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What if the Star People take the young, coming of age, Sasquatch males (sorry ladies), and give them a mini-camp of training. Hey the take them; thus, they then must take them somewhere. That “somewhere” isn’t a three week summer camp, or is it.
How about a three week mini boot-camp? You can do a lot of damage in three weeks. A lot of indoctrination and training.
So, when you see, or you hear of someone else, seeing a Bigfoot Creature crossing the road in plain site, maybe it is an initiation tactic, or training. This can’t of event could get a you Sasquatch more comfortable with how to be seen. What? Yes, how to be seen. They are so good at staying hidden, already, so to know when and why, to be seen.
One reason is to continue the paranoia, and yet with virtually not clues left behind, who would believe you?
How people respond to this could be kept in a data base by the evil ones. Whoever that is, we don’t know, but somebody, in this scenario. It matters to somebody evidently.
They could even keep track of those that don’t report it, because that is still good data.
Otherwise, answer this question: why did the Bigfoot cross the road? Do we hear the silence screaming? Are those crickets we hear? Exactly.
Another reason is because Juveniles are mischievous (Bigfoot Juveniles), also curious, and sometimes not very smart, and yet would still look about seven feet tall.
At the Homestead of Wyman Smith the Juveniles are the ones stealing the eggs, leaving gifts, mimicking his farm animals, climbing the trees, and daring to throw rocks against the house, or slap the house with a hand.
Yes, Bigfoot Creatures have hands. Yes, sarcasm.
How about sneaking into his shop. Yikes! Talking to his dog, and so much more.
How about road sightings when the Creature is just walking along the side of the road, yes that happens too. Yes that happens also according to witnesses. Is this more dumb, or less dumb?
OK, some may say that walking a man-mad path is easier than walking through a forest, but then why not hide when a car comes. Are they drunk?
Is it one of these students of the Star People? Perhaps, this is their version of wearing a dunce hat? A punishment? Have they been made into an outcast. A vagrant dropped by the side of the road. A mockery?
So a lesson of learning, initiation, or stupidity? That is three possible reasons.
Can you think of other reasons. Please share.

Walkers; Image by Anja?#helpinghands #solidarity#stays healthy? from Pixabay.