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Note: A better Title for this page would be Secret Dimensional Gateway, or Secret Entity Gateway, or Secret Abyss Gateway. Why? Because Demons don’t need a gateway to get to Earth, due to the fact that they are already here, roaming the Earth. December 30, 2020, Bigfoot Eruption.
It is foretold that the Fallen Angels will be released from their prison within Hell, the Abyss, but only at the appointed time when they are then totally defeated.
We also know that certain Satanic organizations are attempting to release these prisoners on an earlier agenda before God’s appointed time.
The Confessionals Podcast, Episode 57: CERN with Gary Wayne
CERN is attempting it, and some propose that Nimrod attempted it with the Tower of Babel.
Creating a portal entry into another dimension? Yes, indeed.
Note: We have since realized that we prefer not to make it sound like the Demons are the Fallen Angels that are in the Abyss, because they are not. When we started this site we were not sure, but now if you listen to the various Podcasts that we share with you, it is clear that they are not the same thing. So double the trouble, right? December 30, 2020, Bigfoot Eruption.
So you can do things that attract the Demons, the evil spirits that could not be in Heaven or Hell, because they were never meant to be, instead are an abomination, and have no other choice but to roam the Earth. With no place to call home, they seek a home by possessing. So be careful not to invite them.
Now back to the original content of this page…
Why is this in a Bigfoot web site? It is, because we are turning over every stone, even if seeming to be only partially related; however, we are finding that the whole Evil Agenda, is related.
Listen to this Podcast to learn of evil hidden agendas that relate to releasing these from the Abyss for their alternative end times agenda. Things are in motion right now. And yes, we believe Bigfoot is mixed up in all this.
And then learn more in this Podcast. More on how we allow Evil Spirits, even unknowingly, and into our lives.
The Confessionals Podcast, Episode 23: A Churches Baphomet
See our page on the Physics factor, that pertains to all of this:
See our Hollywood/Demon Gateway section for more; however, that is “THE” gateway, where this page you are looking at now is trying to share about the mini-versions of a gateway that allow these spirits back into our realm in isolated situations.
See a related Revelation in this section on a similar topic: Ghosts as Demons.

Portal; Image by Ich bin dann mal raus hier. from Pixabay.