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Guess what? There is a higher level than just believing in Bigfoot. Introducing the “Knowers.”
Many believe because without having ever seen Bigfoot. Now if you have seen/experienced Bigfoot, you get to elevate yourself even higher, above the rest of us. You are now a KNOWER.
So, if you Believe, you can still be more. You can attain to be both.

Imagine, a Bigfoot believer wanting to see Bigfoot for the first time; image, by Bigfoot Eruption Discord Mid-Journey.
So, in the same way, do the Bigfoot Knowers and the Bigfoot Believers get along? They could, and likely some do, but looks like a rift is present, if the unworthy, call themselves Knowers when they are actually only believers.
The tone of it, when used, is often to separate oneself from lowly believers. A word of pride for the Knower.
So, what is a Knower?
Someone who has experienced Bigfoot in a tangible way. They know.

Imagine, a Bigfoot Believer becoming a Bigfoot Knower; image, by Bigfoot Eruption Discord Mid-Journey.
Just believing is one thing but knowing is entirely different.
It’s like having a near death experience, going to Heaven or Hell, and returning to tell about it. Those are Knowers. While the rest of us believe by faith based on whatever we have learned to make us come to the place of believing in faith, about it.
Bigfoot Knowers are the ones that likely peed themselves out of fear.
Ok, we will let you call yourself “Knower.” But remember to be grateful that you lived through it. Also, consider how you might come off wrong. Be humble. We get it. It was way different than real life, and hard to explain.
Share your thoughts. Tell us about being a Knower and what that is like. Believers share your side. And non-believers, have at it.
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Podcasts with examples: pending.

Smart; image, by Clker-Free-Vector-Images | Pixabay.
Smart; image, by Clker-Free-Vector-Images | Pixabay.
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