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It came to us, as we wondered, “If Demons are the Fallen Angels, then how are they getting out of Hell, where they are Imprisoned, but pose as Aliens, and/or Demons?”
Question: If Demons are in Hell, then how are they on the Earth harassing people?
Note: We have learned of some Gateway abilities, mostly because of humans knowingly or unknowingly allow that door to be opened.
Note: We have learned that the fallen Angels and Demons are different things, and yet in just one weeks time we heard a Pastor and a Priest each say that Fallen Angels are Demons.
Pending Section: Portal to Hell
But, here is our Revelation Thought, like it-just-came-to-us. What if Outer Space, was, Hell. This means Fallen Angels are trapped in Hell, like it says in 2 Peter 2, but gives them a lot of space to roam, as an Alien race.
What if space is continually expanding because this way, the depths of Hell continues to get further away, until God snips that chord and Hell is lost forever…

Outer Space Hell; Image by Barroa_Artworks from Pixabay.
Outer Space Hell; Image by Barroa_Artworks from Pixabay.