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Travel Channel Episodes page for Expedition Bigfoot
In Season Two, Expedition Bigfoot, takes us to the Caves and Forests of Kentucky, for half of the season. A hot tip leads them to the Olympic Peninsula of Washington, for the rest of Season Two.
Tragedy forces them to leave the search. Season Three has the team returning eleven months later.
Season Three (2022) initially has been on the Travel Channel for normal cable package viewers. Looks like it may not be whisked away this time to Discovery Plus.
Feel free to try your “On Demand” feature.
Again, great interviews with witnesses.
See breakdown below…

Olympic Peninsula; image, by fridaytidings | Pixabay.
Olympic Peninsula; image, by fridaytidings | Pixabay.
Season Three: Episode One – Strange Returns
The episode is like everyone is stressed out. Reminded me of a heart attack, but it did make it compelling.
Immediately deploying a new strategy.
New Tip: Hide your tech, cover it up.
Cliffhanger ending.
Season Three: Episode Two – Shadow Stalker
Something big gets close to Russ’ hidden camp site:
(Russ) “It almost walked right on top of us!”
(Russ) “It was so close I could literally hear it breathing!”
(Russ) “The “in and out,” it was big lungs!”
(Camera Man) “I have never woken up to something breathing!”
Note: The Camera Operator person, was a man. Thus, camera man.
Witness Encounter:
Whistling provoked a visitor…
Reliving the scary details…
(Witness) “What I saw was pure silhouette.”
(Bryce) “How wide?”
(Witness) “Two of you (Bryce) and as high as I can reach.”

“Two of you (Bryce) and as high as I can reach.” – Expedition Bigfoot, Season Three, Episode Two, Travel Channel; sketch, April 11, 2022, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
Stalking is the theme of this episode. Being stalked by Bigfoot.
Season Three: Episode Three – Stalked in Terror
The stalking continues…
Underwater tree structure…
Quotes/some paraphrasing, meaning, don’t be mad if a couple of words are wrong:
(Russell) “You can’t seriously tell me we are alone”
(Camara Man) “We are not alone.”
(Camara Man) “I don’t like this spot.”
(Russell) “We’re being followed.”
(Russell) “Wait, wait, wait.”
(Camara Man) “I’m waiting.”
Season Three: Episode Four – Creatures in the Trees
Tech failing…
(Camera Man) “We’re Being Followed.”
(Russell) “No kidding!”
Interview: Tribal Elder
Tree Peakers
Branches broken off trees…
Tree Structure
Interview: Engineer (Government authorized Bigfoot search)
New Tech: Looking for old government Bigfoot research lab…
Accidental scan imaging of Bigfoot?
Season Three: Episode Five – Fresh Kills
Trail Camera Updates.
3D Scan Results with ghosting.
Predator following Russell, still,
Evidence review – tree structure, hair.
Rotting meat smell.
Predator sounds.
Russell – “I’m creeped out now.
Camera Man – “There’s something out there Russell.
Russell – “I know.”
Camera man – “It’s out there.”
Recognizing the Government Presence.
Hidden truth – secret research. Cloaking, invisibility…
Ronnie – “I think all conspiracies have some truth at the core of them.”
Miriana – “Find the evidence, then create that narrative.”
Ronnie – “If we weren’t trespassing before, it sure as…feels like we are now.”
Witness: Bigfoot Close Encounter. Chikwa Tribal Members. Parallel encounter. Roar that went through body. Squatting. Looking for them. Shuffling. Sniffing. Breathing. 9 foot figure.
Witness – “I could not feel my body.”
Same stinky smell.
Note from Bigfoot Eruption: we think we saw something, but how did we see it and the crew did not?
Smell vanished.
Camara Man – “There’s something back there.”
Camara Man – “That sounded like steps.”
Did it go up into the trees?
Electromagnetic Meter (EMF)
Strange structure found.
Sketch artist for witness account.
It looked more human, than primate.
Bones. Rare to find bones.
Russell, tracking a potential Bigfoot.
Perfect ambush location. The stink returns. Nasty. Rotting flesh, getting stronger. Repulsive.
Multiple skeletons found. A feeding site? Kill zone. Old and fresh.
Woops, Fear Lake. Same spot as last year.
Season Three: Episode Six – Return to Lake Fear
Pit of bones. Feeding Zone. “X” tree structures equals, choking point. Kill Zone.
(Todd) Bigfoot – bury the dead.
Tree knocks. Shaking.
Bone Expert – Rewrite evolutionary history if a Bigfoot (bones) is found.
Note from Bigfoot Eruption: And that’s why THEY want this kept quiet. Protecting their narrative.
Bite marks. Not knife marks.
Dr. Michael Pile – Whistle Communications – Tracks
“Where Bigfoot Walks”
Recent Sighting – HWY 12 – Peripheral – Erect -Two Moving Leges – Long Arm
“I didn’t want faith to enter my Science.” But…
Find a sister species!
Drone Tech – Around Lake
Rocks thrown.
Heat up in a tree. Multiple. Then nothing.
Tree Sounds – Tree Knocks
Bipedal movement on screen.
Season Three: Episode Seven – Where the Legend Began
Still hearing wood knocks.
Note: Maria just walked by a tree structure and did not see it. Wow.
“It knows we’re watching it.” – Tree peaking! Equals Bigfoot!
“Keep looking up!”
Fresh tree leans, like a boobie trap. Intelligence – purpose – intent. Found second trap!
“I’m completely disoriented right now.”
Tunnel “path” through foliage. “Intent.”
Night trap along mysterious tunnel path. Nada.