This takes you to the original Bigfoot Eruption site to explore the origins of Bigfoot based on the Biblical and Paranormal. Fallen Angels, Nephilim, Giants, Secret Societies, Aliens, Demons, and more.
Indian Heritage, and the Scientific; basically, the path to Evidence that is less likely to be in a horror movie.
Our goal, to answer the question of the, “WHY” and “WHAT” of Bigfoot?”
If Bigfoot walked right up to you, said a few words, let you take photos, video, and audio, we will still know almost nothing about Bigfoot. Why does Bigfoot exist? What is Bigfoot? Also, would anyone believe you?
We have a theory, putting all the clues together, thinking outside the box, equaling a result that may not have been considered. If it has been considered already, well that is a good thing. We shall see…
February 2020:
Note, looks like the First Book of Enoch has many of our thoughts within it, so we were not the first to think of these things. This is good news as it gives us more content to ponder.

Bigfoot Eruption, next dimension; photo and painting, property of Bigfoot Eruption.