Loehrscapes Art

Mark & Morgan Loehr

Artist Mark Loehr

Facebook: Loehrscapes (Mark Loehr)


Message # 541-619-3325

390 Park Street, Lebanon, Oregon 97333


Their storefront is their home, and they say all are welcome.

Loehrscapes curbside; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.

Their location is not far from the Bigfoot Grille where you see that Matk Loehr has left his mark…

Mark Loehr and the Bigfoot Grille, Lebanon, Oregon; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.

They do many styles, see below, but do specialize in Bigfoot paintings.

Loehrscapes, artist Mark Loehr; photo, property of Mark Loehr and Loehrscapes Art.

The Story

Have you seen this photo before?

Bigfoot Eruption, scouting out merchandise in Lebanon, Oregon; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.

In 2018 we were Erupting our way back from a soccer game in Lebanon, Oregon, and saw this Bigfoot Sighting. We had to pull over. We talked to someone that must have been Mark Loehr, the artist of Loehrscapes, because he gave us the Loerscapes business card.

He said they were moving, and then we left, and lost the business card until 2020.

Loehrscapes, the infamous business card; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.

We called and left a message, in August 2020. Morgan called back immediately, and all was revealed.

The Bigfoot carvings, that’s not what they do. They were on the property, selling their merchandise.

The carver is someone else. This mystery carver is best known to us, and possibly to those in the Lebanon, Oregon area, as the carver of the wood carved Bigfoot Creatures at the retired Bigfoot Bite’s…

Bigfoot Bits, Burger’s and More (Closed), Lebanon, Oregon; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.

And also the current Bigfoot Steakhouse in Lebanon, Oregon, called The Bigfoot Grille…

Bigfoot Grille, Lebanon, Oregon; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.

We will seek out the business that makes these carvings. Pending…

Here is more Loehrscapes Art:

Loehrscapes, artist Mark Loehr; photo, property of Mark Loehr and Loehrscapes Art.

Loehrscapes, artist Mark Loehr; photo, property of Mark Loehr and Loehrscapes Art.

Loehrscapes, artist Mark Loehr; photo, property of Mark Loehr and Loehrscapes Art.

Loehrscapes, artist Mark Loehr; photo, property of Mark Loehr and Loehrscapes Art.

Loehrscapes, artist Mark Loehr; photo, property of Mark Loehr and Loehrscapes Art.

Loehrscapes, artist Mark Loehr; photo, property of Mark Loehr and Loehrscapes Art.

Contact Loehrscapes to learn more!

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