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Oregon Creatures – Evidence Eruption
Bigfoot Creatures in Oregon
First Visit: Saturday, November 16, 2024
We randomly met Judy, a Christmas bell-ringer at a department store. She noticed our shirt and asked, “What does your shirt say?” We shared what Bigfoot Eruption meant, and she said, “Do you believe in Bigfoot?”
We answered, “We think we have to (after all we have seen and heard).”
She explained that she was: Saved by a Bigfoot.
But he hates being called Bigfoot, she said. It is an insult, and instead goes by the name, Tinker.
So, his name was and is Tinker.
He lives in the Cascade Range.
When we said that we call them the Bigfoot people, she said “Yes they are people, and belong to the Indian Nation.”
We are fearful of losing another contact so we will return this week to give her our business card. She said she would be there for this week, all week.
Second Visit: Monday, November 18, 2024
We were relieved that Judy was still there. She recognized us. We gave more than enough business cards in hopes that she would want to communicate with us in the future.
She shared a lot in-between saying to people, “God bless you” and “Have a great evening.” The bell-ringing she could do while talking.
She said this time that she is “A Sensitive.” Meaning, she can pick up on Bigfoot’s thoughts.
We learned that she is a Christian and believes Esau, in the bible, was when the Bigfoot phenomenon began. She confirmed that they then migrated and ended up in Oregon.
We also confirmed that she hasn’t seen Tinker, the Bigfoot person, but has seen him in her mind.
They can be invisible, in part due to their Indian knowledge of things, but looks to us like the Alien in the Predator movie. What we now call cloaking.
She confirmed that frequency and vibration allow them to do this.
Also, they are all about love. So, when she felt that panicked Bigfoot fear that many Experiencers talk about, she went to the door and opened it. It was then clear that a juvenile had put that fear into her mind. Tinker confirmed this and disciplined the child.
She asked if He knew about Jesus and he said, “Yes, we are brothers.”
We asked if they had a portal/doorway to avoid being seen. A way to stay hidden. She said Yes to that.
One time she and her husband were hiking and found a carved-out circle in the foliage. Imagine a round laser perfectly cutting a circle pattern.
She asked if they could enter and a Bigfoot presence that that they were not allowed.

Imagine, the Bigfoot person, of Indian Heritage, First Nation, Oregon Cascade Range, communicating mentally (Image #2); image, by Bigfoot Eruption Discord Mid-Journey.
Judy shared about her husband. Turns out he was bell-ringing at the other door, down the way. I went to talk to him before leaving. I gave him a business card and explained that I had talked to Judy on Saturday and again today.
He described how they went out to see Tinker. He had told Judy that he would reveal Himself to them, but didn’t.
He said Tinker does not talk to him.
We said, so you aren’t sensitive? He said, “No I am sensitive but not as much as Judy. They say that I am not ready yet.”

Imagine, the Bigfoot person, of Indian Heritage, communicating mentally (Image #1); image, by Bigfoot Eruption Discord Mid-Journey.