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Once in a while someone uses our “Contact Us” feature to threaten us. There are a few possible conclusions.
We are doing something right and are on the right track. Is this attack “Evidence” of some truth in what we are doing?
It is just some normal hacker wanting money.
It is a fake hacker phishing for us to take the bait.
In each case we notice something that makes it seem like a scam, and not even a real hack, goading us to get deeper into the mud of the falsehood. So, we thought, why not show the world what stupid looks like.
The Mysterious Merchandise Order
The Sasquatch Museum Misadventures (
Miscellaneous Attacks (see below)…

Red – Matrix – Hacker; Image by Omni Matryx from Pixabay.
Miscellaneous Attacks:
This means that we will consider creating a page for these topics soon, but for now we will just put them here.
August 2021 (Jolly)
Jolly sent us a message through our Contact Form:
“Please update the information on our event. It is always the first weekend in October. This year it is the 1st and 2nd. Thank you!”
Here is the email, and I don’t recommend you reply to it, so it is not linked:
We put two and two together and it added up to SPAM.
First, we checked the events we had listed, and we had two events listed for October 2:
Neither was a two-day event.
Next, we looked up Jolly Safety, and it is a legitimate boot company.
In plain English: we take this to mean it is SPAM. We did not reply, and we deleted it.
Then we went to links that advertised the Tennessee Valley Fiddle Competition, the only event that could be referring to, and the email was correct, and we changed the date, assuming that Jolly Safety was the sponsor.
But it was still odd that the email author gave their name as Jolly. This is very suspicious, but their response did get us to verify, and in doing so we created a full page for that event, that now is linked from the event page, instead of just being a listing.
In case it is an attempt to lure us to email them, into a trap, we won’t reply. Sad face.
October 2021 (Gary Don)
In 2021 we got an email from…
“Are there any Bigfoot Hunts between Kelso, Washington, and Eugene, Oregon?”
We responded, and it turned out to be an email that did not exist!
Do scammers just do this sort of thing for practice?
August 3, 2022 (Intruder at the Front Door)
Not a Hack, but perhaps similar in that it was meant to mess with us?
At 12:21 AM someone rang the doorbell, quickly, which made it sound violently done, about seven times. Spooky.
I (Bigfoot Eruption) went to the door, locked it quickly (oops), it was not locked, so I locked it, before speaking. Then, I said, “Who is it, and what do you want!?” I said this with authority. I was pretty rattled.
No answer.
I started up the stairs and motioned for Kyler (KylerBigfoot7) to come with me. Kaylie (Kaybay12) was in bed upstairs, Kristen (Bigfoot Eruption LLC co-owner) at her bedroom desk (upstairs) where she did not hear the doorbell sounds, and Kellen (Trool Master) was at work, on night shift.
I got into the gun safe (bedroom) and pulled out my 9 MM handgun, racked it, so one was in the chamber, and I took the safety off.
I went into our master bedroom bathroom and opened the window facing the front street. I yelled, “Whoever you are go away and don’t come back. If you come back, we will be here, and we will be ready!” Not caring if neighbors could hear me. I saw no one, but Kyler thought he saw taillights departing up our street. A random prankster? Evidently, he was standing next to me in order to see this. I was shaken enough to not know he was next to me, looking. I did not see the car as he did. I was focused on the front, street, and yard.
I closed the window and called 911. The 911 Operator patched me through to the Albany police dispatch. This dispatcher explained that cars were being sent and asked if I had a firearm. She said she would call back when the police were almost to our house, in which time, she would ask me to put my firearm away. Soon after this first call, the lead police vehicle Sgt called to say they were near. Then the Albany dispatch called back to say they were close, and for me to put away my firearm. Next and finally, the Sgt who patrolled our house, including flashlights, called back to say he (they) found nothing suspicious. I thanked him for being willing to help with something like this, and he said that they are glad to help with things like this. A total of two cars were on the scene, but interesting to experience all of this without seeing them at all.
I retrieved the 9 MM, and as I went downstairs, I cleared the weapon, extracting a round, and it fell onto the steps. This was to re-orient myself with the weapon/to feel ready, once again.
Once downstairs, I turned on the front and back porch light and barricaded the front door.
We had Kyler get in our bed, and I am decided to stay up all night. Just in case.
I have the car keys upstairs now so I can make the cars do a beep sound once in a while.
I have barricaded the front door, and sent a text to Kellen to call when he gets home (around 6 AM), SO i CAN LET HIM IN.
Feels creepy – unsettling that someone with bad intent touched our doorbell, stood on our porch, and then fled past our cars, and then up the street…likely to depart in that car that Kyler saw.
Praying for Jesus and His Holy Spirit to do a cleansing. Also, that Gurdian Angels, or whatever angels…would compel these ruffians to not do it again, or to get caught. Perhaps to feel conviction too.
This now may sound like an over-reaction, but so be it.
Maybe just a prankster? Seemed so random, and this has never happened before. A gang initiation? Kids just wanting a thrill? Rude.
After everyone was in bed, I message Wyman Smith of 911 Bigfoot Help, and our Corvallis Oregon Point of Contact, Heidi.
Next a full email to our Seattle Washington Point of Contact, and CC’d our Albany Oregon Point of Contact, and Heidi, as this was a more detailed message, some of which was this portion I am typing now.
Note: At some point one of the professionals asked if we had a RING doorbell camera.
Kyler said we could check our neighbors RING camera, and we will. Good idea, as their camera has our front door within view.
Note: A situation like this can feel intense and shows how normal people, while scared can do amazing things, but things that could get them in trouble even if out of a need to feel safe at home. I tried to remind myself to try and cool it, even if something happened. Prayers for those that end up in trouble with the law while defending while in fear.
The sun came up around 5 AM, but I waited for Trool Master to get home from work, around 6:30 AM. Now, daytime, I started to feel silly. Did I overreact? Still not cool, whoever did that to us.
Earlier, Kirsten had mentioned that maybe, they chose our house because we were the only home on our street that was awake? We had many interior lights on, upstairs and down.
This would mean, they wanted an immediate response; thus, making for a more exciting get-away?
Wyman responded that his girlfriend wondered if it was someone that was tweaking.
Tweaking Defined: The fourth and most dangerous stage of someone on meth, as they are coming off the high.
Smart deduction. Wondering if someone tweaking would pre-meditate getting our attention and then running to a get-a-way car?
Next Time:
There is a part of us, the insulted – threatened part, that wants to open the door next time, and at minimum, get really sarcastic. At most, citizen’s arrest?
And is this act against us, even a crime?
The real answer is probably to call 911 again.
In the future we will ask the authorities what actions we are allowed to do. One concern is that we end up hurt or dead, by taking matters into our own hands.
However, don’t poke the Bear. Don’t release the Bigfoot Eruption!

Criminal: image by, xusenru | Pixabay.
Criminal: image by, xusenru | Pixabay.