Back to San Antonio Point of Contact…
May 22, 2024
The “Which God Saves” Question
More about God being accountable for all Evil…
June 29, 2024
So, street preaching…
Are you for or against it? Do you approve of Ray Comfort’s method of reaching the unsaved? How about Wretched’s method? I’ve seen several videos from the Wretched guy. However, I don’t remember what that guy’s name is. Whether or not you approve of the “street preaching” method of witnessing, let me ask you a question…
Mormon Visitors…
Have you ever been at home, in whatever place you lived, and the doorbell rings or you hear a knock on the door and after you opened the door to see who it is you are met with two young men in white shirts? Chances are, Mormon missionaries have come to your house at least once in your lifetime. Has this ever happened to you? Maybe your answer is “No.” If Mormon missionaries have never come knocking on your door, I guess you can consider yourself lucky. What if the opposite were true though? What if God and Jesus purposefully spared you from hearing the witnessing of Mormon missionaries because THEY knew you would reject their message anyway? Robbie, the Mormon message about Jesus and salvation is the one and only true message. Haven’t you figured that out yet?
Note from Bigfoot Eruption: Our contact is using sarcasm to try and prove his point. With his distrust of the Bible he is mocking the idea, “Why not choose one of these other silly concepts?”
Mormon missionaries have come to my door one time. I immediately turned them away. Since then, I’ve not seen a Mormon missionary. The reason for this must be that God and Jesus fully know my heart and that I won’t ever hear the true message of salvation, which is in the doctrine of Mormonism as presented by the Prophet Joseph Smith.
Yeah man, if you’ve ever been confronted by the Mormons, and you’ve rejected them, I would be seriously concerned if I were you. The rejection of the Mormon message might be an indication that you’ve been turned over to a reprobate mind.
Note from Bigfoot Eruption: More sarcasm…
Have you ever been at home on a Saturday afternoon, and the doorbell rings unexpectedly? If so, your first thoughts might be: Is that the mailman? The FedEx guy? The UPS guy? In any case, it can cause an unsettling feeling, especially in 2024. We DO NOT answer the door for anyone who comes knocking unless we are 100% certain we know who it is. We have two “no soliciting” signs posted at our front entrance. Do those signs stop all people from knocking? Hell no.
If you’ve never had Mormons come knocking on your door, it’s up to you decide as to whether or not you missed an opportunity to hear the ONE AND ONLY REAL TRUTH about Jesus. Brother, the Mormons are right. Are you willing to join me in listening to their message? Please Rob. Just join me. It’s our one last chance. I have a Mormon contact and we can all connect on Zoom.
Note from Bigfoot Eruption: More sarcasm…
If you’ve never been contacted by Mormons, I’d be willing to bet a friendly wager that you’ve definitely had Jehovah’s Witnesses come knocking on your door. When I was stationed in Germany, we lived off base. A nice young couple rang the doorbell one evening. Back then, you didn’t have to worry about answering your door. This was especially true in Germany. They didn’t have solicitors. The young wife knocking at the door was absolutely beautiful. Before I let her and her husband into my house, I suspected that they were Jehovah’s Witnesses. Two minutes after letting them in, I knew 100% that they were JW’s. How did I know that? Because I saw a brochure with WATCHTOWER on the cover. Any Christian who knows anything knows that the WATCHTOWER is a publication of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Still, I invited them into my house. Why? Not to hear their message. Rather, because it was the right thing to do. I was being nice. I was being polite. This husband and wife were beyond nice and friendly. Just because of their friendliness, I could have easily converted to Jehovah’s Witness. In total, they came to our house on 3 different occasions. It took that many times for me to figure out a way to “kindly” tell them that we weren’t interested in becoming Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Brother Rob, I was wrong. I was in error. Jehovah’s Witnesses are the true prophets of God and Jesus!!! How could I have been so foolish? Witnesses for the JW’s have been knocking on my door for 50+ years. They came knocking when I was a kid, a teenager, a young adult, a parent, a MSgt. Robbie, witnesses for the JW’s came knocking on my door just 2 or 3 weeks ago. When they knocked this most recent time, I did not answer the door. The thing is, they knew I was home!!! They saw me outside and when I saw them, I quickly ran inside and shouted to everyone, “DO NOT ANSWER THE DOOR!!!! THE JEHOVAH WITNESSES ARE COMING AROUND!!!!
Robbie, I finally received the final revelation. These past 6 years have been a journey that God has put me on for one reason, and one reason only. God’s sole purpose for these past 6 years have been to show me that the Jehovah’s Witnesses are the true messengers of Christ. I know this because of how many times they have come knocking on my door during my lifetime. Why I have been such a fool? Why I didn’t I see it sooner? God has been giving me signs all this time and He has literally been knocking on my door through the use of His human messengers of the Jehovah Witness faith. This Saturday, I’m fully converting to the ONE AND ONLY TRUE RELIGION at the Kingdom Hall just down the street from me. I will soon be a Jehovah’s Witness. Soon, I’ll be making my way to Albany to meet with you and your family. As God as my witness, I will convert you, Kristen, your children, and especially those reprobates Mike and Marissa, to the faith of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. That’s because I know 100% that you and your family are going to hell if you do not immediately convert to the ONE AND ONLY true faith. I need to get your family saved now, because there are limited spaces in heaven and the Jehovah’s Witnesses have been showing all of us this ONE TRUTH for decades!
Note from Bigfoot Eruption: More sarcasm…
Are you with me? Are you feeling me?
Do you like it when Jehovah’s Witnesses or Mormons come knocking at your door? If not, then how do you think people feel when guys like Ray Comfort or Wretched do the same thing? Everything I just described with the Mormons and JW’s is a form of “street preaching.” Brother, the JW’s have it down pat. They are the best at it! The Mormons aren’t too shabby either. Guys like Ray Comfort and Wretched are amateurs compared to masterful artistry of “snake oil religious salesmanship” that the Mormons and JW’s present.
Note from Bigfoot Eruption: Our contact has revealed the point he is making…
I like how you described Pastor Rob’s method of making a connection with the unsaved. Furthermore, I liked how he told his congregation exactly how to sell the message that he thinks is the TRUE message. Asking about someone’s tattoo, is a very discreet way of weaseling your way into the life of a potential Satan Worshiper, LOL. Every Christian knows that tattoos are of the devil and pretending that you are genuinely interested in a person’s tattoo is a nice and kind way of penetrating a devil worshiper’s life. I far more approve of Pastor Rob’s trickery than I do of Ray Comfort’s or Wretched’s. It’s too bad that Pastor Rob and Ray Comfort are still blinded by the devil…brother, the ONE AND ONLY TRUE FAITH is the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Read your Bible. There’s only going to be 144,000 who will be saved in the end. Are you one of the 144,000? ***End of Sarcasm***
On YouTube, there is a channel or two where Muslim guys are street preaching. Over the past year or so, I’ve seen several of these videos. The guys that are street preaching under the Muslim faith are absolutely wonderful! Their method is completely unlike Ray Comfort’s, Wretched’s, the Mormons, or the JW’s. In those videos, they don’t preach about Allah, or how their religion must be followed in order to escape an eternity in hell. Instead, they put their money where their faith is…like literally. They’ll never even mention Allah or Islam. Instead, they directly help those that are suffering on the streets either by giving them money or giving them food. The recipients of their kindness have no idea that they just received a helping hand from a Muslim. The only clue that might reveal their religion, or that they are Muslims is because of the way they look, you know, in a stereotypical way that you and I might think that someone was a Muslim…because their Arab, middle eastern look.
Which faith holds the truth? Which religion is the one and only true religion? As far as street preaching goes, Christians no more have that market cornered than any other faith.
As a personal favor to me, I would love it very much if you would watch the video that I’ve attached.
Street Epistemology: Dubious Mormon Testimonies (Attribution) (
This is a video that I chose in an effort to show you where I’m at right now. I specifically chose a video where this guy is addressing Mormons. I figured since you don’t believe in Mormonism, this is a way for you to neutrally see where I’m at right now. The guy in the video is a “street preacher” in his own right. However, what he exposes is the flawed human condition with how all people, from all religions, have absolutely no idea what they are talking about, nor do they know even truly know why they believe what they believe. When I first discovered this guy, which was about 6 or 8 months ago (I think), I was at the same place that this guy was at. However, I had no idea that there was a version of “street preaching” that essentially challenges people in their beliefs. When I first discovered him, I watched about 20 of his videos over a period of 2 weeks or so. In every single video, he caused every person to “question” their beliefs…and in a way that was very beautiful, kind, and humble.
The guy’s name is Anthony Magnabosco. What’s interesting is that he is from San Antonio. Furthermore, much of his “street preaching” is performed on the campus at the University of Texas San Antonio. That’s where someone close to me attended. Talk about a sign from God, LOL.
Here’s what you need to know brother, if you are sinning at a level of entering adult stores with the purpose of buying a sexual marriage helping aids, the majority of Christians in this world will have you going to hell, in their minds. Your excuses and reasoning for doing such things are of the devil. Would you really tell Ray Comfort or Pastor Rob that you were in an adult bookstore because of “sexual supplements” for your wife? Do you know how absurd that would sound? If you had committed such sins in the days of Noah and Lot, or Moses, and Abraham, you might have been executed for your sexual sins. In Vegas a couple of weeks ago, we stayed in a part of town where adult stores were on every corner. It’s a part of town that is infamous for prostitution too. There used to be Christian street preachers in that part of town nearly 24/7. That was 20 or more years ago. Here’s my point man, the majority of your brothers in Christ, will tell you that you are bound for hell for secretly entering an adult store for the purpose of sexual perversions. That goes for me too. Shit, I had planned to go to one of the BIG adult stores that was right near our casino. The only reason I didn’t go is because sex was out of the question anyway because of reasons. So, there was no need to explore “sexual supplements.” Are you really serious about that? Sexual supplements? Really? That’s how you would answer to Ray Comfort or Pastor Rob? This proves to me that you cherry pick scriptures just like everyone else does. Instead of sexual supplements at an adult store, you and Kristen should be praying and fasting for all matters that concern your sex life (1 Cor 7:5).
You’re going to hell Rob, and you don’t see it. Which preacher do you want me to show you that will confirm what I just said? Who do you believe? Which Christian doctrine is correct?
Bigfoot Eruption Responds: The one that says, “Saved by Grace.”
Bigfoot Eruption Responds: Narrow is the way because Christ is the only way, but all that choose Him (Truly Choose Him) will go to Heaven. Thus, a high percentage of those that choose Him will go to Heaven. Yes, we base this on scripture and the testimony of Jesus. Why? Because it is nice to have a basis for things while yes, listening to our contact’s input. Why Scripture? Because even the various Christian denominations can’t agree, so we go to the source and pray for guidance.
Guys like Anthony Magnabosco (in the video), has your back. I have your back too. In no way, shape, or form do I think you’re going to hell because of your sexual sins. You believe how you want to believe though. Pick a side. Are you sure it’s the right side? I just listened to Ray Comfort accuse a man of being a reprobate because he willfully chose to watch porn (he didn’t use the word reprobate, but his rebuke was just as strong). If Ray Comfort can say 100% that watching porn will lead to hell, how much deeper in hell will you be for your desire to fuck silicone? At the end of the day, NO HUMAN that is living now, nor has ever lived, knows the absolute truth. Does the truth come from a book? If so, which book? The Bible, The Quran, The Book of Mormon? The Watchtower? Again, did Jesus return like He told His disciples that He would? As far as the Bible goes, and whether or not the Bible can be considered the TRUE INERRANT WORD OF GOD, it’s a simple question. It’s yes or no question. We both know what the answer is. With just one scripture, anyone who reads the Bible will be presented with doubts as to whether or not the Bible is the actual word of God. The contradictions (lies) are in writing, like literally in black and white.
For me, I simply refuse to ignore the downright lies and contradictions in the Bible. I’m tired of all the lies that men tell. If you listen to guys like Anthony Magnabosco long enough, you might eventually see what I see…which is that we’re all living a lie, by way of the lies that we tell ourselves, and how those lies are then declared ABSOLUTE TRUTHS and how they manifest into a false reality. It can happen overnight, like in the case of Jim Jones, David Koresh, or Marshall Applewhite or it can happen over the course of hundreds and thousands of years, like Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Buddhism and Hinduism have been around much longer than Christianity and Islam. Notice how they aren’t on the streets preaching to others that they are going to hell because of watching porn or going to adult shops.
I’ll bring up Martin Luther again. He hated the Jews. Martin Luther is the FATHER of Protestantism. Who’s right? The Protestants or Catholics?
No need to reply back to me on this. It’s time for you to search out matters on your own. I’ve told you where I’m at and where I stand. I’ve told you MANY things that I’ve never told anyone else. If I’m wrong about what I currently believe, then I accept it. I’ll go to hell. Who else will be in hell with me? Hitler? Pol Pot? How would that even make sense? Where’s the justice in that? Where’s the justice in having a person go to hell because they believed in the Hindu gods all of their lives and never even knew a thing about Jesus?
Is there any chance that you could be in hell with me? If so, that would be kind of cool, right? We could continue our discussions. I know that sounds silly, right? Robbie, I can send you some videos right now that will show you that you might very well end up in hell. Let’s not do that though. Let’s just end this. This isn’t about me and you. This isn’t about me. I’ve already made my decisions. Can my mind be changed? Yes, absolutely. For now, just worry about yourself. You need to make sure that you’re going to heaven…you need to be 100% sure. Good luck in finding that level of assurance.
For the record, I did not fully watch this video. I looked at 10 seconds at the beginning, 10 seconds in the middle, and 10 seconds at the end. Anthony Magnabosco has never lost an argument that I’ve seen. That’s because he’s asking the right questions. In order to ask those questions, you have to completely remove all pre-suppositions about your beliefs. Even still, the Jehovah’s Witnesses are 100% right, LOL. The proof of that is in how many times they’ve unwelcomely knocked on my door, LOL. My older neighbors behind me, specifically posted Bible scriptures on their front door to keep the JW’s away from their house. The wife told me that the scriptures on the door immediately show the JW’s that there is already a Christian living at that house. JW’s don’t usually mess with people who are already known to be Christians, whether Catholic or Protestant. JW’s mostly like to prey on those who haven’t yet found religion.
Bigfoot Eruption Responds: We knew someone that joined the Catholic Church? Why? Because in her time of great heartbreak the only church that was open was the Catholic Church. She was devout, but also truly believed in Jesus Christ as Lord. Meaning, people may choose JW’s if they are not yet exposed to any religions and the JW’s are first to reach out to them in kindness. Meaning, yes, we agree that JW’s have a good strategy.
Bigfoot Eruption Responds: If you hear all the testimonies, you see that God found a way to reach people through His Bible. If the Bible is flawed for some reason, He can still reach us. This has to be our conclusion. So, we stand by the Bible, or at least God’s intention for it. – July 3, 2024
Street Epistemology: Dubious Mormon Testimonies (Attribution) (
Bigfoot Eruption Responds: Yes, the approach taken by this street minister is really great. To say that this is proof or contributing data that the Bible is faulty, and God is an ignoramus, no we can’t deduct that from imperfect humans and their responses to street ministers. However, we applaud everyone’s honesty in the video.
June 29, 2024
Out of Left Field (Second Most Important Email)
Last night, I sat down and listened to that video I sent you…in its entirety.
Street Epistemology: Dubious Mormon Testimonies (Attribution) (
Like I said before, I’ve watched about 20 videos from that guy. At some point, I stopped listening to him because I felt like I understood his angle. Of note, I was already thinking like he thinks long before I stumbled upon him. If I were to try and label this way of thinking it would be: Why do humans believe what they believe? Are beliefs actually true? Why are there such huge variations in human beliefs?
On TV just now, I just heard a very well-known American say: “A person’s beliefs become their reality.”
I’m not going to tell you who made that statement just in case you hold any pre-supposed biases against him.
Bigfoot Eruption responds: “Gee, thanks?”
In that TV show, two famous Americans are having a conversation. From out of left field, the subject of gender dysphoria came up. Instantly, I thought of the person that you know. If I were engaged in a conversation with that person, I would respectfully address him as what he prefers if that’s what he/she preferred. The fact that I just referred to Mike as “he/she” is beyond any of my current understanding of the world. I’m not sure exactly where you stand about his condition, but I’ll take an educated guess: It’s because of the Devil or demons or evil. Maybe too, you might think that he is choosing this bullshit. You can correct me if I’m wrong about how I think you are thinking about Mike. In fact, I strongly encourage you to correct me.
Back to this conversation that I’m watching on TV right now between these two famous Americans. From out of left field, they started talking about gender dysphoria and how there has been a huge uptick of these cases in the USA. They started talking about this very specific study involving the use of the chemical Atrazine. Have you ever heard of this chemical? Until just now, I had never heard of it. Atrazine is a herbicide that is WIDELY used in US Agriculture. Atrazine is found in 63% of all drinking water in the USA. Now, look at this…
A well-known American Biologist conducted the following study. His name is Tyrone Hayes.
100 male frogs were given Atrazine at a dosage that the EPA considered SAFE for humans. (I may not have the correct number frogs. In any case, it’s pretty close to that number.)
78% of those MALE frogs became CHEMICALLY CASTRATED.
10% of those MALE frogs became FEMALE and began producing fertile eggs.
Look man, I’m not qualified to give any input on such topics. However, I’m smart enough to look at such a study and consider that it’s quite possible that what guys like you, me, and most of the Christian idiots in this country believe to be true about being homosexuals or worse, gender-confused people, has absolutely NOTHING to do with fairytale bullshit beliefs that involve Satan and his demons. Notice that I included me in the group of people who hold such beliefs. My dear friend, I used to think just like you do.
Just look at those test results. The fact that a male frog can physically turn into a female frog after ingesting Atrazine should destroy any notion that a fairytale being, such as Satan, is behind such things. The fact that Atrazine caused 78% of these male frogs to become chemically castrated should also remove any sort of magical thinking that a devil with a pitchfork and horns is causing such things.
Now, think about Mike. Think about Marissa too. Could the chemical Atrazine be the cause of their conditions? Could it be that and not some fairytale demon? Yet, you have both of them destined for hell because you STRONGLY believe in what you believe. Such matters are beyond anything that you and I should personally discuss. Why? Because we are not qualified and we’re basically ignorant over such things. I’ve gotten to the point where I believe that most of what humans believe is about a zillion miles from what is objectively true…to include all religious beliefs.
Just the other day, Rosalie and I noticed this place called Action Behavorial Center as we drove past it in on our way home from her doctor’s appointment. I’ve mentioned this place before. It seems that they are everywhere now. There’s like five of them very close to where we live. When we moved here nearly 9 years ago, I don’t recall ever seeing one of those clinics. What are these clinics? They are specifically used to treat people who are on the Autism Spectrum, with a target of children who are on the Autism Spectrum. As we drove by one of those clinics on Thursday, Rosalie and I noticed that the parking lot was COMPLETELY full. Does the devil cause autism? Or is it something else? If it is the devil, then THE FUCKING DEVIL must live in San Antonio…like right in our fucking neighborhood.
As far as some of the religious bullshit that I talk about or that we talk about, I guess what I’m trying to point out is that we seem to dumb ourselves down even more when we don’t consider what’s actually going on and instead blame a magical being for all of the bad things that happen.
Where we are from in California, there is a respiratory illness called, “Valley Fever.” Thirty years ago, it was believed that Valley Fever only occurred in one place on Planet Earth: The San Juaquin Valley. That’s where we are from. What’s the cause of it? Probably pesticides and herbicides, but that’s just my opinion. Today, Valley Fever has been found in other places too, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, and Nevada. Connecting the dots, it’s easy to see a water-herbicide-pesticide connection.
A chemical that is found in 63% of the drinking water that ALL Americans consume has been scientifically proven to CHEMICALLY CASTRATE frogs and also turn male frogs into female frogs. What is this chemical doing to humans? Your dad died young. Heidi’s husband died young. Mike thinks he’s woman. Marissa is attracted to girls. Kristen had a mental breakdown. Kyler suffers with severe anxiety sometimes…and CANCER IS KILLING EVERYONE, even little children. To say these things are of the devil is like saying that Zeus causes lightning. By the way, humans used to believe that Zues actually caused lightning. This is evidence of how deeply ignorant humans really are.
As far as some of the other bullshit we talk about, like Ray Comfort and the jackasses like him…guys like him really do think that men who watch porn or engage in similar strange sexual shit are going to hell. Sometimes I think that the strong fundamentalist rhetoric that comes out of the mouths of guys like John Hagee or even Ray Comfort is merely a direct reflection of their inner selves. The more they point their fingers, and the more they judge, the stronger their inner conflict is. I’m no expert on the subject, but this type of behavior is known in Psychology as: Projection.
Given the right odds, I’d place a hefty bet that Ray Comfort deals with inner sexual desires/lust all of the fucking time. He’s already said that the primary reason he became a Christian was because of his lust towards other women. The stronger that people like him condemn others, it is my opinion that their inner struggles are a reflection of how loudly they speak against others. Ray Comfort is not the best example either. Ray Comfort is an EXTREMELY likeable man, even I like him. Where I can make a stronger case is in people like Jim Baker, Jimmy Swaggart, and Jerry Falwell Jr. Those are just a few of the famous cases. If I had wrote down all of these cases as I learned of them, it could have numbered in the hundreds. Shit man, even the typical Christian sinner does these things too. They engage in the sin, and then condemn others as a way to mask it…this is my dumbass way of explaining the psychological condition known as Projection.
What’s a sin anyway? I can use some of your “sins” as an example, but I won’t do that this time. I wish I could take back all of the times that I’ve used you as an example. The only reason I’ve done that is because I’m a poor communicator. My thinking has been that if I make it personal, you might better understand what it is I’m trying to say. What I’ve come to realize is that no matter what I say, you’ll not likely ever look past the walls of your presupposed beliefs. This is not something that is NOT unique to you. This is just how humans are, in every culture and every religion. I’d much rather use my own sins as an example, but brother, I cannot write those in an email. For most of the things that we’ve openly talked about, your “sins” are no different than my “sins.” I’m pretty sure, however, that I have you beat in the “sin department.” However, it wouldn’t surprise in the slightest if I were to learn new and interesting “sins” that you’ve either partook of or like in the case of Ray Comfort, even thought about. If Ray Comfort is right in thinking that our thoughts can send us to hell… then I’m going to hell. Do I believe Ray Comfort? NO. If I choose to believe Ray, then the entire human race is probably going to hell….well, except for certain Christians who believe that as long as they believe in Jesus, it doesn’t matter what sins they commit, they’re still somehow going to heaven. It has actually been shocking to me to learn about all of the different ways that Christians believe. Technically, for all of the people that consider themselves Christians, each of the different belief-systems out there should not be lumped under the same umbrella of Christianity….so many of them are exact opposites of one another!
I watched that video that I sent you yesterday. What were those Mormon freaks thinking? How dare they speak about the Holy Spirit! Surely the Holy Spirit can’t be experienced by Mormons, right? Do you mean that God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit would have been OK with me having 20 wives? Holy shit! I wish I would have known that. I know, I know, polygamy is largely not practiced in the LDS church anymore…but who they are as a people, just like Martin Luther hating the Jews, is at the foundation of their beliefs. It’s the same as the law that once existed where homosexuals were to be killed due to the divine command given by God. All of this shit, to me, has to be nothing more than human constructed beliefs…which are not true in any way.
One of the smartest people living in the world today once said:
“Religions most likely exist because humans cannot bear the thought of non-existence. Non-existence is the greatest fear of mankind.” (I’m just slightly paraphrasing)
I won’t tell you who said that, because I’d bet that you have biased thoughts towards him.
He went further to say that humans fail to grasp and understand that they were once nonexistent…before they were born. Do you have any memories from before you were born?
One of my strongest arguments in all of this is that if I’m destined to hell because of my sinful thoughts, or watching porn, or going to an adult store (I’ve been more times than you), I would have been better off not being born. What kind of loving God would create such a scenario? For me, the answer cannot be found in our reality (USA Christian reality, where we NEVER have missed a meal)…the reality can best be found in those who have ZERO connection to our reality and beliefs. Billions of people have come and gone in this world, and none of them ever believed in Jesus. Why? Because Jesus was not part of their society and culture. No matter how I try to explain it, you’ll probably never understand what I’m trying to say. I’m simply an advocate for all those who are given an eternal death sentence for reasons that have to do more with where they were born than anything else. Jesus could have easily spread the Gospel to all nations before He sacrificed Himself on the cross. Jesus is God, right? So Jesus technically sacrificed Himself, right? Jesus chose not to go to places like China or India. Why?
Who knows what hell will be like. There surely will be a bunch of damn Chinese people there, right? Good thing I like Chinese food, LOL.
July 6, 2024
If I were to say one thing about Christians and the Bible, it would be this:
99.99% of Christians have no idea what’s actually written in the Bible.
I think really plays a big role in why there are so many denominations. Each denomination sort of “cherry picks” where they stand and what they focus on. Do you know what’s I mean?
Apart from Christians being clueless about the Bible, there’s actually a BIGGER problem, none of really fits anyway. I like to call it a 3-part problem.
1. The Old Testament
2. Jesus (In character, Jesus is the polar opposite of the Old Testament God)
3, The Apostle Paul ( It appears that he just made shit up)
Here’s the way I see it. For everything that Paul says and writes in the Bible, Jesus could have easily declared all of those things Himself while He was still alive. Instead, He waits for 3 years after He dies and reveals it to Paul via some strange voodoo shit on the road to Damascus.
So, I brought up 1 Cor 7:5 for a reason. That’s because you’ve been ignoring it, probably all your life, at least throughout your marriage. However, you know the verse right before that one (verse 4) VERY WELL. This is a perfect example of how Christians essentially make up their own belief systems….to the point of insanity.
Brother, I’m not saying you’re insane at all. However, there is insanity in how Christians do these things. In fact, 1 Cor 7 is one of the most insane chapters of the Bible. When do you think that Jesus or the Holy Spirit revealed these things to Paul anyway? Were these types of messages VERBALLY told to Paul? To me, someone made all of it up and it should be viewed as “fictional literature” just like other similar writings from antiquity.
For the record, I don’t think “men are purposely” adding chemicals to things to alter us. Atrazine has been a very useful herbicide. However, it appears that it has side effects that nobody has really studied yet. It’s like asbestos. Asbestos was great until they discovered much later that is causes cancer/asbestosis.
Bigfoot Eruption responds – But it could also be on purpose, and we will not know. So, all this to say “Hey, see some are gay and it is not their fault, but God will send them to Hell.” I feel God is bigger than that. Yes, when we die we hope to know.
Without herbicides and pesticides, medical advancements and science, there’s a good chance that neither of us would have ever been born, without these things, there wouldn’t be enough food, and most people would die by age 40, if not early childhood either because of disease, starvation, or unclean drinking water.
Anyway, it doesn’t really matter. We will all die one day and then we’ll find out…but we may just stop existing, in which case we may not find out like we’re all hoping to.
In the meantime, I’d get my nose in the Bible if I were you. That is, if you really believe it. If only a few people will enter the narrow gate to heaven, as Jesus stated, it might be a good idea to fully know what’s in it instead of just believing what you want.
I’ve read most of it man, and it logically doesn’t make sense to me. What we get in church is a message that men have made up. That’s my honest opinion.
Bigfoot Eruption responds – We look at the Bible spiritually, and this contact does not. Does this contact have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ? We don’t know how that is possible. So how is their even an argument here?
We need to read the Bible, and he is hoping we realize that it is junk. That is depressing.
In other news, you’ll never guess where I went today…I’ll let you ponder it for a while.
Deep Rabbit Holes
July 10, 2024
Book of Daniel deep dive with perceived error.
If harmful substances on Earth made by God then the question to supersede all questions is:
Who made God?
Original content below…
The Watchers. They are mentioned in the Book of Daniel. I cannot remember if they are mentioned anywhere else. Anyway, I learned a few years ago that the Book of Daniel was almost omitted from the Old Testament. I’ve heard both Old & New Testament scholars talk about this. One time, I got really deep into analyzing Daniel 9. This was because of my heavy interest in the end times…too deep to get into that here. However, I came upon an interpretation of Daniel 9 that was far removed from what is currently being taught.
All I know is that every harmful or deadly substance, whether it is flora, fauna, elements, chemicals, bacteria, or viruses are naturally found in the earth, on the earth, in the water, or in the air. Either God made these things or He didn’t. If He did, then I have just one question that supersedes all questions and everything we’ve ever talked about:
Who made God?
Pending more..

Craziness; image, by FranSoto – Pixabay.
Craziness; image, by FranSoto – Pixabay.