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This is not directly in the Bible section, because it is actually a textbook printed by the Lutherans, 1934. St. Louis.
St. Louis is a tip off that this was done by the branch of the Lutheran Church that teaches the whole Bible.
We found the book while sorting, and back when we obtained it we did not realize the Lutheran connection. Prety cool now, as we are close to someone that has become Lutheran.
At first, we thought, “Wow, how bold to say advanced history, like it is better than normal Bible history. No, as a textbook, it is the advanced version, like, for upper classman, who are ready to get more in-depth.
We are also thinking, the older the book, the more accurate or pure it is? Untainted? Maybe, but not necessarily, but still an asset. Older the better.

Advanced Bible History, for Lutheran Schools in the Words of Holy Scripture, St. Loiuse, Missori, 1936, Concordia Publishing; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Looks to be a book of Biblical highlights, in Biblical order, with some commentary and amazing artwork/pictures.
Broken out as “Periods” of time:
The Old Testament
First Period: Primeval History (4000 – 2000 BC)
Second Period: The Patriarchs (2000 – 1800 BC)
Third Period: Moses and Joshua (1571 – 1426 BC)
Fourth Period: The Judges (1427 – 1095 BC)
Fifth Period: The First Three Kings (1095 – 975 BC)
Sixth Period: From the Division of the Kingdom to the Captivity at Babylon (975 – 588 BC)
Seventh Period: From the Babylonian Captivity to the Birth of Christ (588 BC to Christ’s Birth)
We like the presenting it as History, nice touch. BFE
New Testament
First Period: The Childhood of Jesus
Second Period: The Public Ministry of Christ
Third Period: The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Fourth Period: The Glorified Lord
Sixth Period: The Founding and Growth of the Christian Church