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Join us as we take notes on each episode. If you want more content, then that means you are interested and can watch these episodes. Sorry, it means subscribing to the streaming service called Discovery Plus. They offer a free initial week of viewing and then you can drop or keep the service.
Pending creation…
In progress…
Season Two: Episode 1
Episode one opens with a teaser of Russell Accord hot on the trail of a Bigfoot, then back up nine weeks…
Algorithm, says SE Kentucky…
Hollers (canyons) will be the key…
Bigfoot “Ridge Walkers” try to stay away from humans by getting high.
Mireya and will stay low. Russell will stay high.
Backyard Eyewitness with Bryce. Tracy Turner/Pastor.
Myria and Ronnie find a cave.
Bryce goes exploring at night.
“It’s creepy when you hear a branch breaking.” – Bryce
“I hope Russell’s having more luck than I am.” – Bryce
“Whatever it was, smelled like death.” – Russell
Abandoned facilities from the coal mining days.
Season Two: Episode 2
Season Two: Episode 3
Day six and seven…
Blasting Audio
Getting Turned Around
Don’t run ahead of the research group?
Harlan Cabin Headquarters
Trail camera thrown into pond…
Heard vocals, footsteps, and tree-break sounds.
Witness interview. Chased out of woods. Pictures of footprints. Baby Bigfoot stepping in parent’s tracks.
Bigfoot Woman Screaming.
Branch breaking (sound)
Light malfunction.
Large foot track near food source.
Will rain destroy the track? Cover it up. Protect it.
Hair sample. Bag it! With tweezers.
Does Bigfoot have claws?
When too much tree litter, look for tree structures.
Season Two: Episode 4:
Day seven…
Witness shares local Creature history.
Weird wild dog vocals and movement.
Frequency device that identifies animals.
IR equipment went wacky for no reason.
Primates noted by electric antenna.
Series of lights spotted.
Sound of broken branches.
Stripped bark on tree.
Jackpot, structure, Tree Structure.
Season Two: Episode 5:
Day eight…
Tree structure during the day.
Collect EDNA.
“Something built it.”
Witness owned a jawbone! Now buried in a museum, never to be seen.
Source of the orb lights?
Trail camera destroyed. Claw marks.
Kentucky Howel strategy. Then tree knock!
Sudden coolness.
“I have eyes coming towards me. I have a light going crazy in front of me.”
Day 16 of 17
“Something destroyed my tent.”
Funky smell.
Injured cameraman. Witness testimony. fossil record.
Our notes give you an idea, so enjoy the show.

Kentucky, Caves; Image by Ally White from Pixabay.
Kentucky, Caves; Image by Ally White from Pixabay.