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See the new subsite for this category, Fallen Eruption…

Updated our intentions for this section, as of June 2020; will be a holding tank for Biblical research pages, until they can be rite-fully re-located within this section, Creating Bigfoot RX.

And as of 2022, Fallen Eruption will be the new location for these topics.


October 2023, a glitch has us not being able to get to our Fallen Eruption Subsite as managers, even though you still can. So, we have created this new section in the domain Bigfoot Eruption, which we can access, for new input during the interim:

Descendido Erupción – Bigfoot Eruption


Ok, now back to this original Biblical page:

Here is where we will share the media that helps to prove the Bible as we learn how Bigfoot came to be.

It looks like proving one, proves the other.

For example…

A certain organization seems to be in charge of taking the bones of giants when unearthed. They also say they are fakes, if they can’t go with the first option which is denial. Why? Because if bones of ancient giants are real, then the Bible is true, and God is real. Why? Because this would verify the Bible’s claims of the ancient Giants, which were Hybrids. Creating the possibility of Bigfoot as a Hybrid.

Note: Ancient Giants and Bigfoot people would disprove in some part certain scientific claims, and thus a protected hidden agenda is revealed.

Still not understanding? Bigfoot creatures have hybrid DNA.

Hey, were working on it. Share your ideas. If we want answers to hard questions, then we have to be open to the questions.

See our original pages for Biblical RX:

Bigfoot and the Bible

Noah Code…


Weapons of Warfare

Information for later study:

UMJ by the Ulster Medical Society, referencing the Hereditary Gigantism of Goliath, his brothers, and son, of the Bible as a basis for discussing why Giants get so big, as well as why they, some of them, have oddities, like six fingers and six toes.

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