Back to Evidence Productions…
Project One
A Flash of Beauty: Bigfoot Revealed
A Flash of Beauty: Bigfoot Revealed (2022) – IMDb
Project Two
A Flash of Beauty: Paranormal Bigfoot – IMDb
LISTEN | Bigfoot Crossroads – A Flash of Beauty Paranormal Bigfoot
Project Three
Sierra Sounds Documentary Movie requested by Ron Morehead. Pending.
Our Thoughts:
We thank Wyman Smith of for tipping us off to A Flash of Beauty: Bigfoot Revealed.
Not to make other documentaries on this subject feel bad, but this production company has done something special. Perhaps, for us, now the gold standard of Bigfoot documentaries.
In in 2024 we met the crew at sQuatch Fest, Kelso/Longview, Washington. They were promoting A Flash of Beauty: Paranormal Bigfoot.
They were super nice. Very approachable. They made us feel like a ‘somebody” which was appreciated as we feel like an absolute, “Nobody.” They actually just seemed like genuine people.

A Flash of Beauty at sQuatchefset 2024; photon, property of Bigfoot Eruption.