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Pending: Birthing A Christian Cult…

Let’s look at how a Christian Cult is born. Birthed out of Christianity by those who have a slight adjustment or agenda.

Pending: Morphing into a Christian Cult…

Let’s say you are already a normal Christian Organization/Denomination. How do you go from that to being a Christian Cult. United Methodists for Example. Are they not a Christian Cult but a Methodist Cult?

Another Example is the Lutherans. Now the LCMS (Lutheran Church Missouri Synod) is considered the original intent, and another group split off of the original Lutheran agenda, and is more liberal, meaning, things that were considered a sin are now being accepted as ok. This is the ELCS (Evangelical Lutheran Christian Church).

Luteran Point of Contact:

Our Lutheran Point of Contact has shown us a distinction.

Heretical Church or maybe unorthodox. Non-Orthodox, wrong teaching or wrong belief.

Creating, Glass Bottle; image, by irongroup – Pixabay.

Creating; image, by irongroup – Pixabay.