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Travel Channel Episodes Page – Season One, Episode 8

First airing on November 27, 2019:

(evidence in this episode)

This episode will wrap things up. We already know, from interviews with Russell Accord, that the team did not want to stop the search, as they kept getting hotter, and hotter…


This finale really hit it out of the park, and eluded to their being another Target Zone picked out for a new Search.

The team discovers spots in the grid, giving off a lot of heat, which leads them to several Bigfoot haunts, including where the Creatures possibly sleep, hide, eat, and slither around un-detected.

This show is worth watching.

Note: a major break-thru moment, the use of an aero flying machine, changed everything. Perhaps, they use it sooner in the next search.

After-Note: in the final wrap up, Bryce gives an update of some of the Evidence, months after, now that lab testing was completed. Also, a 24 hour solar powered video camera that they left in a tree, showed recent images since the Search ended in this location. You have to see it…