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Learn Religions – False gods of the Old Testament
At church we get normal stuff right? Usually not to do with Ancient Giants, Ancient Culture, and so on. You know, the stuff they don’t even teach in seminary. So we listen for any nugget that could go into the Bigfoot Eruption family of sites. Like this.
Demons in the Old Testament?
We have learned some of this by going to church, but a lot of it took us well into our adult lives to learn, from Christian and secular sources outside church. The Giants/Hybrids showed up in the Old Testament. God had the Flood wipe them out; but wait, they are still around after the flood. Joshua and later King David and his Giant Killers, wiped them out, right? Almost, as some fled into Europe, Asia, and some with seafaring ability came to the Americas.
Note: The Philistines were seafarers (boats).
Proof is that advanced tech was used to mine minerals out of Ohio before Europeans started settling in North America. The Science Community would try and find a way to dispute all of this, because they are big on disproving the Giants. Prove the Giants, and you prove the Bible.
So, if Demons are the disembodied spirts of the Giants, then Demons could have arrived before the New Testament, as soon as the first Giant had died, which would have been in the old Testament days, right?
We thought the Giants were in the Old Testament, and yet failed as the hybridization of the world left Noah and his sons on the ark, and through them a Savior with pure human blood, could be born.
So, the Giants failed, and after creating dynasties, cities, and megalithic structures, were gone, or at least mostly gone.
Next, the Demons had a turn, as they seem to show up in the New Testament. They also failed, and Jesus still was able to die for our sins.
Some think the next step is that the Fallen Angels, utilizing the demonic influences, are manipulating a new hybridization program, that is called Alien Abductions. Manipulating human DNA in the process. Why? Because the less human we are, the more that Satan can have dominion.
Ever think of the question, can Bigfoot People be saved, and go to Heaven? Well, then we ask, how much human DNA do they carry
Note: proposed Bigfoot DNA (also known as UNKNOWN to THIS EARTH DNA) has human female and unknown father. Some call this Human DNA mixed with a Spiritual Father AKA Fallen Angel.
Those that fully know about this, long to keep it a secret, until the End. So, the Scientific Community would say this is ridiculous.
“Thou dost protest too much?”
So back to Demons being in the Old Testament. If we do a search for Demons in Bible Gateway, all the references are in the New Testament. Interesting.
But, at church we learned this from Psalms 106:37, New International Version, says that, “They sacrificed their sons and their daughters to false gods.”
Wait, that’s not what our Bible said. Our New International Version said that, “They sacrificed their sons and daughters to demons.”
Are false gods, Demons? Many would say yes.
Perhaps it is like this, in the Old Testament days, people used “gods” instead because it matched their story-telling, but in the New Testament, Jesus brought a new way of thinking. Calling out demons for what they were. This next site shares something similar, and more, saying demons could have been posing as these false gods.
Also, maybe the writers of the Old Testament were simply so use to demons posing, that it was common to just call them false gods, like it was presumed or assumed.
But why did our New International Version say “demons” and the other one said “false gods?” Both were NIV.
Are certain influences trying to minimize the impact of demons? A hidden agenda to continue dumbing down the church? Who would want that? Yes, you guessed it. Infiltrating all areas of Christian-dom.
More on this. Pending…

Psalm; image, by geralt – Pixabay.
Psalm; image, by geralt – Pixabay.