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We are coining this as the Reconstructing Loop Phenomenon, because, we can.
As we gathered witness testimony of those converting to the Saving Power of Jesus Christ, from the darkest of lives, we realized that this form of evidence is plentiful. There is no shortage of this kind of evidence.
What is the biggest portion of Evidence for the existence of Bigfoot people? Witness accounts! So now you see the problem for both.
When it comes to Bigfoot, people will just say, “You saw a Bear.” Why are they so quick to dismiss the account from a terrified or amazed friend, that is trustworthy?
So, we shared some witness testimony to our San Antonio contact, and this was not convincing enough. This amazed us. So, if this section does not have thousands of reports of people converting after having been in a dark place, then that is why. Who does it help? Most likely the person that is already a believer and knower, of Christ. And maybe someone who is willing to listen. In fact, if you are a person that would read this and make some excuse as to why we are wrong, then you are probably not still reading this anyway.
Like Bigfoot proof, showing our proof of God existing, the Bible being true, and Jesus being the Christ, you are not going to believe until you are ready, and willing.
You know, the easiest explanation to Bigfoot, is that Bigfoot in some form, does exist. Trying to explain it away, just gets more far-fetched (unrealistic), aka, more of a stretch.
Bigfoot does not have a bear’s snout, Bigfoot in most cases has human features like feet, hands, human -style teeth, facial features and more. Like big-wide shoulder (in most cases). Bears are not built that way. Bigfoot people run extremely fast, upright on two legs. If we believe the witness accounts, and we do. Only one account has to be correct for this to all be true, but their are thousands. Yes, we also get into the idea of what it would take to hoax all of it. For that, you have a conspiracy that might go beyond global, and believe us that is far scarier than Bigfoot existing.

Imagine if Bigfoot Eruption Contact “Jasmine” found a bear and identified it correctly, as a bear; image, by Bigfoot Eruption Discord Mid-Journey.
Doubters will say that people get scared and are flawed in the remembering of a shocking event.
Oh, and has part human female mom DNA. Science will say these lab tests are compromised by the human sampler or tester. But every single test? Oh, and they especially don’t like the notion of the other part of the DNA being “Unkown” father. We have our reasoning on that, and to us, it makes perfect sense, and even proves the Bible. Ooh, was that a no-no?
Note: Paranormal is only the science that we don’t know about yet. So maybe we should open our eyes.
Note: In the end we do this so we can stock-pile the questions, and the proposed answers, as we facilitate. This is a storehouse of our own search for answers.

Seeking wisdom; image, by Bigfoot Eruption Discord Mid-Journey.

Loop; image, by TimHill – Pixabay.
Loop; image, by TimHill – Pixabay.