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We tried a Podcast that was new to us recently, October 2022, and learned that the fans of true Bigfoot Researchers, don’t want the rest of us to call ourselves “Researchers” but that “Investigators” is the more appropriate term.

Imagine Bigfoot Researcher; image, by Bigfoot Eruption Discord Mid-Journey.
But, we say that to be an Investigator is still pretty good, maybe even a compliment, even though in this context it was meant as a lesser category.
By the letter of the law, we at Bigfoot Eruption probably would not qualify even as an Investigator.
How about facilitator of where to find the information? Librarians of the info, or is that a put-down for Librarians? We would be okay with just being called “Enthusiasts” but again, in this context the idea of finding lesser rungs to categorize us, is meant to articulate our place. Each level can have respect. It’s all in how you say it. Tone.
You have heard that Apers and the Woo believers don’t get along?
So, in the same way it is safe to say that Bigfoot Researchers and the Bigfoot Investigators also don’t get along. They could, and likely some do, but looks like a rift is present, if the unworthy, call themselves researchers when they are actually investigators.
The tone in the Podcast, was a matter-of-fact sort of conclusion by the hosts.
We learned a lot from this episode but did feel uncomfortable to be reminded that people like us, need to know our place, by golly!
At Bigfoot Eruption we never claim to be Researchers, nor Investigators; however, we do like to connect the dots, and follow where they lead. We are a bunch of nobody’s, so any criticism when we already have a lowly status, is hard.
Oh, also, if you claim to feel you know what Bigfoot is, then you also are to be shamed.
How about we all graciously listen to each other’s ideas?
Have you been to a Bigfoot Conference? If yes, then you know that each guest speaker gets to say whatever they want, and you have to just sit there and take it.
More than once have I almost walked out because our faith in God had been thrown under the bus by a Bigfoot Researcher.
Hey, we should speak at a conference!
More on this soon. We feel this could have much content. The topic alone, of Bigfooters, or fans of the Phenomenon, not getting along, could be pretty interesting.
One angle to consider, is that either of this faction could be promoting the strife to keep the movement chasing its own tail: thus, wasting time. Otherwise known as, a disinformation strategy. We think we just made that up. Coin it!
The Podcast that inspired this page is linked below. Very informative. Notice how the information about cataloging the research of the great legends of Bigfoot Research is very good. As you listen more, let us know how it made you feel about your status as a member of the Bigfoot community.
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Good info and history in this Podcast. Todd Prescott, pretty amazing:
Sasquatch: Episode#45/Todd Prescott – YouTube
THE BUKWAS CREW | Thomas Steenburg

Civil War; image by 12019 | Pixabay.
Civil War; image by 12019 | Pixabay.