsible for causing you doubt. The other reason is because the link was created by a former Christian pastor. His name is Dan Barker. He walked away after a lifetime of serving Christ. He is now an atheist. I don’t even know if he’s still alive. He and his wife gained fame as atheists. They created some foundation…the Freedom from Religion Foundation, or something like that. For all intents and purposes, I don’t give a rats-ass if he’s an atheist. However, he did a lot of work compiling all of those “bad scriptures.” For a while, I was highlighting all of those scriptures in my Bible. After about 3 days (20 hours), I gave up. I didn’t even scratch the surface because there were so many awful scriptures. I’ll attach the link.
Before I ever stumbled upon Dan Barker and that link, I had been searching deep into the Bible. His link is a tool only. I’m not a damn atheist, for crying out loud. You know who I’ve found to be some of the smartest Bible people? Ex-Christian pastors and Ex-Christian Bible scholars. Have a look at all the scriptures. You might not even get through all of them. As you read them, try defending them. I couldn’t defend them. Just like I can’t defend Brad’s apologetic answer. I’m not freakin’ killing Heidi’s daughter or Mike. I’ll let you and Brad do that, LOL. I’m only kidding. You and Brad are obvious special in some sort of Godly way. You ignore what God commanded Moses…what do you guys know that I don’t? Somehow, you guys are more special than Moses…must be nice, LOL. Seriously, why would the God of the Old Testament be different than He is today? The God of the Old Testament is the same God that you worship at Calvary Corvallis.
The Bible has fucked me up Rob…I don’t know how else to say it. Anyway, take a look at the scriptures on that website. Just because an ex-Christian atheist compiled them, doesn’t make it evil. The scriptures are from our Holy Bible.
P.S.: I have some more thoughts about the Jews and Jesus. More on that in another email. Also, I didn’t even get into what I wanted to address in the first place. I’ll email more about that later too.
Categories – Unpleasant GOD: A Companion by Dan Barker, FFRF
Bigfoot Eruption responds…
August 17, 2023
The Jews rejection of Jesus has long puzzled me. From a Jewish standpoint, and even more so from Biblical standpoint, I don’t fully understand their search for a Messiah. However, I know their Messiah is supposed to be a “future king” and he will come from the Davidic bloodline. I don’t even know where to find this in the Bible.
A long time ago, I remember reading about how Joseph (fake dad of Jesus) was of the Davidic bloodline and how that would qualify Jesus to be the Jews Messiah…but that never made sense, because Joseph wasn’t actually Jesus’s father. Therefore, from scripture, the Jews are looking for something that isn’t going to occur. Yet, that’s what they’re looking for (see Isaiah 11:1-4).
My confusion about the Jews and Jesus is because when Jesus walked the earth, the Jews wouldn’t have ever recognized Him as the Messiah. In my mind, they would have never accepted anyone who either claimed to be the Son of God, or anyone who was claiming to be God. If they did, they would have violated one of God’s Commandments.
If Jesus was claiming to be God, which He did, the Jews had every right to reject Jesus because God told them to do just that.
Let’s just go to a Christian potluck man and forget about all this stuff…I’m hungry. No need to look into this stuff anymore. Let’s just sing songs and go to potlucks…and look at the pretty ladies in their Sunday best.
The “feel good” side of Christianity is much more pleasant. Maybe I’ll just try to forget all of the crazy issues.
Later man,
Bigfoot Eruption responds…
August 8, 2023
Bigfoot Eruption responds…

Imagine Bigfoot at the Alamo version 4; image, by Bigfoot Eruption Discord/Mid Journey.
First Choice of Featured Image for this page:
Our San Antonio point of contact, after being a Christian because it seemed like the right thing to do as a youth, is being challenged with his world view as he reads the Bible seriously now; thus, a picture of Angels and Demons seemed fitting.

Demons, Archangel Michael, Relief, Religion; image, by gunthersimmermacher | Pixabay.
Demons, Archangel Michael, Relief, Religion; image, by gunthersimmermacher | Pixabay.