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Episode 2: Did You Hear That? – Travel Channel page…

First airing on December 15, 2019.

Again, remember the Travel Channel Go app, let’s you watch for free, and each new episode is aired many times that same week if you have cable.

Once aired, you can also find the episodes On Demand.

Based on the first episode, the Team needs to replace their Bigfoot Investigator who left the show in the last episode after suffering affects of intense headaches, that did resemble a Bigfoot Infrasound attack.

The one and only Bob Gimlin is called upon to help find an immediate replacement.

The investigator, who surely can’t return to the show considering the shooting only is a three week period, was already a favorite of our time of watching Bigfoot shows, so we hope he returns in Season Two. Surely, he will have super powers, as a result of what happened?? At least more experienced and extra perceptive.

Evidence in Episode Two:

The concept of smell changing suddenly.

Something dragged an elk, leaving bits of it behind. That “something” requiring great strength, to drag a 700 pound animal.

Eye Witness still shell shocked decades later.

Creature returns vocals – yelling, in response to Bigfoot recording, multiple times.

Creatures sets off trip wire, probably not Bigfoot…

Dear skull hanging on a tree limb. What does that?

Hair sample found stuck to a bird nest. Pending…