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Travel Channel Episodes page for Expedition Bigfoot
Welcome to Season Three Part B. Leaving the Olympic Peninsula, for Northern California.
In Season One, we stay in Central Oregon.
In Season Two, Kentucky. As things seems to dry up, they get a a hot tip for Washington’s, the Olympic Peninsula.
Now season three, back to Washington’s Olympics, and then a trend emerges. If a Bigfoot is on to you, you won’t get much else out of your efforts, so if you get a hot tip, move one.
The show is premised on the idea that they go where the numbers show to go, and if that plays well with a hot tip, then good.
A tad frustrating for fans? Maybe, but I think we all understand. We saw it in Finding Bigfoot a lot. If the Creatures are on to you, may as well call it a day.
Season Three: Episode Seven – Where the Legend Began
In this episode, a hot tip leads the team to Northen California. But first
Still hearing wood knocks.
Note: Maria just walked by a tree structure and did not see it. Wow. We could be wrong.
“It knows we’re watching it.” – Tree peaking! Equals Bigfoot!
“Keep looking up!”
Fresh tree leans, like a boobie trap. Intelligence – purpose – intent. Found second trap!
“I’m completely disoriented right now.”
Tunnel “path” through foliage. “Intent.”
Night trap along mysterious tunnel path. Nada.
At about the 27:35-minute mark, Bryce shares of the hot tip, that he feels is enough to pull them from Washington.
15 days later – Northern California, Day One:
Old railroad tracks, and more. Structures.
“Underground spots.” Are everywhere. Dens, etc. Tree fall, creating, spaces.
“Something flat, with a pad, made this impression.”
Strange sounds.
Structure on stilts.
Call blaster (remember – Oregon). A response!
Season Three: Episode Eight – Sounds of Terror
Replay captured Bigfoot sounds, with scary results.
Season Three: Episode Nine – Tracks to Hell
Railroad tunnel. Dangerous.
Season Three: Episode Ten – Divide and Conquer
Orb light off a cliff.
Big Den.
Witness: Jim – roadside encounter. Strong smell. Gliding movement. Orbs. Also witnessed a shadow image.
Camp intruder.
Quiet tech to check immediate area.
Ronny Le Blanc | Monsterland Author and Expedition Bigfoot star
Rail tunnel explored during the day. Find location of strange light.
Tattle tale bird tips off Russell of a threat.
Animal rustling sound.
Mireya – “Something was stalking me.”
Reflecting on Jim’s shadow encounter.
Call blasting.
Then, strange light encounter.
Heat signature.
Two heat signatures.
Then, a heat signature on a large stick that was thrown.
Big trail with broken stuff.
Something huge. Circling.
Big heat through thermal.
Russell, and another heat signature on a bipedal peaking figure.
Season Three: Episode Eleven – The Chase is On
Interview Bruce (Indian Heritage): Lights – They choose you, if then to be seen.
Bruce saw a Bigfoot also, that looked like a hairy man. Black skin on the face. Felt, in danger. Bigfoot Screamed. Like a woman in a horror movie. Bruce ran and got lost. He never gets lost. Messes with your mind to confuse you.
Note: Ronnie and Mireya also go lost. Confused.
A tree structure that might not be Bigfoot related, and why.
Using a tracking device.
Interview Claudia: Trail encounter, in tree. Photo taken. Federal officials’ denial and threat.
“You saw a bear.”
“You saw an Orangutang.”
Bigfoot Eruption says, “Thou dost protest too much.”
Similar feeling shared by Forest Service employee, Bob, in recent episode.
Theory: If the government can’t control it, they won’t acknowledge it.
Meditation as a means of being selected by Bigfoot.
Season Three: Episode Twelve – Man Down
Mireya sees lights.
Ronnie notices that when he crosses an invisible barrier, rocks are thrown.
A member of the team gets lost.
Mireya sees tree peeker biped on them, multiple times.
Ronnie sees eye glow, red.
Bryce sees orbs come together and then vanish.
Tree structure that impresses Mireya.
Season Three: Episode Thirteen – A Massive Discovery
Daytime look at the tree structure. Built with intent.
Interview, Bill Munz, Hollywood costume expert, discussing Patterson Gimlin Film.
Patty is organic. No suit in 1967 can match it.
Interview, no B.S. Bob Gimlin, as Bryce calls from the actual site.
Strategy for a big search as all the evidence so far points to activity in this area.
Mireya on horseback with a tracker.
Pete Kelsey, LiDAR scan of Patty location, with Bryce.
Ronnie with specialist (Chris) for Bigfoot tracking with Remote Viewing.
Russell posted with powerful lenses. Sees a suspicious area.
Mireya: horses are restless at night. Like a guard dog.
Russell: area with heat signature and investigates. Finds self in strange ecosystem of twisted plant archways. Something eluded him by escaping down a cliff.
Ronnie follows lead left by Chris. Hears sounds, and follows.
An amazing view of a Bigfoot standing up and then walking, by Russell.
Season Three: Episode Fourteen – Into Bigfoot’s Den
Russell goes after the Bigfoot.
Mireya finds a large print?

California; image by, 12019 | Pixabay.
California; image by, 12019 | Pixabay.