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So, you want to have a healthy sex life. For her that means quality. For the man the means quantity or better stated as “Frequency.” This is how we are made to be different.


We are guaranteed that for a couple days of the month the woman wants it more than at other times. God’s way to make sure of population.

We are guaranteed that the man can be ready almost all the time which ensures that when the woman wants it, she can get it.

So how to cope with the rest of the month? masturbation? And if yes, does she help him to masturbate? Most women would say no. And now you see why there is unfaithfulness sexually and also why the husband looks like the one cheating. The cheating began with her denying him of it. He then becomes parched in this desert. So thirsty.

So, what have we learned so far:

If she comes to a man and wakes him from his sleep for sex, be grateful and go with it. It will never be a two-way invitation for you to wake her up. Try to find your version of this that she agrees to. She gets to wake you up from sleep for sex and you get to, hmmm. Discuss it.

So, this “Wake Up from Sleep” category has more to it than we thought. It has now led to a discussion and a trade.

So, she would you up for sex and you thank her. Next you tease of when you will offer your version. If you have a weekly meeting to discuss intimacy, then mention it then also. We know, this may sound lame. Most woman will say they want it to be spontaneous. Good luck with that in a busy life. So, the next frequency strategy that happens after she woke you up for sex is…