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Sasquatch Chronicles Blog: The Oldest Account of Bigfoot was recorded in 986 A.D.

Sasquatch Research Association:  Skellring – North America – Lief Eriksson

You Tube – Mind Shock: LEIF ERIKSON and BIGFOOT (EARLIEST SASQUATCH ENCOUNTERS) Warning: Colorful Language

Scribble Maps – Leif Erikson’s voyage

Trip Advisor – Lief Erikson Monument – Newfoundland

Did Leif Erikson Really Find Bigfoot? (

Imagine, Lief Erikson hears the Skellring; image, by Bigfoot Eruption Dischord Mid-Journey.

Note: Even a misidentification should be considered and respected as part of the process. Even though Marco Polo claimed to see small Bigfoot type people, Orang Pendek, and even though Alexander the Great said he saw the Yeti people, this Lief Erikson account, for us, is a potential beginning of the Bigfoot Phenomenon.

Note: The screeching sounds heard by the Vikings, scared them. Scared the Vikings? Sorry, this could be more than just natives of the area,


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Bigfoot Eruption is registered with GIPHY.

Bigfoot Eruption is registered with Google Maps.

Bigfoot Eruption is a Trip Advisor contributor.

Viking, Mask, Carving; image by Pashi | Pixabay.

Viking, Mask, Carving; image by Pashi | Pixabay.

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