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Our contact feels Trump is not being truthful about his Christianity. Our contact really feels the burden for us to know this truth about Trump. As proof he shares the You Tube link.

From a text sent July 28, 2024.

Bigfoot Eruption responds…

“So, we are going to vote for the other side? They also have their own demons and lies, and yet without submission to Jesus to act humbled by it.”

“Who are we to judge someone relationship with Christ? Especially those that don’t like God, the Bible, Jesus, and especially, Christianity.”

“Still more Christian than any other president since Jimmy Carter.”

“God still uses the non-Christian to create change. His change.”

“Trump isn’t what He once was.”

“We remember Trump admitting not being a Christian when he ran the first time, but he said that he wanted those values for the country.”

“Prophetic word has been spoken about Trump, taking back to Kimm Clement, and we are not about to second guess what is potentially prophetic. Not our job.”

God In the Old Testament

That is pretty much it, that this God shows He is not nice.

Jesus in the New Testament

He acts nothing like the God of the Old Testament.

Bigfoot Eruption responds, “And that is a good thing, to benefit us.” Trinity, for a reason.

Paul/Road to Damascus

Voodoo hokus-pocus three years after Jesus died. The timing is suspicious. Our contact feels this conversation story is made-up.

Bigfoot Eruption responds, “Regardless, historic record shows that Paul went on missionary journeys teaching the opposite of what he believed when he was murdering Christians, meaning, he experienced a major change.” God lets evil stew, and then pulls out a major win later. Yes, as humans we don’t like this, but with trusting God and taking on His Holy Spirit, it makes more sense. This is a fallen world.

Bigfoot Eruption responds, “Remember how the world mocks Jesus, but does not mock any other religion. This is proof. The world will hate the truth of Jesus because Satan seeks to destroy all good from the Creator.” 

One contributor has a take…

This is probably NOT going to be good enough for you, so if I am right, don’t respond.

First of all, judging Trump’s Christianity is not the point when it comes to politics! Liking Trump or most of his policies is a reason to vote for him. If I liked the policies of Harris’, who is definitely not a Christian, then I would vote for her. I don’t like her policies.

I have a recollection of what life was like before the “Biden” takeover. I really feel strongly that our economic status for our country will improve if Trump is allowed to make some corrections. Under Trump we had an amazing amount of reserve petroleum which was squandered away by Biden. He also halted the oil pipeline and other sources of oil that made us self-sufficient as a country, helping us economically. Harris will just continue to cause inflation of so many products – GROCERIES! Things we used to pay for have gone up anywhere on average of $5-$10. I feel that even if a portion of my income were taken, I would be alright if our economy were to go back to the prices of old. It concerns me that the Harris policies will only chew up that other portion of my income with inflation!

Trump at least respects the Christians and their viewpoints. Harris mocks us as haters for our beliefs and will throw us in prison first chance she gets. So, I guess it is good that you are wavering in your Christianity. She won’t count you as a hater.

Anyway, I know you’ll respond to this even though I said not to because you ALWAYS seem to feel opposite of my opinions and feel we need to argue!

Another Take…

We’re asked to vote. If he isn’t a Christian that doesn’t matter that much because ALL OF OUR CHOICES aren’t Christians! So we have to pick the one that speaks to support more of what we support than the others! If you thought you’d shake me with that video you didn’t! I don’t know if Trump is a Christian, but I can see a change in him since his near death experience! He seems more humble. Your video also seems ambiguous. It is hard to tell what he is really sayings it also seems like it is doctored. It feels very leftist pushing: Desperation to try anything to get people to not vote for Trump.

Pending, more…


Trump; image, by TheDigitalArtist – Pixabay.

Trump; image, by TheDigitalArtist – Pixabay.