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Dear Lord in Heaven, Creator of the Universe,
We pray that you would end all Hackers, and Phishing too, which we guess is pretty much the same as hackers.
First we offer praise to you as the God that can change the heart of even a hacker whose brain is obviously full of rot.
OK, now we pray your blessing upon this hacker, whichever hacker we happen to be praying about. While we are at it, please bless all Hacker scum.
Please bless them with the knowledge they are wrong in what they are doing. Lord, use whatever devices you choose as you Holy Roll them like a Dump Truck driving over roadkill, over and over.
This blessing of You totally crushing them, we know will bring them back to you; bowed at Your feet, fearing You.
Fearing You with such fear that they repent, but are scared to look up at You. But because they are still stupid, they will look up at You, and the brilliance of You will force the implosion of their mind which then only you can rebuild.
Just like Lucifer was stupid, only to loose, while you eventually make all things new, like flushing him and his Fallen Angels Demon Children into the Abyss, as you restart anew, the plan you had for us. You know, before that whole snake in the garden fiasco.
And Lord if this dirt-bag hacker wants to join them in Hell, then so be it, but in the mean time, we thank you for making this hacker’s life so unbearable that he/she turns to you, and then leaves us alone.
Because oh God, we are all about your business, researching the What and Why of Bigfoot, which has been proving your Bible (Holy Word) to be true, and also proving that You God, are real.
Amen, and AMEN

Implosion – Nuclear Explosion; Image by 272447 from Pixabay.