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What is a Hybrid?
hybrid – definition and meaning (
Genetics: The offspring of genetically dissimilar parents or stock, especially the offspring produced by breeding plants or animals of different varieties, species, or races. (Wordnik)
What if Bigfoot Creatures, are Bigfoot People, or Hybrid People?
One reason we at Bigfoot Eruption feel strongly about Bigfoot People being a Hybrid People, is the fact that Science wants to dispute the existence of Giant Bones. The bones of ancient giants, or even recent giants, gives credibility to the Bible being true.
Giants in the Bible were Hybrids. An attempt to rid the planet of pure human DNA. Without Pure Human DNA, a Savior, a Christ, could not be born. This plan failed, and now we see it again through the supposed Alien Abduction Phenomenon. Our DNA, being mixed again.
The Enemy does not really have any new tricks.
If you don’t believe what we are saying, consider that something has created Hybrids. Proposed Bigfoot DNA is half human mom, and half unknown dad. DIng-Ding-Ding.
The elongated skulls of Peru, Russia, and Germany, again DNA is half human mom, and half unknown dad. Connecting the dots.
The Hybrid concept even brings credibility to idea of Centaurs, and other half species what were deemed to only be in folklore and Tolkien books.
Note: Tolkien, a Christian, had befriended a satanic knowledge institution, and learned of these oddities. Why would a satanic institution care about such things? DIng-Ding-Ding. Because they would be into anything that took creation away from God.
It happened in Bible times, so…
Again, prove the Giant Bones, then that helps prove the Bible to be true, to the Science Community. Thus, hide the bones, and save the preferred agenda. Science Communities do not want to give credit to a Creator.
Science Communities would hate that this is a topic in our Science category, but like we said, Bigfoot Science is practically Woo!

Imagine Bigfoot Head Elongated Skull, Realistic, version 1; image, by Bigfoot Eruption Discord/Mid Journey.

Imagine Bigfoot Head Elongated Skull, Realistic, version 2; image, by Bigfoot Eruption Discord/Mid Journey.

Imagine Bigfoot Head Elongated Skull, Realistic, version 3; image, by Bigfoot Eruption Discord/Mid Journey.