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DNA and Bigfoot, in a science category? Scientists would say no! So, we must conclude that our science section, is the science of the weird. It doesn’t mean it isn’t science or technology, but just doesn’t fit in the desired agenda of modern science. Keeping the weird stuff, a secret, to not reveal what is really going on, we hypothesize.
Podcasts share the DNA Question in the Bigfoot Phenomenon.
Sasquatch Chronicles:
Episode 757, The Science of Sasquatch
First of all, Wes Germer of Sasquatch Chronicles, and the guest Scientist both did a good job. Ideally, it would be nice if Melba Ketchum was also in the Podcast to explain and defend, but she has been attacked badly by the Bigfoot Community and the Science Community, so she has said, “Enough is enough.” So, she does not speak much.
In this Podcast a scientist gives all the reasons for the Melba Ketchum DNA Bigfoot Study, gives all the reasons it could have been done better.
Even though we say the discussion tried to be nice, it still felt awkward with her not there to defend herself.
We say, “Hey, she tried.” If any scientist wants to do a DNA Bigfoot Study, then that is OK.
The findings based on how she did it, are the findings that she has concluded. OK, so now someone else do another one, and then we will keep learning.
So is there really any reason to defend the effort? Someone gave it a shot, and now someone else can learn from it and do even better? It seems doing better, is up to the particular scientist as to what “Better” is.
Scott Carpenter wrote a book about this DNA study, and you can find it out more about it on our Bigfoot Eruption Scott Carpenter page.
More below…

DNA – Genome; Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay.
DNA – Genome; Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay.
Why did both Science and Bigfoot Communities hate on her, and still do? Because she determined that the DNA was human mother, and not of this world Father.
The Science community was mad because the Theory of Evolution is tarnished if this is true.
The Bigfoot Community was made because the “Apers” of the Community believe that Bigfoot is only a super-duper version of an ape. How did it get so super-duper? Well, some Apers say Evolution. Some say, oh wait. Almost any other explanation has to include some “Woo” and Apers don’t like the Woo.
Apers: those that believe that Bigfoot is just an Ape, aka Wood Ape.
Woo: the belief that the supernatural or paranormal may help to explain Bigfoot.
Supernatural: things we do not understand, and may never understand.
Paranormal: things we do not understand, but might, someday.
The Blurry Creatures Podcast does a good job sharing about DNA and Bigfoot. We will list the shows that apply, pending…
One thing has been seen in scientists, is that Science is like a religion to them, and so when you say something that they do not agree with, like Bigfoot, flat earth, and so on, they get pretty steamed.
OK, then what is the science of Bigfoot? How about we study all of it.
Is this control by fear tactics? That seems to be a common strategy these days. Create fear in us, and we will follow? Oh woops, we are on to you.
If Science is the religion of those who do not want to believe in God, then how about we say that Religion is a Science. More specifically, God as Creator, and the Bible. The Bible and Science proves each other to be true, so why not? Who gets to say what is science and what is not?
James Cameron (Terminator/Aliens/Titanic/Avatar) found someone that proved that the Biblical Plagues of Egypt can be explained by science, that God used Earth Science to do it. See, The Exodus Decoded (below).
Wikipedia – The Exodus Decoded
No chance it was all by accident; that likelihood would be some crazy math. Instead, a Miracle of God? Sometimes that is the easiest answer, if you have a little faith. Scientists have faith in science, so faith is something we can all muster up.