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Podcasts in 2023 showed us another definition of KNOWING.
The Experiencer.
We need to be careful as we, the little people, start to feel smaller and smaller in all this.
It is not enough to believe without seeing, at least in the Bigfoot Phenomenon. Int he Bible Jesus says to believe without seeing, is faith, and then you are blessed. That is bull to someone who is at odds with the Bible, just as simply believing in Bigfoot is not enough for the non-believer.
Our main Bigfoot Eruption contact has felt it at work. Even possibly losing out on opportunities. As one boss said, “You might want to be careful, people are thinking you are kind of weird because of the Bigfoot thing.”
But the unbeliever thinks we are weird, and the Bigfoot Expert, Researcher, Knower, and Experiencer put us Believers in an awkward spot.
We think because they are so desperate to show how they “Really Know!”
What is next, the Knower Experiencer that Really-Really Knows? Wait, we already have that, it is called the habituate-r.
Those that see Bigfoot People regularly and choose to tell no one else. That means they could have an insulting title that means, “We habituate, and you all can go jump in a lake.”
The effort to further define that you really-really-believe-know-experience-habituate with Bigfoot, again is ok to have definitions, but puts us little people in the irrelevant corner. We know it is hard, but don’t forget the little people. The who?
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King Kong, Godzilla; image, by CDD20 – Pixabay.
King Kong, Godzilla; image, by CDD20 – Pixabay.
Image chosen at it shows the fervor for something, while forgetting about other things.