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How Not to Read the Bible
This book asks, “Is reading the Bible the quickest way to lose your faith?” – quote
We are not sure if this book is helping to trash the Bible or helping to understand the Bible, but either way it looks to give perspective on many of the hard to answer questions that we are tackling. Get ready to set your feelings aside and learn from it.
We will find out more.
Images of book (legally acquired from Amazon).
For us, the Bible elevates women. For our reasoning, God created science. The violence was against the creations of Satan that were hybrids. He was cutting out the cancer. Slaves are told to work hard, as if doing it for the Lord.
These all sound like good things. Perception.
There is a difference between writing a book about these questions when you do or don’t love God. We attempt to learn from both. The questions are good ones.
Are we saying we are equal to God? We squabble and are basically, pathetic. But we do believe it is ok to ask. Christians should not have their heads in the sand, and we must learn to answer the tough questions.
Now if the book is suggesting that the Bible is a work of deception, then that is a different question. A deception of what, to lead us to salvation? Sorry, Satan (not really sorry). Got you again. You are really bad at hiding your intentions, but somehow you have fooled the World for a long time.
Is the book saying that God is simply a jerk? Well, then. We all die and will have a better idea about it then. The answers are coming folks, probably after we are dead. That should comfort us all.
Note: If you read the Bible and question it, remember to allow others the hope that they feel they are finding in it.
Mad that God is a jerk? Mad that the Bible is misleading? We actually have bigger problems, be careful that Satan has us wasting time as we chase our own tails in vain.
Note: Sean McDowell writes the Forward of this book. That could be a clue as to the angle the author is taking. Sean McDowell, based on books and Podcasts, seems to be a Bible believing person. Did we just ruin it? It is possible that he did the forward of a book that is not quite in his own filter.
Example: A Christian wrote a book about Bigfoot, and a non-Christian did the Forward, out of respect for the person and the subject matter, while stating their religious differences.

Not; image, by Alexas_Fotos – Pixabay.
Not; image, by Alexas_Fotos – Pixabay.