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Wow, what a good movie this is! Curious that God/Jesus was not used at all to eradicate the angry ghosts in this movie. Is that a hidden agenda,  or is that is simply how they went about it? Based on a true story. If true, does that means ghosts are just people that are dead, but reasonable? Keep reading…

In fact this movie was very politically correct towards the dead.

A woman is cursed due to the proposed sins of her deceased husband. Cursed to be haunted by the spirits of  the dead; those, who died because of her husband’s inventions.

As one character mentions, that guns don’t kill people – people kill people. Thus the one who feels cursed is actually unstable and incorrect. Will the doctor get to the truth?

Without giving too much away, she finds a way, actually maybe she had no choice, but finds a way to replicate things of the past, which attracts the dead to stay. This allows most of the dead to calm down, and pass on to the afterlife.

This movie is not like other movies in this similar theme. Many haunting movies are so hateful, that the demonic is highly considered, where this one chooses to exclude that aspect, but it does a good job making you wonder until the end. OK, now we have said too much.

One major point we want to make is that, demons do need a way in to our realm, and sometimes we invite them from their Abyss, without realizing the consequences. Ouija Boards, Mary Mary, and so on. The main character in this movie, definitely opens the door; however, the movie does draw the line, making it clear as to what she is inviting.

Since this was based on a true story, we know movies need to create their own story within a story to get it into a movie format, so now we will research the real story.

Could some ghosts actually be ghosts, meaning people who died but can’t move on yet, or demons just finding a reason to vacate Hell temporarily?

We give this movie full marks. Great casting!

If you remember quotes like “I see dead people,” then you will love this movie. Surprise ending!

Grave (Death) in the Old West; Image by dat7 from Pixabay.

We just realized this movie sounds a lot like the Field of Dreams movie. Build it and they will come. Interesting. Never thought of it like that until now…

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