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What is Woo? It is an offensive term meaning, if you believe in a Supernatural or Paranormal answer to Bigfoot, then you are Woo. Yes, there is a War between Apers and Woo believers.

Aper: derogatory term for those that only believe that Bigfoot is a wood ape.

If you look at our science section, every category could be considered Woo. Do you understand Quantum Physics? No? Then that must be Woo, right?



Seven Sacred Sciences



Voltage (Pending)

Can you really explain any of these Scientific categories? Woo!

Mystery; Image by blackrabbitkdj from Pixabay

Mystery; Image by blackrabbitkdj from Pixabay.

This image is only a mystery because someone is wearing a mask. Secret forces are keeping the Bigfoot Phenomenon Truth, out of your reach. That alone, is Woo.

The Bigfoot Community needs to stop their war against each other.

In part we feel that each, wants to be the one to reveal the WHAT and WHY of Bigfoot.

Wes Germer of Sasquatch Chronicles says that he doesn’t care who reveals the mystery. He just wants to know. Good job Wes. In fact, many feel this way. Ha, then they would have to say they were wrong, but most would probably trade their own theories, for the Truth.

We at Bigfoot Eruption say that when we get to Heaven we will ask. Will we even care then? Yes, we think so. Giants are a Big part of the Biblical story, and Bigfoot is somehow tied to that agenda, we feel; thus, why wouldn’t a Biblical theme, be revealed to us.


Mystery; Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay.

Mystery, Maze; Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay.