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Bigfoot Column: To Woo or Not To Woo? It’s not even a question. – The Grey Area News

It pains us that people in the Bigfoot community attack each other’s views. Why can’t someone believe what they believe without being attacked for it?

To believe in Woo it takes some faith, so when attacked it feels like a personal attack. However, it takes faith not to believe in the Woo. It also takes a refusal to use all available tools, as the war cry of Science and Data only. Note: Everything is data.

Woo, is the part we do not fully understand yet. So, all of Bigfoot is borderline Woo.

When someone cries out from the stage (conferences and festivals) that religion has no part in Bigfoot, then we take a big pause. Who is anyone, to tell us what to believe? Data does not have to be Science, and yet all things are Science. It seems we are hand picking what is acceptable just based on our own bias or comfort level.

One 2022 periodical updated a researcher’s effort to “flush Woo to the curb.” We don’t give credit to either because we don’t want to portray a personal attack. Which is what they are doing when they trash religion, folklore, paranormal, and Woo. All things that are “things” and could help in the overall search.

We are ok if everyone stays in their own lane and stop trashing other viewpoints.

It is like a personal war against the Woo. Even the term, Woo, is a slam.

Using Science and Data to disprove the Woo? Good luck with that. Now if you do accomplish it, we feel the Woo aspect would be proven. Science is Woo! Woo is Science yet to be discovered.

Note: There are certain viewpoints spewed at us as if fact. Viewpoints we hate. Why, because we take it as a personal attack on our own Christian faith. An agenda against God. An agenda that is as old as time to discredit a Creator. We try very hard not to trash someone when they use these views. We would like it if they set these views aside, and have their nice sharing time, to share their information without throwing the rest of us under the bus, because of things they do not have the patience to consider.

Science is an agenda, when hijacked. Science has been taken captive by an agenda. Some connect the dots that is convenient for the narrative they are comfortable with. This is their rite, but need to be polite, and without conflict. Meaning, please stop shoving it in our face, how you think we are wrong. We are on the same side after all. Ridiculous. Proof of an agenda that would have us to be at odds, and then chasing our own tails.

If the higher powers that know the truth, can confuse us, and put us at odds, then they win, for now.

Working at a Christian Institution and having people feel weird towards us because we believe in Bigfoot. Wow, getting it from all sides. We also believe in hybrids. Hybrids are in the Bible. Don’t classify us as freaks until you understand. Are you uncomfortable with the weird? maybe it is time to wake up. A sleeping church is just what the secret agendas would want and have planned out. Wake up, wake up. Prayers, amen.

Cave; image, by Darkmoon_Art | Pixabay.

Cave; image, by Darkmoon_Art | Pixabay.