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Bigfoot Erupting LLC Stuff
Meaning, we needed another place to put our administrative content…
Lessons Learned
Our original admin page which made us wonder, what should be in an admin section, and we need to define Admin. Admin stuff, LLC stuff, business stuff?
LLC Renewal – Evidence Eruption (
Because Bigfoot Eruption is getting too big, so we created this page in the admin section of our sister site, Evidence Eruption. This link will open a new tab to see this page, without losing your Bigfoot Eruption ‘open” tab. Thanks.
Hacking Bigfoot Eruption – Evidence Eruption
Inappropriately put into the section called Evidence Phenomenon/Evidence All Around You, we have learned to never change an online address again. It is a domino effect of bad links all over our site; however, it needs to represent in an admin section.
Define ADMIN
We did it.
Stone, Depth, Arches; image by 132369 | Pixabay.