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Imagine Jesus casting out demons, or Imagine Jesus in Hell conquering death; image by Bigfoot Eruption Discord Mid-Journey.

Christian History – Fallen Eruption

In a way it feels odd to us not to include the Jewish faith here, because they believe in the Old Testament; however, they don’t believe it is the testimony leading up to the Christ. At least not Jesus as Christ, so they are still waiting for the Savior. So, they are not considered, “Christians.” When their savior arrives will they then be called Christians?” Bigfoot Eruption staff want to know. Will they have a different New Testament at that point?

Islam seems Christian in a way, because they also believe in the Old Testament; however, like the Jewish faith, don’t accept Jesus as Christ but instead are taught that He was just a good man.

Wow, we can sure pull some topics out of all that. So, we highlighted potential new page titles.

So, a Christian believes in the Old Testament as the testimony that announces the coming of the Savior, needed because Plan A was tainted badly when Lucifer became Satan and weaseled his way into paradise. A paradise meant for all of us but ended in our own demise. So, a Savior was needed. When Jusus came, despite the efforts of the enemy Satan to pollute the human DNA into making a human Savior possible, meaning the prophecy fulfilled, of the Birth of the Savior. A sacrifice. For All.

Christians, once known as Gentiles by the Jewish tradition, believe also in the New Testament, the birth and life, and then further teachings; a guide to living, and dying for Christ.

Some believe the Bible is a sham, but so many prophetic things in it have come true, that probability would certainly call this the right narrative. Those would be good odds in Vegas. You would be rich.

This site welcomes others to prove that any other religion is more of an answer; however, some still see what they want to see.

A Christian Cult adds to the Bible with continent that conveniently gives approval for other beliefs, like Jesus and Satan being brothers, something the Bible does not say, and so who does this statement benefit? The author of that particular agenda. You see if they were brothers, then that means that Jesus was not part of the God Trinity and the Bible is wrong or misleading. So, why does theat new text get to overturn the whole Bible? Another option is that Satan is equal to Jesus; however, the Bible says that Lucifer was an angel, a created being. So, again these ideas help to devalue the Bible.


Christianity; image, by geralt | Pixabay.

Christianity; image, by geralt | Pixabay.