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On the other hand, and equally relevant, how many stories have I heard that depict sasquatch as NOT being a physical creature at all? You probably know the stories better than I do. I’m talking about all of the “supernatural” accounts of sasquatch experiences that defy human logic. It seems there are just as many supernatural accounts as there are physical accounts. What I’ve seen/read so far is a creature who seems to have the necessity to eat food in order to survive, but at the same time, can disappear, at will, in the blink of an eye. They can pass through physical structures such as walls, and even speak to humans telepathically. I’m just giving a few examples of what these creatures have been reported to have the ability to supernaturally do.

Are sasquatch physical/biological creatures? Or are they something else? Do they exist in the same physical world that we exist? Or do they exist somewhere else? Can they exist in two different realms or dimensions at the same time? The dualistic accounts of sasquatch defy human logic, and, in my opinion, they defy biblical logic. From a biblical standpoint, and because of the reported abilities of sasquatch by those who have experienced their supernatural abilities, one might conclude that sasquatch is a demonic being. In considering the “spiritual realm”, most Christians generally believe that demons do exist. There are accounts in the Bible that speak of their existence. However, could they somehow be opposite of demonic? Is it possible they are more angelic than demonic? Christians also generally believe that angels also exist in the spirit realm too. There are many biblical accounts of angels. So, from a biblical perspective, where do we place a creature like sasquatch? Where do we place a creature that reportedly has to kill and eat animals to survive (much like we do) but at the same time seems to have supernatural abilities that we cannot humanly understand?

We can apply the same thoughts and questions to UFO’s & aliens. I told you in an earlier email about my account of seeing a UFO near Del Rio, TX in 1984. I clearly saw this UFO, which was very close. I also clearly saw it whisk away/vanish in warp speed-fashion. The Bible does not explain UFOs anywhere in its written text. So, what does that mean? Does it mean that what I saw cannot exist? In my mind, they clearly do exist because I saw one with my own eyes. If I take into account all of the witnesses who have also experienced UFO sightings or even alien abductions, does it make them more true or less true? If they are true, how can they be explained in a biblical sense? Just yesterday, I came across a story of a MAJOR UFO event that occurred in 1955 very near where I had my UFO experience. It was apparently as big of an event as the 1947 Roswell incident. I won’t go into all of that, but I find it extremely interesting that I had never heard of it before because I am very well-read with most of the big UFO incidents that have occurred over the years.

I’ve been down many roads when considering all these things.