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Imagine Bigfoot in a crowded theater for Q & A; image, by Bigfoot Eruption Discord Mid-Journey.
“I am going to research mining, and it is in a Bigfoot hotspot. What should I do the plan ahead?”
Eliot from Bigfoot Eruption yelled out, “Don’t go alone.” Some laughed.
What is it like Wes, when Tony puts out a Bigfoot Podcast?
“Tony, are you ever tempted to float a good interview over to Wes?”
“In the movie you find a ceremonial alter, but then don’t show it until later in the film. Can you at least show a picture of it earlier?” – The producer thought this was a good idea.
“In the movie many of you are recording the orbs on the horizon. Could you still-frame some of it and point to what we are supposed to be looking at? – The producer thought this was a good idea.
“Wes what is going on with your show’s intro?”
And at least three bigfoot encounter stories.
More pending. Feel free to share what you remember if you were there:

The Shield: Creature with Spooky Cryptid Green; image, property of No DInx Designs.
Tell us what you think:

Idea; image, by AJS1 | Pixabay.
Idea; image, by AJS1 | Pixabay.