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(Email from Blurry Creatures to members – Bigfoot Eruption is a member)
Friends of Blurry!
We hit a milestone yesterday. We surpassed 1 Million downloads of Blurry Creatures. What?! We can’t begin to express how blown away we are. Thanks to each and every single person who continues to share this podcast around & tunes in weekly. Wow. And thank you for taking the time to email us or sign up to become a member. We can’t do it without you.
We have a members chat tonight at 7pm central. If you aren’t a member, please consider joining us. We are working harder than ever to produce as much content for you all. Last week we had our first ever interactive podcast with gold members, something new to spice up the membership space. People were able to ask Tim Alberino questions during our interview with him. That interview is now on our Youtube page.
It’s been quite the journey since launching this podcast. We’ve both shared a lot of highs and lows in our personal lives, something we talk a lot about off air with each other. We had no idea the realm we were jumping in. Maybe some of our lows are related to talking about these things, maybe not. Either way we do feel grateful to have a small voice in this space that seems to be reaching quite a few people who’ve never pondered the Genesis 6 worldview before.
That all said we are super close to hitting our goal for members. We want to be able to produce content more efficiently and members is how we do it. If you love this podcast and want to help us, we’re really putting it out there that we’d love your support. So many members have told us we should be more vocal about how people can support the podcast. You can head over to blurrycreatures (dot) com/members and sign up. Just for a coffee a month you can help us immensely & get a ton of perks. We released a members only episode today actually, so you get bonus material right away.
We also have some new t-shirt designs up for pre-order as well as our logo t-shirts back in stock. Here’s to a million more downloads and then some.
See you in a few!
Copyright © Blurry Creatures, All rights reserved.

Confetti, Party, Fun; image, by ktphotography | Pixabay.
Confetti, Party, Fun; image, by ktphotography | Pixabay.