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Instead of changing the link for this page, we copied it and are putting it also under the parent page Science. Yet to be determined if this is a good idea, but as of September 21, 2023 we are determining that it is more fitting to put this topic under Science which is under the section Bigfoot Eruption 2.0.
Again, instead of changing the original link, which would ruin a bunch of hyperlinks around the site, we will have both. We will strive to make each uniquely different over time. One from a Science standpoint and the other from the standpoint of just being one of the biggest pieces of evidence for being uniquely different.
Fear – Evidence Eruption (
Podcasts share accounts of how the fear in a Bigfoot encounter, is far greater than expected:
Episode 15 – Rocky Elmore: The Confessions of a U.S. Border Patrol Agent
This above Podcast shares a variety of Fears; yes, all for Paranormal reasons. Wait, shouldn’t paranormal stuff be in the main Bigfoot Eruption domain? We will have a lot of cross-over. But with Fear as a Science topic because it is the biology and psychology of a human. This Podcast shares about smugglers, scary ghosts, not-so-scary ghosts, demons, wildlife and Bigfoot. Once again, consider how the ultimate fears seem to deal with the Demonic. A high-point is the guest sharing about ghosts from a Christian perspective, and his reasoning makes a lot of sense.
Almost every Pdcast that deals with Bigfoot and/or the Paranormal, shows examples of that ultimate unexpected out-of-this-world fear, that goes beyond description; thus, we will try to limit this to the best examples possible.

Eery Fear; Image by Etienne Marais from Pixabay.