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Not much of a Revelation, we know. This idea is as old as time.
So, waters came from the melted ice age, from the humidity layer around the earth, and also from within the earth, to produce the great flood. So more hollow portions within the earth were more available after the flood? That makes sense because “Hell” was not a place for people’s souls, and the Fallen Angels, until Jeus was crucified, then went to Sheol, and stole the keys to Hell. Before this no one went to Hell, but were waiting, then Christ came and shared how to get to Heaven. Do you really think many of them said no to Jesus after being in Sheol all that time? Another reason Hell may not have as many people in it as you might think.
It is said by some that Hell is physical place, just like Heaven is a physical place. Inner Earth would be physical.
Podcast pending…
Is Heaven A Physical Place | Is Heaven A Spiritual Place. (
Heaven Is A Physical Place Sermon by Douglas Phillips, Luke 16:19-31 –
Hell: Spiritual or Physical or Both? |
Is Hell a Physical Place? – Does God Exist? Today
Have you heard that screams can be heard with a high-powered hearing devices, coming from Inner Earth?
Podcast pending…
Screams From the Earth? | Answers in Genesis
Screams from the Earth? –
Strange and mysterious sounds coming from a hole – YouTube
Listen to Strange Sounds Recorded in a Hole 5 Miles Deep | WIRED

Embers; Image by Hans | Pixabay.
Embers; Image by Hans | Pixabay.