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Here is an interview with cast member Russell Accord, about Expedition Bigfoot…
Sasquatch Chronicles: Expedition Bigfoot
Travel Channel Episodes page for Expedition Bigfoot
In Season One, Expedition Bigfoot, takes us about 50 miles from the Ochoco National Forest, in Central Oregon. With new technology, they calculate five decades of Bigfoot Sightings Data, to pinpoint that between mid-May thru June, this one location is Oregon’s hottest and most predictable for staking out the area before Bigfoot shows up, and in doing so, the show claim’s to be making history. We at Bigfoot Eruption, are excited!
Episode One: The Search Begins
Episode Two: Did You Hear That?
Episode Four: Red Eyes at Night
Episode Six: Bigfoot Moon Rising
Episode Seven: It Knows Were Here
Episode Eight: The Final Hours
West of Bend, Oregon is Tumalo Falls, almost 97 miles west of Ochoco National Park, but for now, the best photo we could get of this Central Oregon area.

Tumalo Falls, Central Oregon; Image by aladinsane76 from Pixabay.
You’ll see a lot of this in Season One…

Milky Way Galaxy; Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay.