Evidence Eruption, our subsite for Bigfoot Evidence, cannot be accessed as of October 2023, so until it is back for us to manage, we have created this section so we may continue to dump in what we learn.

Evidence Eruption – Guide to the world of Bigfoot Evidence. (bigfooteruption.com)

Supernatural – Bigfoot Eruption

Paranormal – Bigfoot Eruption

***** New For Evidence Eruption (2023) *****


Paranormal Bigfoot – Bigfoot Eruption



Revelations – Bigfoot Eruption


Blurry Creatures:

EP: 200 Sasquatch is Human? with Duke Sullivan – Blurry Creatures | Podcast on Spotify

Bigfoot revealed. This answers many questions. Mating, DNA, History, Mind Speak. Evil, Not Evil, Anunnaki, likes, dislikes, and more! Includes, what they are, and what they are not.

Mountain Style Bigfoot Eruption; painting and photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.

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