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Another light bulb moment for Bigfoot Eruption.
For years we have had Alien propaganda. For example, look at this ad to buy a baby Grey. Grey is the breed of Alien that is small and grey. Don’t believe it? Hey, why does the head look a lot like a purebred Nephilim? At least some would agree. See our page on How UFOs & Bigfoot Prove the Bible is True.

Greyson, the Baby Grey; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
This ad was in a magazine that targets the elderly. What? Yes. Maybe buy one for the grand-kids? It turns out those increased in years are easily persuaded. Sorry. Cram them into a facility and control their mental intake. You know, like public schools. Hello, Agenda! Aren’t these secretive agenda types, just so smart! Let’s wake up!
Make the World population comfortable about Aliens, or at least the idea of them being real, and then when the Rapture happens, the World Government can explain-away, that all the missing Christians, were simply abducted, by Aliens.
One high level leader is even getting ready to claim that Alien Nations exist, and should be blessed. We actually are not directly mentioning the actual leader for our own safety. however, when we find the Podcast we will let it be more specific.
Hey, if you are about to bless Aliens, because you are the Pope, then why not share it now? If you are going to bless Aliens, then that will be a world event anyway. So why be mad if we announce it now? Unless, the timing of it doesn’t work for you? Well, you secretive groups probably leaked this info anyway.
Oh, by the way, in this theory, the Aliens are the Nephilim agenda, doing their part in the propaganda posing as Aliens. They would have the agenda, to alter the end times. Don’t worry, they will fail, but still an elaborate effort. They really believe this will work.
Could it be actual Aliens, working with, whom (?), for the twisted hijacking of an end-times agenda? If normal Aliens did exist, why would they care?
They couldn’t fully destroy the pure bloodline, Noah escaped, and then Christ was able to be born within that pure bloodline, so these secretive groups had to go to plan B, and plan C. Alien hoax and hiding the Bigfoot agenda. Could we be wrong? Sure, but then nothing makes sense, and this is all a gaggle of various phenomenon. Hey look at our Bigfoot Timeline. Contact us if you have more moments in history that help connect the historical dots.
Even the Navy has released footage of them chasing UFOs. Previously, this release of information would not have happened.
You Tube – Pentagon Releases ‘UFO’ videos Filmed by U.S. Navy Pilots
Someone witnesses Bigfoot, and they are made to be like a crazy person. If you don’t agree that all you saw was a bear, then you are threatened by a secretive high level group. Actually, by making so much noise about it, they are actually blowing there cover. Oops…
Our theory: promoting that, Aliens are to be an accepted phenomenon, guarantees an Alibi for the Rapture. Would not want God getting credit for a historic event that proves He is real.
Keep secret the giants hiding in the wild-lands of the world, because they are not needed until Armageddon, when the secret societies, release the Fallen Angels of of there prison in Hell, by penetrating that dimension. Then the spirits would possess the Bigfoot Creatures. Some are already possessed. How else would encounters keep witnesses declaring the most uncanny and most scary moments of their lives, even for experienced lifelong hunters, that results in instant Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Sasquatch Chronicles, Episode 453: I Still Have PTSD From This
Sasquatch Chronicles, Episode 436: Hell Itself Opened Up and Unleashed A Beast
The smell of Bigfoot is often described as a stench equal to a demonic encounter. Demons and Bigfoot also both fear the name of Jesus Christ. Witness encounters attest to this.
Anyway, that can be a page all unto itself, and can be seen as a theme throughout the Bigfoot Eruption website, and specifically in the Creating Bigfoot Section.
Here are Podcasts about the Quantum needed to bust through dimensions, in theory in this sort of Jail Break that is meant to alter God’s end time agenda.
The Confessionals Podcast, Episode 57: CERN with Gary Wayne
The Confessionals Podcast, Episode 222: Dimension Jumping with Nick Hinton
All of this next episode is good, but at the one hour mark it gets more specific to this page…
Some theories share that vessels are being created by some of these secret groups, that will house the Demon (Fallen Angels) Spirits, for the battle of Armageddon. People much smarter than us are starting to figure this out. Sound crazy? Yes, and now suddenly every dot to the mystery is connecting and making sense.
The Confessionals Podcast, Episode 4: Nephilim – Then and Now
The Confessionals Podcast, Episode 20: Bigfoot in Pennsylvania
Was it worth coming to these conclusions? It’s not like we are going to stop them, it’s been foretold already. Ya know, the Bible. Yes, that thing.
It can feel pretty good however, to have this understanding. For praying types of folks, this is a weapon.

Brainwash – Propaganda; Image by Omni Matryx from Pixabay.