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Podcasts share accounts of how the fear in a Bigfoot encounter, is far greater than expected:

Confessionals Podcast:

Episode 15 – Rocky Elmore: The Confessions of a U.S. Border Patrol Agent

This above Podcast shares a variety of Fears; yes, all for Paranormal reasons. Wait, shouldn’t paranormal stuff be in the main Bigfoot Eruption domain? We will have a lot of cross-over. But with Fear as a Science topic because it is the biology and psychology of a human. This Podcast shares about smugglers, scary ghosts, not-so-scary ghosts, demons, wildlife and Bigfoot. Once again, consider how the ultimate fears seem to deal with the Demonic. A high-point is the guest sharing about ghosts from a Christian perspective, and his reasoning makes a lot of sense.

Almost every Pdcast that deals with Bigfoot and/or the Paranormal, shows examples of that ultimate unexpected out-of-this-world fear, that goes beyond description; thus, we will try to limit this to the best examples possible.

Eery Fear; Image by Etienne Marais from Pixabay.