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Imagine John DeSouza says Bible only religious text with original documents, image by Bigfoot Eruption Discord Mid-Journey.
“The Bible, the only religious sacred text in the world that has original source material.”
John DeSouza, of the original FBI X-Files
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Short Animated Bible Videos | Watch and Download for Free | BibleProject™ A searchable online Bible in over 150 versions and 50 languages.
Bible Search and Study Tools – Blue Letter Bible
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Biblical RX (
In the expanding effort to move new content away from the Bigfoot Eruption domain, especially if it is not Bigfoot Themed Locations, or Bigfoot Topics based on regions of the world, we introduce: Biblical RX (Fallen Edition).
Here is the catch, Fallen Eruption is for the Biblical anyway, so we will see how it goes.
However, Fallen Eruption is meant to deal with a very depressing genre of the Blical. Why? Because the Fallen nature of man directly led to the Hybrid Agenda, which is all over the Bible.
Now there are a lot of Biblical Bigfoot Hypothesis, and they would count for this section.
Cain was “marked” by God.
Esau, became Edom.
And more.
But the Hybrid Agenda, so big, so major, as if the main plot to bastardize the Creator’s Creation, and now we see it again with the Alien Abduction Agenda. Changing DNA again. Satan has no new tricks, just changing the window dressing.
Some of the pages in this section will be for the basic learning, that creates the foundation for the path to Bigfoot, but may be more presented as the Hybrid.