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Animal Plant – Finding Bigfoot

Wikipedia – Finding Bigfoot

This is a reboot of the older shows, but get this; these have new-never-before-seen footage mixed in. One of the biggest complaints of this team, was all the best footage, often got left on the editing room floor by the higher powers. We recommend this show. It feels fresh. Try to pick out the new scenes.

Note: After watching many of these we conclude that nothing is different, but only changing the nae of each Episode.

Note: The network also decided to do this with Expedition Bigfoot. We learned our lesson, and are not recapping those.

Ok, now continuing with original page content:

Sharing unique quotes, some of which may be paraphrased: Note – quotes are funnier when you are watching the show.

Below we comment that these episodes are edited and have new content. As of December 2021, we now feel differently and that the episodes are no different then when they originally aired. Thus, a marketing refresh strategy by Animal Planet. Hey it worked.  Here we are watching these episodes.


Episode 1: Broad Daylight Bigfoot (Indiana)

Original title: Hoosier Bigfoot (Season 2)


(Bobo) “This is perfectly suitable terrain, for a Sasquatch to move through at night, but I mean, we are here, we are Squatchers, we gotta go Squatchin.”

(Ranae) “I don’t believe its a bear, and I don’t think it is a person, but I also don’t think it was a Sasquatch.”

(Bigfoot Eruption) “OK, now that is our biggest problem with the show. If you watch the face and mannerisms of the witness, she made him feel very uncomfortable. Also, her decree, which she states in some fashion every episode, only leaves one option for what the non-bear, non-human could be, which is a Sasquatch.”

Town Hall Meeting: Monroe County Historic Society, Bloomington, Indiana


Episode 2: Secret in the Hills (Oregon)

Original title: Oregon – Virgin Bigfoot (Season 3)


(Ranae) “Why would this one leave so much evidence?”

(Bobo) “They’re not all rocket scientists.”

(Cliff) “Juveniles are still learning, and often get themselves noticed, but they learn quick.”

(Cliff) “This place is so Squatchy, that when I am not Bigfooting, I call it (Oregon) home.”

(Matt) “Dude, they are coming; that means the Squatches are coming!”

(Bobo) “I’m getting Squatch Bumps (goose bumps).”

(Bobo) “Our hosts have gone to bed, and I feel we have over-stayed our welcome.”

Special Technique: Squatching from a tree.

For more specifics, watch the episode on Animal Planet or On Demand.

Town Hall Meeting: Kalapuya Books, Downtown, Cottage Grove


Episode 3: Mission – Oklahoma Bigfoot (Oklahoma)

Original title: CSI Bigfoot (Season 3)


(Cliff) “Ranae’s skepticism comes across to me as illogical.”

(Bobo) “It’s not a needle in the haystack; it’s a needle in the hay in your hand.”

(Ranae) “I want to believe, but you have to help me out!” (speaking to any Bigfoot that may be listening).”

(Ranae) “I heard a howl that I just can’t explain.”

(Bobo) “I can explain it, it was a Squatch, but she can’t admit it!”

(Ranae) “DANG YOU Armadillo!”

(Bobo) “Something’s crunching back in there.”

Bigfoot Eruption Comments:

Yes, central Oklahoma. Waterways often have thick woodlands.

You can tell this episode did not come from the original Season One, because in Season One they did not have overnight camping for one team member to further explore an area as a solo investigation. Also, Matt’s hair was short in Season One.

In the episode Matt mentions how the Canadian River goes through Oklahoma City. He was not kidding. The river is surrounded by city and industry, and yet has a strip of woodlands along this waterway, enough for Bigfoot activity. Amazing. We found one of the investigation locations on this river in Google maps, by following the Oklahoma River as it turns into the Canadian River, then an RV park at a sharp bend in the river, and bingo, there it was.

Evidence Found: For more specifics, watch the episode: Foot Prints, Howl, Hair Sample, food sources, reports, and more.

Town Hall Meeting: Express Clydesdales Barn, Yukon


Episode 4: Mystery in the Keystone State (Pennsylvania)

Original title: Bigfoot and the Red Head


(Cliff) “If we leave some stones unturned, we will be missing some Sasquatches.”

(Bobo) “What are we going to do if these guys are trying to hoax us?”

(Cliff) “Well, that’s up to you. I’m a lover, not a fighter.”

(Bobo) “I’m a Squatcher, not a lover. They will pay!”

(Cliff) “Bobo, we can see a long way from here, but they can see us too.”

(Cliff) “I’m feeling a little like I’m wearing cellophane pants right now, a little exposed.”

(Bobo) “Ya, I hate wearing cellophane pants, they always make me sweaty!”

(Matt) “Be cool – be cool – be cool!”

(Bobo) “Dude it could have boogied right up there…”

(Bobo) “This could definitely be a Squatchin’ hotspot!”

(Matt) “He said this thing looked like a Bigfoot, and I think there are probably more Bigfoots around there, then people doing imitations of Bigfoots in peoples backyards.”

Notes: Allegheny National Forest, same location as the 2007 Jacob’s photos.

Note: if it has big butt muscles, then it is not an ape, but a Bigfoot (Cliff).

Notes: Large greenish-white eyeshine. Return knock.

Solo Investigation: Baiting – leave food. Return Whoop, were other people Squatching.

Final Investigation Strategy: Kinzua Bridge Look-Out – deploy whale sounds.

Town Hall Meeting: Lafayette Volunteer Fire Department

Bigfoot Eruption: We think there was some new editing at the end. What do you think?


Episode 5: Caught On Camera (Utah)

Original title: Ripped from the headlines (Season 3)


(Matt) “This forest is so aromatic.”

(Bobo) “This Squatch wasn’t one of the bright ones.”


Matt’s hair is starting to get long, and in original Season One he had short hair.


Episode 6: Hunting the Howler (Minnesota)

Also listed as Episode 16

Original title: Peeping Bigfoot (Season 2)


(Renee) “Well I’m here, obviously, to eliminate everything that has already been eliminated. Moose and Bear for sure, and the shaky vibration that you are talking about, a person could not have done that.”

(Matt) So Matt, thus seeing how it could be nothing other than a Bigfoot Creature, says, “So, therefore…”

Renee answers with her usual conclusion, “Until, I see one for myself…”

This is perhaps the biggest downside to the show for us. Matt, Cliff, and Bobo are also skeptics, and yet also believe. Having this skeptic, refuse to believe, every episode, over and over, has given this series a black eye by fans, and critics. Wow! Broken record.

We feel that Animal Planet asked Renee to keep up the high skepticism, to create the extra edginess, and this extreme effort to show the other side, shows that to some extent Animal Planet does not believe in Bigfoot, and this is just a hit show idea. Did we say too much?

We love you Animal Planet; we are just noticing your “brilliant” strategies.

At Bigfoot Eruption we try to mute when Renee gives her routine proclamation, which is time that could be spent on extra footage, that we are all dying for, at the end of every episode.

Since these re-crafting of the episodes has new footage, we were wondering if they would edit out Renee’s constant decrees of doubt. So ultra scientific, but is that blinding? Or is that an agenda to keep the truth from getting out? We see this sort of strategy in politics these days, so why not use similar strategies to create doubt in the Bigfoot community, and worldwide doubt heaped upon those that believe, by the rest of the world. As we know, most discredit this Bigfoot phenomenon without any consideration.

We also wonder if the Producers wanted the team, not to find Bigfoot. Perhaps finding Bigfoot would be so amazing, that the other episodes would be less popular. Instead a continual formula of the layout of each episode.

(Matt) “Come on baby, just give us one good knock.”

(Bobo) “Look…”

(Matt) “SHHH-SHH.”

(Matt) “Did you hear that?”

Then Bobo tries to reply to Matt, but then…

(Bobo) “What was it?”

(Matt) “SHH.”

(Cliff) “Uhh, please say you heard knocks. Is that what I heard?” – Radio communications –

(Cliff) “We decided to go after it, until we came to a huge barrier of poison Ivy.”

(Bobo) “Cliff, I thought you said you would do anything for a Squatch.”

Bobo staying to camp on his own, (Ranae) “Good luck Bobo.”

(Bobo) “I don’t need luck, I have looks.”

Suggesting that his looks would not be enough, (Cliff) “Good LUCK Bobo!”

(Bobo) “Darn, that sounds good.”

(Matt) ” Oh Yahhhhh, dude, something’s following us.”

(Ranae) “We got squatched!”


Episode 7:

Original title: Buckeye State Bigfoot (Ohio)


(Bobo) “Ohio’s fifth amongst all the fifty states for reportedbigfoot sightngs”

(Matt) “And it’s the number one state east of the Mississippi for sightings.”

(Cliff) “When apes are stressed out, they break and shake trees, and stuff, as an intimidation display and also to relieve stress!”

(Bigfoot Eruption) “So if the Creature has part ape DNA, then…”

(Ranae) “One thing I did like about this video, is it looks like a keg on legs!”

(Cliff) “Hey Bobo, shake it for me!”

(Cliff) “Good job shaking it, sugar-ee.”

(Bobo) “I feel a case of Schatch-eye-tus.”

(Matt) “Oh yah!”

(Bobo) “You’ve always got to show a Squatch it is safe to eat, so eat some yourself.”

(Bobo) “I’ve’ got to lube up the pipes, gotta due to best Bobes call I can, gotta make it count, not going to deal with-just willy-nilly.”

(Bobo) “OK, ready to let’r rip.”

(Cliff) “We need to talk to Native Americans no matter where we go.”

(Ranae) “If it wants to stay elusive, why is it at a playgrounf? That does not make ssense from an amimal behaviorvpoint of view. But I feel Matt will have an answer for that.”

(Bigfoot Eruption) “Female Sasquatch are curious about children. Maybe to protect them, maybe to want one.”

(Matt) “I think that was a female Sasquatch standing there, like you described; and, an important note, on expeditions i think we need to have mothers with children on them. That’s one thing we should try to do (as Ranae laughs). I think that was a big curiosity for them.”

(Bobo) “I’ve’ got my fingers crossed, and my but puckered. ready to go!”

(Bobo) “Yah, the last set of calls were my “C” game, not even the “B” game, I gotta try to bring the “A” game.”

(Bobo) “That’s the A-game.”

(Matt) “Did you catch one for us.”

(Bobo) “Got’m tied up out there.”

(Cliff) “I’ve’ kinda got the feeling that something is looking at us.”

New Strategy:

Episode 8: Bluegrass Country Bigfoot (Kentucky)

Original title: Moonshine and Bigfoot (Season 2)


(Ranae) ” I wanna be able to figure out what animal could give that kind of eyeshine.”

(Cliff) “I know one animal that can do that.”

(Matt) “He’s only going to do one?”

(Bobo) “I can’t hold back; I’ve got the wood booger fever.”

(Matt) “That was a shot, right?”

(Ranae) “This show has become Finding Koon Hunters.” After hearing multiple gun shots.

(Bobo) “Let’s go towards them, and stalk to them and say hey, any of you guys (bang -gunshot) – have you ever had a Bigfoot sighting at night?”

(Bobo) “It’s not the size of the stick Ranae, it’s how I swing it.”

(Bobo) “I feel like something’s looking at us.”

(Bobo) “It couldn’t have landed there, (because) there’s bushes.”

Episode 9: Search on Wasatch Mountain (Utah)

Original title: Holy Cow It’s Bigfoot (Season 2)


(Cliff) “Folklore doesn’t necessarily have to do with things that are false or made up. Folklore is simply, word of mouth stories told within a culture.”


Things that seem different than the original release…

Discussion of the area being Haunted.

Matt finding a matted down grassy area on his solo investigation. Smelling it. Laying on it.

“Smells grassy!”

New Strategy: Bringing a witness on the final night investigation.

Episode 10: Big Apple Bigfoot (New York)

Original title: Baby Bigfoot (Season 2)


(Bobo) ” Not so easy being the Squatch-stand-in, is it!”

(Bobo) “Ok Cliff, we have enough to determine that you failed miserably so come on back.”

(Ranae) “Are Sasquatch real? I don’t believe they are. But if they were, they have to have infants at some point or another, and I guess that could be one, but I don’t find it likely.”

Bigfoot Eruption: “Good job, Ranae. Said in such a way to not upset anyone. Well said.”

(Bobo) “Throw a rock at me or something.”

(Bobo) “The only thing out there doing that is a Squatch. They’ll do knocks to keep track of each other where they are, alert to danger, alert other ones in the area.”

(Matt) “I think we want to t to look around for is evidence of Squatting Squatchers.”

(Bobo) “Dang Squatches! Driving the Bobes nuts! Dude, why don’t they ever show themselves?”

(Cliff) “Because they know we’ll take their picture.”

(Bobo) “They’re in this little area!” (Ranae) “And I’m going to be, in the middle, of their little area.”

(Bobo) “I think this is the perfect opportunity for Ranae to get her alone time with the squatch, a little bonding maybe.”

(Bobo) “Because they know we’ll take their picture.”

(Matt) “Lord knows if they’re gonna leave her alone, or if they’re gonna come scare her at night.”

Next, in reference to the skeptic Ranae, having a campout alone to search for Bigfoot:

(Bobo) “I hope she gets the crap scared out of her.”

(Cliff) ” Yah, I second that motion.”


Monkey, a real monkey, taken to night investigation.

Episode 11: Evergreen State Bigfoot 

Original title: Squatch Spies (Season 3)


(Tyler) “If you are out with BFRO you will either one or see one.”

(Bobo) “My Favorite place to go Squatching.”

(Bobo) “The penthouse suite of Squatch habitat (the Olympic Peninsula of Washington).”

(Matt) “Cascades Bigfoot are not a different species from the Olympic Peninsula Bigfoot but are more bold in the Olympics.”

(Tyler) “I am going to do one of my patented Washington Woops.”

(Bobo) “Where are all the Squatches? I’m acting like a hunter!”

(Matt) “13 1/2 inches is your average female Bigfoot footprint.”

(Cliff) “Sasquatches wait for you to look away.”

(Bobo) “Stupid-sexy-Squatches, not answering my call!”

(Bobo) “Well if this tents a rockin’, then hopefully a Squatch comes calling.”

(Cliff) “Speak of the Wood Devil!”

(Bobo) “We couldn’t be doing anything better to be finding Squatches right now.”

(Ranae) “Maybe a masseuse and maybe some nice coffee?”

(Bobo) “That would be ultra Squatchy.”

(Ranae) “Maybe it recognized those calls.”

(Bigfoot Eruption) “Ranae’s last comment, spoken like a true believer. Hmmm, maybe she does believe but is a plant for the sake of production.”

(Ranae) “Heard nothing, saw nothing. What did you see?” Note: this may not have been Ranae.

(Bobo) “Only the second time I have been shut out (in Washington).”

Episode 12:

Original title: pending…


Episode 13:

Original title: pending…


Episode 14: Snowy Mountain Sasquatch (South Washington)

Original title: Frozen Bigfoot (Season One)


(Ranae) “I love the smell of Sasquatch (Napalm), in the morning.” (Tribute: Apocalypse Now)

(Cliff) “Did you whistle?”

(Matt) “Oh boy!”

(Bobo) “Wait, that’s not an echo.”

(Matt) “That wasn’t  an echo.”

(Bobo) “What was that!”

New Strategy: Camouflaged Canoe

New Strategy: Goose Camera

Episode 15: Mission Sasquatch (Ohio)

(Special – Reunion after three years.)

Original title: Finding Bigfoot: The Search Continues


(Cliff) “Through the Toes – you knows.”

(Cliff) “Dermatoglyphics!”

(Cliff) “Watch out Bobes, theirs a lot of gravity in there.”

(Bobo) “Gravity, my mortal foe.”

(Cliff) “We’ve seen you fall more than once.”

(Bobo) “That’s a lie.”

(Matt) “Please Squatchy, please come out.”

Notes: Matt has short hair again. Bobo also has short hair, and has lost a lot of weight.

Notes: Bea Mills makes an appearance.

Notes: This version of Finding Bigfoot must be a “best of” collection, since it has episodes from Season 1, and other episodes throughout the total of nine seasons, and including this special episode that aired three years after season nine.

Episode 16: Bigfoot Territory Part 2

Original title: Canadian Bigfoot, Eh? (Season 2)

On our DVR episode 16 was a two-hour mix. Part one, the team is in Minnesota, represented above as…

Episode 6: Hunting the Howler (Minnesota), Also listed as Episode 16, Original title: Peeping Bigfoot (Season 2)

So, in this Canada episode Todd Standing makes an appearance, which now looking back, is a pretty good get.


(Matt) Response to a bunch of Coyotes responding to his howl, “What’s Uuuuup!”

(Cliff) “Rock throwing events are extremely rare.”

(Cliff) “My job as a more experienced Bigfooter, to tell them how.”

(Matt) “Did you hear it, it keeps going wooah.” (Bobo) “It went that way!” (Matt) “That’s a squatch!”

(Matt) “It ain’t a Coyote!”

New Strategy: Remote Control Electronic Deer (Cliff’s Idea)

Episode 17:

Listed earlier as, Episode 10: Big Apple Bigfoot (New York), Original title: Baby Bigfoot (Season 2)


Episode 18:

Original title: pending…


Episode 19:

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Episode 20:

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Episode  21:

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Episode 22:

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Episode 23:

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Episode 24:

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Episode 25:

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Episode 26:

Original title: pending…
