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Imagine Trool Master becomes a Lutheran; image, by Bigfoot Eruption Discord Mid-Journey.
The person we know as Trool Master became a Lutheran in 2023. We have learned much from him already.
He introduced us to this Podcast by Lutherans and seems to be, spot on.
A Brief History of Power – A Podcast By Dr Koontz and Rev Fisk
If you listen to this Podcast you will quickly get the feel for what Lutherans are all about.
New Wisdom from Trool Master:
Soon more Q & A.

Hero; image, by 10634669 – Pixabay.
Hero; image, by 10634669 – Pixabay.
Trool Master, our hero.
Note: Why does Bigfoot Eruption get to dissect what is and what isn’t? Just trying to get to the bottom of things. Answering the hard questions that Christians are not good at answering. Trying anyway…