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The page could have been called, “Why doesn’t God just give us everything we ask for?”
Not, this page is just happening, like we are being guided. Hooray.
Sugar Daddy: A person or father figure or someone that gives you everything you could ever need, and quite possibly this, allows opportunities to you that most do not have.
Example, the University of Oregon is where the Nike founder was testing his original Nike brand shoes, and now as creator of Nike, blesses the university with funding, and experiments its product on the athletic teams. Some have called him, Oregon’s sugar daddy. Many love him for this, and have come to admire him as a provider, and a savior at some level. Savior, little “s.”
As you know a parent does not give their child everything they ask for. If they ask for a gun, but they are still a toddler, you might start with a skirt gun, right? Then when you are tired of getting wet, maybe a Nerf gun.
One of our key members asked for a wife, prayed for a wife, or at least to meet them at a young age. About fifteen years later he meets the woman that would become his wife, and still had to wait about three years before marriage, after dating what seems like too many people. The conclusion would be that the timing to meet the “right one” had not happened yet.
God answers in three ways, usually.
We wonder why we don’t get the reasons for the “NO” communication. The reasons are usually clear much later, when it is clear that the ex-boyfriend actually wasn’t right for you and you know this now because you now have seen, over time, who they are and what they have become.
This comes in the form of feeling that the communication of “Wait” had been given. Probably not verbal, but in your head. Since we are spiritual beings, then “in your head” is a suitable means of response, considering on Earth all we have is the Holy Spirit portion, of God. God the Father and Jesus the Savior are not here on Earth. SO why would the Holy Spirit ever get audible with you?
Yes, may not come across as the verbal or “in your mind” YES, but could come as a feeling of PEACE. It may come in the form of action. Perhaps God’s perfect p[lan, perfect will, for your life at that moment, aligned with His timing.
Can God come down and see you face to face, well in the Old Testament we learn that the Glory of it is so bright that it would kill you. Think about that.
God may speak to you in the form of action or resolution, but that would be in the YES category.
Some are blessed a lot, like Eon Musk, but first he was blessed with the “smarts” to put himself in the position for what is perceived as success. Perhaps, he is part of Gods plan, therefore, as we all should think that we are, but we all fulfill a different peace.
Plus, if we waste opportunity, then God will have to look to another more willing participant. This doesn’t mean He won’t use you later but expect to get benched/sidelined. But also consider that He builds you up to the point of being ready, then it is up to you to say “Yes.”
Based on how God answers our requests, it is becoming clearer that God, despite free will, has a plan. This means that free will is mostly this, that you have the choice to choose Him or not to choose Him. To listen to Him or not to. In fact, Jesus went to Hell so you wouldn’t have to. We feel that it is safe to say, that if you don’t end up in Heaven, you had to really work at it.
It is starting to sound like God is our Sugar Daddy, but in what He knows to be best for us. If you are walking with Him, then you are happy about that.
Someday we might put Bible verses with this, but a deconstructionist (choosing to leave Christianity) already doesn’t put any value into the proof that the Bible verses offer, so…
Note: Makee a page about how a deconstructionist researches the Bible quite heavily as they are deconstructing, and then still deconstruct. What does this mean? Is this a clue?
Daddy; image, by 4144132 – Pixabay.